Falling in love with nature, even if she might be the death of me.


Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Whenever I can get on.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Comedy, Medieval, Romance, Sci-Fi, Modern
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"Trakhni tebya, Solnyshko." Kot glared down at the blond haired nightshift security guard. The fabric of the outer layer of his costume was torn from where the guy had managed to strike him with a knife. It was difficult for the villain to keep a smile from his face, really. It had been an unanticipated strike. He hadn't even seen the knife on the male. Of course, the blade had failed to pierce the thicker Kevlar woven under layer of his costume, though he would have to sew up the slash when he got back home, and he had swiftly removed the blade from the guard's person once the original surprise had left him.

Now the guard was flat on his back in the dark lab, nothing except a flashlight that had been knocked clear across the room illuminating the figure clad in a dark bodysuit. A blue tactical belt was worn around his hips, and as he moved slightly into the light, the traces of a dark blue tiger stripes could be seen on his costume, and a black cat mask with a similar pattern was worn, hiding the robber's face.

It was odd that this laboratory had a partially armed guard, the others from earlier that week had been carrying guns. "You are brave. That is a good thing, though it will not help you in dealing with me. I'll give you a chance to leave before you get yourself hurt." There was a warm softness to his accented voice, almost like a purr as he loomed over the male. He turned his back to the male as he returned to sifting through an open filing cabinet, sharp gaze flicking rapidly over papers marked as classified, appearing to be searching for something in particular. He heard the guard tentatively rise to his feet, and a smile drifted onto his features.

He saw the change in the shadows and felt the guard get close, his steps quiet but still obvious to the masked villain. A dark chuckle sounded from him. "Solnyshko, you were warned." He spoke softly still, a note of humor to his voice now. He suddenly stomped backwards on the male's foot, an elbow driving straight back into the male's chest and knocking the wind out of him. And as Kot turned fully towards the male, it was with a hammer fist straight into the man's temple, which successfully knocked him out.

He looked down at the limp body on the ground and tisked softly, disappointed in the briefness of the encounter, before turning his attention back to more important things. The silent alarms began to go off, and he noted his decreasing timeframe. Seven minutes until the police would arrive on the scene, and he'd rather avoid getting shot tonight. While he was mostly healed up from the incidents earlier that week, there was still a dull ache in his leg from the mending bullet wound that certainly wasn't helped by stomping. He found the papers he was after and hastily folded them up and shoved them into a pocket on his belt, before running to the stairwell, with the aim to escape via the rooftop.

*Translation: Trakhni tebya, Solnyshko - Fuck you, Sunshine*

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eleonora aka terra

Usually, Leo liked to leave things to the authorities. She liked to believe that they would do their job right and find people responsible for wreaking havoc or doing bad things in the city. That was in the job description after all, right? Besides, interfering would only bring about too many question. That didn't mean that she didn't interfere. She just liked to use her.... abilities as a last resort. Violence was not something she advocated, but she had been keeping an eye out in the news for this masked robber who seemed to be a disturbance as of late, and Leo told herself that next time, she would have to step in. This guy was quick, skilled, and something about the way he worked and so easily escaped the authorities told her that he was different too. And if that was the case, then the cops didn't really stand a chance.

For a while now, Leo had kept a police monitor in her home, to pick up on frequencies and ensure nothing too untoward was taking place right under her nose. It wasn't her place to step in, but of course, she couldn't sit idly by while knowing she could possibly put a criminal behind bars and prevent any further destruction to the town. When she heard the dispatch call to an area that was actually not too far off from her apartment, Leo was quick to jump into action, especially because she knew that it was the masked robber that seemed to always slip away before he could be spotted, let alone caught.

Leo thought it odd that a laboratory was being robbed. She couldn't imagine what kind of things were being stolen, but it obviously would amount to some disastrous results and Leo couldn't let that happen. She had quickly slipped into another outfit that would keep her true identity hidden, and instead, Leo took on the person of Terra, a vigilante who preferred using non-lethal methods to subdue criminals. And this was her intention now as well, as she raced to the scene. A gut feeling told Leo that entering through the main doors would not catch the guy she was after. As she neared the building, she lifted her head, glancing to the rooftops from underneath the hood of her khaki green cloak. She knew immediately that was where she needed to be. If her target was heading there or not, at least it would give her a good vantage point, so if she spotted anything, she could spring into action.

Leo wasted no time in scaling the side of the building, using the fire escape to get herself to the top as quickly as she could, where she perched herself on the ledge and watched for the single door as though she expected it to open any minute. And when it did, she resisted the urge to smile because of how she had been right in her predictions. Instead, she tried to play this out, wanting to talk before she had to resort to other methods. "Going somewhere?"

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Kot took pause as he stepped outside, sharp gaze locking onto the woman. He carefully shut the door behind him and leaned back against it, quietly talking stock of his new opponent. "Isn't it late for children to be running around?" He commented with a small quirk to his lips as he found her height to be something of moderate amusement. His head tilted slightly to the side as he looked at her more closely. No signs of obvious weapons, he couldn't pick up the chemical smell he'd come to associate with guns and medication, so either the woman was a fool or she herself could be a weapon. "Tell me, what makes you different from everyone else that's gotten in my way? Aside from the obvious, Vetochka." He asked with a note of humor to his accented voice.

He lightly stepped away from the door, taking a few steps towards her, while still being sure to keep his distance. "It seems like you have some time on your hands, you'd have to if you already have a costume, and I have three minutes to spare. You can try to stop me if you wish, but I guarantee that you will ultimately lose." His posture had been entirely relaxed throughout their little rooftop standoff.

He was nearly six feet tall, silhouetted and borderline threatening with his bold actions. His darker costume had him blending in fairly well with the darker cityscape around them when he wasn't directly in front of the flickering yellow light above the rooftop door. It only illuminated the first ten feet past the door and he had moved just beyond that point. This woman had caught him by surprise, but she was at the disadvantage here. He hadn't taken the time to notice the weeds that were sprouting from the gravel roof, though he'd caught their scent and was amused by the notion of them reclaiming the building. It would save him some trouble, at least.

*Translation: Vetochka - Sprig or twig, young growth.*

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eleonora aka terra

Leo pursed her lips at the first comment that came her way. Jokes about her height were endless in the real world, so she was used to it, but this was coming from a total stranger who was apparently a criminal. And who also apparently didn't at all feel threatened by her. That was perhaps what enlightened Leo more, because she liked to surprised people with what she was capable of, and this man was about to experience that himself.

"Well for starters, I don't believe in violence as an answer," she told him, beginning to give him what he wanted by answering his question. She made no movement as he walked over to the ledge where she stood, quite balanced too. The training of a ballerina certainly helped with things like this. That, and she was doing her best not to focus on the fact that she was so high up.

Vines were already beginning to form where she stood, but in the dim lighting were probably not even visible. They weren't that prominent either, because she wasn't willing them. No, these were a side effect of what she was feeling at that very moment. This much taller male was meant to be an intimidating figure and while Leo was not totally intimidated, her powers tended to act of their own accord anyway, mostly in self defence.

"And second," she continued, now actively using her powers to form more vines. "I'm not your average security guard." At this point, thick tendrils crawled up the side of the building, snaking toward the man before her before tightly wrapping around his ankles. They grew at an alarmingly fast rate, because Leo couldn't just let the guy escape, now, could she? More vines shot out, this time upward, to restrain his hands. Leo's intention was to just keep him in place till the authorities showed up and then she would be off.

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Kot watched her carefully as she spoke, feigning ignorance at the sight of vines creeping towards him as he listened to her. He gave an appreciative nod with her first reason, and an eye roll came at the second one. "I believe I said aside from the obvious." A note of sarcasm could be heard in his voice. His stance was calm right up until the vines moved far faster than he'd imagined them to be able to. He tried to jump back, but it was too late. He fell to the ground with a surprised sound that escaped him, and moved a bit too quick to get back up. He felt that strong ache in his leg come back with a vengeance that told him that he'd messed something up, again, but there were more problems at play now that he was back on his feet. He'd deal with it later.

A vine had coiled around his wrist while he'd been getting up, and he watched for a moment as it continued to grow around him. She wasn't an ordinary security guard, that was certain. His gaze flicked back to her curiously, wondering if she needed to make any physical movements to perform this little trick. His mental clock didn't allow for much more consideration, though. "Sorry." He muttered softly before flicking his wrist, metal claws appearing with the gesture. He made quick work of the growing tangle that had been creeping up his legs and preventing his escape.

He cut himself loose while keeping an eye out for any other vines that threatened to snare him. "Time's up." He said with a little smile as he swiftly moved away from the growing vines. The sirens were approaching their block now and it was time for him to move. She was in the way of his first choice of escape routes and he wasn't going to fight someone who didn't outright try to harm him. He'd felt the strength in those vines, she probably could have crushed him if she were actually trying to hurt him. Most supers usually knocked out their targets in order to deliver them to the police, the fact that she didn't immediately go for that was something of interest.

He'd have to look into her more closely when he got home. But for now, he picked escape plan three. He took a running start towards a neighboring building, his speed surpassing that of an ordinary human, watching closely for any vines that threatened to catch him. He took a flying leap off the roof. He rolled as he landed on the roof of the building next to the lab, which had been about three stories shorter. He was on his feet and running in a fluid motion, obviously unphased from the fall or the heights at play. He didn't know if she would follow him or not, but with the growing distance it was easy for him to blend into the dark, and that would help him in his escape.

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eleonora aka terra

Leo could tell that she had at least been successful in terms of achieving a surprised expression from the man tbat faced her. He hadn't seen the vines coming and where Leo lacked in physical strength, her vines usually made up for it. They grew thicker and were stronger than average vines found along buildings, and Leo coupd control them to do whatever she wanted. Some might have thought to use the vines to subdue him further, knocking him out. It wouldn't be hard. It just needed to be wrapped around his neck. Or, she could produce a plant with natural anaesthetic properties. It would be done quickly, but Leo didn't believe in those methods. Then she'd be no better than the criminals she was after.

She did make note of the fact that this criminal in particular was also not ordinary criminal, just like she was no ordinary person of authority. He had managed to cut through her vines which gave Leo a small stab of pain as though it was almost a part of her. She kept a straight face however, already moving to try and capture him again, but he was already off, and much faster than she had expected him to be. Leo may have extraordinary abilities with nature but she was still human. She had the pace of a human and couldn't leap off a building without injuring herself quite badly. She slowed to a stop near the other ledge and watched as the man effortlessly landed on the neighbouring building before continuing to run.

Leo muttered a small curse under her breath. She knew there was no way she could catch up to him now. He had escaped yet again. But Leo was determined. She knew she was going to wait to hear about him in the news again and next time she would be more prepared. Next time he wouldn't escape her clutches because he couldn't be allowed to get away with whatever he was doing. Yet at the same time, she had to note that he did nothing to outwardly attack her or subdue her to make his escape easier, but she could have sworn that other times, guards were usually found unconscious. It made her curious, to say the least. But the sound of the loud sirens below snapped her back to reality and she quickly began to make her way off the building to head back home. For today, nothing more could be done, but Leo awaited her next chance to finally catch this guy.

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Kot stopped running once he was about two blocks away from the lab. He was sitting on a rooftop in the deepest shadow he could find. His breath came heavily, his leg hurt, and his heart was still pounding in his chest despite the fact that he'd been stopped for a few minutes now. He knew his leg was already healing up a bit from his idiocy, but he had a feeling that his whole healing process was put off by a few days at least. It could be worse, had he lacked his healing ability he'd be out of commission for nearly a month; he was only looking at a week and a half for his recovery time.

Letting out a long, controlled breath, he slowly got back up and considered walking the alleys in order to get back home. But there was a chance that he might bump into the unsavory types of people that flicked to dark alleyways at night and he really didn't feel like pushing his luck any farther than he already had tonight. So he lighted his gaze to the light polluted sky, drew in another deep breath, and took off running across the rooftops once more.

Taking a roundabout route in order to get back to his humble abode was second nature at this point. He could never be too careful in a city filled with superheroes and villains, and adding all this with his personal history always had him paying attention.

The city had once been heavily invested in imports and exports, and the turn towards research and technological advancement as the city's primary income had left many of the warehouses and other heavy industrial buildings that lined the eastern riverfront abandoned. Now there was a project going on to transform these buildings into housing and trendy shops, to varying success. The warehouses that had been claimed by the city were auctioned off, and Leone had managed to purchase one in a relatively decent location for dirt cheap... with money that he less than legally obtained from a group that had obtained it from other less than legal sources. Namely because the area had been notoriously plagued with gang violence, but he'd scared them off in record time if he dared say so himself.

He'd built up a few decent apartment units inside and, while admittedly not knowing much about setting up rental agreements or average costs, he rented out a few on the cheap side for people who needed them. He climbed into his unit through an unlocked window off the fire escape. He unpacked the stolen paperwork and quickly changed into some comfortable pajamas. His costume got shoved into its usual hiding spot, and proceeded to face plant into bed.

He'd look into whoever that hero was in the morning. After coffee. Wait, the coffee maker was still broken. Was it too late to head out to Walmart? A glance at his alarm clock told him that he had absolutely no chance at doing that. Which meant that he'd be crawling to that one coffee shop a few blocks down. That was fine. Just fine.

A low groan escaped Leone as the sunlight finally managed to sneak in through his curtains and hit his eyes. He feebly kicked at the curtain in order to get it to close all the way, before falling out of bed with a startled jerk as a loud knock came from the door. He carefully climbed down the ladder of his lofted bedroom and went to answer the door. Eliza Volt, Unit 10, black hair that fell like a curled mane around her and green eyes that could shoot lasers if she thought you were bullshitting her. He needed coffee. "Mr. Kyvak, I'm sorry to bother you first thing in the morning, but the sink's leaking. My husband got the water to stop but he said that you'd need to take a look at it."

He brought a hand over his face, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "I'll be right over, just need to get dressed first." And with that, his morning was off to a wonderful start.

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eleonora aka terra

Leo had gone straight home. She didn't stick around to see the cops realise that they'd lost their perp yet again. She knew, however, that it was only a matter of time before the guy resurface, and she knew she would be ready for it, whenever it came. By the time she arrived at her little shoebox of an apartment, she knew daylight would be coming soon, and as it was, she wasn't too tired either. She had walked through the door, passed by an unfinished painting sitting on an easel, and gone straight to her bedroom.

Leo didn't bother changing because she had a little work to do. By night, she may be a masked, hooded vigilante with plant like abilities, but by day -- for the most part -- she was a twenty-three year old aspiring artist, who made a living by illustrating children's books and doing some freelance paint work if some rich family wanted a mural on their walls. It paid well and she got to do what she loved, so Leo didn't really mind. And she had a book to be illustrated and sent out by the next morning, so she needed to finish it up quickly.

She had just about completed two drawings, without colour, when the room, already lit, became even brighter due to the sun streaming in from the open windows. Leo's day was only just beginning. Usually, when she had illustrating to do, she left home because she often got way too bored when she was cooped up in the apartment, and in any case, being outdoors or in new places gave her some inspiration too. Like with most other illustrations, Leo would pack her things and go to the little coffee shop down the street.

It was a quaint place, with amazing coffee, and Leo had made it a habit to go there at least five times a week. It was probably a lot of coffee consumption, considering she sat there for hours together till she finished her work, but nobody disturbed her there, and by now, she'd even made a couple of regular friends.

So, after checking the time on her phone, Leo began to get ready. She showered, changed into a pair of shorts and a t shirt that was tucked in, because it didn't seem very cold outside, and after tying her hair up, she grabbed her backpack and headed out. The walk was only about five minutes long, considering she didn't get distracted by something enough to want to stop and take a picture. Usually, there was something or the other every day, but today there wasn't anything out of the ordinary, and so she continued forward till she had made it to the cafe.

It had just opened, so she was one of the first customers of the day. Leo ordered her usual, which was just a black coffee with a lot of sugar and a blueberry muffin on the side, and once she had collected, she went to sit down at her usual table. Her books were brought out, which was where she did the manual sketches before digitising and colouring them, and she didn't have a lot left so she was hoping to be done by lunch. And now that she was all settled and ready to work, she began to draw.

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Leone made his way to the coffee shop with an annoyed expression on his face, hardly the first time he'd done so. Mornings were the greatest enemy the villain could ever know. He had a few Hello Kitty bandages on his knuckles, a simple green T-shirt on, and a pair of black jeans that had seen better days. He had a nasty case of bedhead this morning, and getting sprayed in the face with ice cold water really hadn't helped measures as his dark curls stuck up wildly here and there.

The smell of coffee overtook his senses as he walked in the door. He sharpened up almost immediately, gaze flicking over the board and the pastry display as he put together something that would suit his needs. "Can I get an iced caramel macchiato with a cream cheese danish?" He took a glance around the shop and spotted Leo in her usual spot, drawing away. When the barista asked for a name, he was quick with his answer. "For Thanos." Someone in the back of the shop muttered a too soon and a satisfied smirk appeared on his face.

He claimed his lifeblood and the danish and made his way over to the table the name stealer was at. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back, right? "So, did you see anything interesting on the way here?" He asked with a little tilt of his head as he tried to take a peak at her work.

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eleonora aka terra

Leo had been very absorbed in her work, so every bell that sounded when someone walked through the coffee shop barely caught her attention. So many people came and went. If she paid attention to them all, she would never get her work done, would she? So she continued on with her sketch, finishing up one and then starting to digitise them all, which was considerably much easier than actually drawing them because this was just to do with tracing.

She would have continued on with her work, not realising that a familiar face was just getting his coffee, till he actually came over and began to speak to her. That definitely made her look up though, and she set her hand aside, lowering her stylus, before lifting her gaze to meet that of the man that stood before her, coffee in hand. A small smile lit up her face as she briefly recalled how the two of them even came to meet. It was definitely the first time she'd had to argue with someone over whether the coffee was hers or not. They just so happened to give out the same name, and they just so happened to have the same coffee order. Leo, however, was stubborn, and continued to give the same name even though it was clear that the guy was going to continue coming to the same coffee shop, and apparently, at similar timings too. He seemed to have changed the name he gave out, which she noticed a while ago, but she hadn't yet asked about it.

"Not exactly," she admitted, moving back slightly to lean against the back of her chair as he took a look at what she was doing. She gestured to the seat in front of her for him to sit, if he wanted to. "This is work. It's what I usually do here. I get too distracted at home," she explained, before eyeing his coffee for a moment and then deciding to just ask, since she was curious. "So what name do you give out now?" She asked him curiously. "Or do you just time yourself so that you come in after me, and give the same name?" Honestly, once she had gotten her coffee order and was sitting down to work, she wouldn't have noticed if the barista called out her name.

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Leone took the seat across from her and looked over her work with a flash of one of his rare morning smiles. "Can't say that I'd ever manage to do a job like this." He commented, looking over her work. His posture had the same tired slump to it as always tended to have, though he had perked up a bit to see some of the drawings closer to her side of the table. He rolled his eyes slightly with her line of questioning, a small grin playing across his features. "Bold of you to assume that I have my life together enough to perfectly time my entrance into a coffee shop." He said with a little drawl to it for effect. "I've just been stealing villain names lately. Today felt like a Thanos kind of day." He answered her question easily enough, adjusting it in his grip so that she could see the name.

His gaze flicked down to where he felt the Hello Kitty bandage starting to lift off his knuckles and he smoothed it back down with his other hand. "When do you need to have these done by?" He asked curiously. He wouldn't stick around and continue to bug her if the deadline was pressing close.

eleonora aka terra

Leo chuckled slightly and watched him as he took the seat opposite her that she had offered him. "Well you do seem like the type of person to have things together so, I mean, it's not totally farfetched to assume that," she told him before listening intently as he explained that instead of that being the case, he chose to give out the names of villains.

"Thanos?" she echoed, smiling a bit and setting her stylus down lazily while her gaze flew from him to the coffee cup in his hands, sporting the very name he told her he had given instead of his actual one. "Well I suppose villain names are apt for someone trying to steal my coffee order," she told him with a smirk, very clearly just teasing him. After days of arguing about whose coffee order was being called out, Leo felt comfortable enough to joke around a bit. Besides, they saw each other quite frequently there.

Leo's gaze flitted briefly to the illustration she had been working on when she heard his next question. "End of the day," she explained. "I'm more or less done so I'm hopefully looking at a free rest of the day today." And that was a rarity in her life when she had illustrations to complete, or photography to do. "What about you?" she asked, nodding in his direction. "After your morning coffee, what are you usually up to?"

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"What more do you want from me, other than my name and my coffee?" He joked when she brought up their great coffee battles. It was almost surreal to him as he looked back at his sleep addled memories. Leo wasn't exactly a common nickname after all.

With a first meeting like that, it was a bit easier for him to be social with the woman. Still, he never shared too much about his personal life with her. He took a long sip of his coffee as he considered how he'd answer her next question. "It depends on the day, really. I have a couple off and on jobs." He began with a shrug. "At some point today I need to go make an estimate on a property." It sounded mundane enough to pass without too many questions. "That should be it, unless I get called in somewhere else."

He was aware of the bandaids trying to lift up again and once again tried to smooth it down. "Might have to take a trip to the store, though. Forgot to stop on my way home last night."

eleonora aka terra

Leo nodded as she listened to him explain that he had a couple of jobs he did. Her gaze momentarily shifted toward the bandaids on his hand, and how they seemed to want to come off instead of stay on, and she dropped her stylus for the time being, to reach into her backpack.

"Well," she said, fishing around for a strip of bandaids she knew she usually kept in one of the pockets, "while I love your taste in bandaid themes," she said, nodding briefly to his hand with a smirk, clearly meaning the Hello Kitty bandaids that hid his cuts. "it looks like you need new ones." Finally finding the strip of bandaids, she held them out for him to take.

"You should probably still take a trip to the store though because it looks like you'll still need to buy bandaids," Leo added after a moment before deciding to act a bit more on her curiosity. "What is it that you do that requires you to use so many bandaids?" She arched an eyebrow. "Or was this just from a fight, or something?"

A chuckle sounded from him at her comments on his bandaids and took the bandaids she offered with a grateful nod. "Well, I guess I fought a sink?" Humor had entered his voice as he answered her next question. Obviously he was going to elaborate, but first he took another sip of his coffee

"My neighbor's sink broke this morning and I helped her out with it. My hand slipped while I was working and I busted my knuckles on the metal fastener thing on the water pipe." He explained. "The lady has a little girl, so everything is Hello Kitty right now." He took off the Hello Kitty bandaids and replaced them with the normal ones. His knuckles were a bit bruised and there were two little cuts on them that lined up perfectly. The new bandaids covered it all up just the same. "They were holding up fine before I walked in here." He added before he got up and threw out the old bandaids.

He sat down and took another sip of his coffee. "But now I'm curious, why do you have bandaids on you? I didn't think illustration was a dangerous profession."

eleonora aka terra

Listening to leone as he explained what exactly it was he got up to that caused the small injuries on his hand, Leo nodded and chuckled softly by the time he had reached the end, which also provided an explanation for the Hello Kitty bandaids. "Well that does make more sense," she said finally, glancing back to his hand as he replaced the old bandaids with the new ones she had given him.

At his question, Leo had a quick answer. It wasn't that she had prepared it on the off chance that someone asked since her answer was mostly the truth. It just wasn't the full truth. "Illustrations are not a dangerous profession," she agreed with a small smile, leaning back in her seat and taking a sip of her coffee before she went on to continue. "But i'm an incredibly careless person so they come in handy a lot, in my case."

Of course, they came in handy for other reasons as well. Though Leo tried to avoid violence at all costs, she still ended up earning some scrapes and bruises somehow, trying to put her agility to use to capture someone. Hardly ever, during the day, but like with Leone, she had to replace bandaids sometimes so it was handy having extra in her bag at all times.
