Fairytale High

James had to have hovered in the three for several minutes, but made the conscious decision it was time to move on when he kept getting odd little glances from those below. As much as he liked the view he wasn't much one for being viewed back. He moved his way carefully back to the trunk of the tree and was about the jump down when he noticed something carved into the three. Initials. Had some other kid already scaled the three and made their mark? He lifted a hand to touch the letters eyebrows coming together before he shook his head and headed down the tree. Whatever it was, it wasn't his business.

Once back on the ground his reached into his pocket to pull out a scrap of paper with a number on it. His room number to be exact. He wanted to go snooping around but before he could really indulge his curious nature he need to go drop his bags off. Maybe, if he was lucky, he could get there before his room mate and not have to run into them until tonight. Plus he could get his choice of bed.

Stashing the paper back into his pockets he grabbed his bags and headed off to the dorm building, wandering down a few halls he didn't necessarily have to before going to his room. When he pushed open the doom door he froze for a moment finding someone already inside. A brightly colored lad who had apparently already made himself at home. James took a moment to let himself process the others belongings before he slipped inside. He moved to his side of the dorm room setting his bags down next to the unclaimed bed.
Marshall was happily placing pins in pincushions and placing them onto the shelves he'd designated the 'hat tool shelf' whilst his kettle boiled when he heard the door click open. The boy leaned his chair back until it was firmly held up by two legs and his own hands, Finding himself practically doing a handstand on his chair he looked strangely at the boy who'd just entered the room.

"Good morning downside-up fellow, I'm presuming you shall be partaking in living with me this year?" he asked, looking up at the boy expectantly. The kettle clicked whilst Marshall was in his upside-down predicament and swiftly used one foot to slip the shoes and socks of the other then repeated the activity with the other foot whilst consistently looking up at the other boy in the room.

"It's a shame really..." he said, pausing as he moved his feet over to the kettle and began to pour it, steam forming from below his feet as the sweet smell of tea began to fill the room.
"...I was hoping to get dormed with someone who wasn't devoid of hat." he added with a sigh as the sound of a spoon scraping and tapping against pot began to emerge from his feet.
"Do you like tea?" he asked, a teacup flinging from the air and landing in one of his hands whilst the other kept his balance. Toes coiled around the handle of the teapot, he began to lean forward, pouring tea from the pot into the cup in his hand before daintily being placed back onto the counter. He held up the teacup in a 'cheers' motion before taking a sip.
James eye him in something like disbelief, unable to answer his questions in his muted shock. The only action he was able to do was reach his hand up to touch the top of his head, eyebrows coming together. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be insulted or indifferent. All that he could really manage in this situation was confusion and a mild amusement.

"I...ugh," He scratched at his head lightly before dropping his hand back down, "I'm not a hat kind of guy?" It came out more as a kind of question, before he shook his head to knock some sense back into himself. "I've never looked good in them, plus my hat hair is pretty." He then casually turned to examine the 'hat tool shelf' his room mate had set up.

"My mother likes tea, says it calms her nerves. Some times I'll have a cup with her. I usually need more caffeine then it can offer, though." He shrugged half heartedly, resisting the urge to pick up some of his room mates things and get a closer look. "You some kind of circus kid?" He asked, gesturing to Marshall and his balancing act.
Marshall rolled his eyes at the boy's answers and sighed. By swerving his body whilst balancing on one chair leg then swinging his entire body around to sit back on the chair properly, he managed to move the chair to face James.
"Everyone looks good in a hat, you just haven't tried enough hats." he said with a sigh before inhaling another whiff of his sweet yet milky smelling drink prior to taking another sip. He crossed his legs, beginning to slip his socks back on using only his feet. "And no, I'm some kind of tea shop kid. England is rather devoid of circuses to be quite honest." he answered "I'm simply very flexible and know how the human body works, others are simply too lazy, anyone can do what I do if they tried, that or at least believed." he added rather insultingly, though he seemed rather irate after his 'circus kid' comment.
"So, what exactly have you come here to achieve?" he asked the boy, spontaneously changing the subject before his conversational partner could respond, not out of curiosity but simply to get the conversation moving to a point where he could close it. He was more skilled at starting a conversation than stopping it, he considered it somewhat of a curse.
This guy was weirder then James was expecting, but he supposed he should count his lucky starts he hadn't got paired up with a religious zealot. That would have been a nightmare of hurt feelings and stepped on toes. Probably ending in some kind of exorcism. Though he had the feeling that he had already stepped on this guys toes, so to speak. Before he could try an make a move to express he meant no harm the conversation was already bustling along. Handling his room mate, he realized, was going to be something that he'd need to practice at. That or just make moves to learn his schedule and avoid him... He lowered him to sit on his bed, one foot laid flat on the floor while he propped the other up on his own bag of things. "I'm here for an education like everyone else, i guess." He didn't seem to terribly certain about it, but it was what he was going with.
Marshall sighed, once again, and found himself in disbelief at this guy's responses. By this point he gave up on receiving logical answers and although Marshall's own logic was rather distorted, it made a small aspect of sense. Madness was insanity without logic after all.
"So you have no reason to be here but to gain education? What in? What are your life prospects? What do you wish to achieve before you die and what don't you?" he asked, hoping that the guy respects quantity over quality in terms of questions, he had to get at least one reasonable response if he asked enough.
Belle, gold
Belle looked up from her book due to the chewing of gum. She looked around and her eyes landed on the clock. Belle got up from the chair realizing that she has been there for 15 minutes and she needs to get to her room. She grabbed her white suitcase and walked towards the bookshelf where she retrieved 'The Legend of the Lost'. She glanced back at the book one more time before reluctantly putting it back in it's original spot. "Don't worry. I'll finish it later." Belle thought before leaving the bookshelf to soon exit the library.

After leaving the library, Belle strolled back over to the signs she saw before that led her to the library. She studied the signs before knowing which direction she was suppose to go in for the dorms. Belle headed in that direction until she reached the dormitory.

Belle brushed off her white dress once again before walking in. There a bulletin board that had the room numbers and the name of the people residing in there. Belle shuffled through the crowd of people in order to see her name.

Belle Levet~ Room~ Delynnaria Delenix
Belle sighed not know who that was, not that she would know anybody else. Belle shuffled back to the crowd and went up to her room. When she opened the door, the room was empty but things were already unpacked. "Guess I was too late to meet my roommate." Belle said to herself as she took the bed opposite of the bed that was already claimed to unpack.

Bigby walk around for a while and eventually found the classroom and sat down. He decided to read a book about fairy tales that his grandmother gave him before he died. She told him that it connected him to his heritage and that he would find others like him. He didn't understand what she meant, but he did love to read it. He was reading little red riding hood. For some odd reason he kinda liked the wolf characters in these stories. they always interested him.
James' eyebrows knitted together at the sudden burst of questions holding his hands up in defense, as if to fend off the hoard. "Look, dude. I'm not sure what kind of answer your looking for, but I doubt I have it. I don't have any goals or anything like that. I'm just here because Mom and Delbert decided a fancy boarding school would keep me out of trouble. Make me worth something. Teach my a life skill. Yadda, yadda self betterment bullshit and all that jazz. You know how it goes... Get escorted home by the police one to many times and they-" he paused to shake his head and give a little shrug, nose wrinkling a bit in his distaste, "ship you off."

He sighed back tilted his head back towards the ceiling, necking cracking as he bent it to far. He then leaned back forward reaching up a hand to rub at the back of his now aching neck, "What about you then?" He dropped his hand from his neck to gesture at Marshell, leaning foreword to place a hand on one knee and his elbow on the other. The hand he used to gesture moved to cup his cheek, and his foot came off the bag to lay flat on the floor with the other. He now painted the picture of disgruntled interest with his posture and stance, "You keep asking me question, how about you answer them too?"
The boy took off his hat, flourished his hair backwards, then put his hat back on, sliding his hand across the side of his head to push his hair back. "You can't even be bothered to think of your own questions, fantastic." he said then turned around to his desk, taking out a needle, thread and fabric and began to sew. "Well, I'll go in order as I said them, I'm learning how to be a better designer, fashionista, etcetera etcetera. My life prospects are to either become a fashion critic or a fashion designer whom specialises in hats. I came here to improve my talents and meet new people. Before I die I wish to achieve the previously mentioned tasks along with discovering the best types of tea, travel the world and well, helping my fathers with money would be lovely." he said, then swivelled back on his desk chair, fabric and needle in hand as he crossed his legs, left over right.

"Does that answer my questions?" he asked "I suppose it does, better than you did anyhow." he added before letting out a "tssk" as he pricked his finger. He opened up a drawer with his right hand, taking out a small plaster as he sucked the prick on his left hand. Soon his new 'wound' had been covered by the medicinal piece of fabric as he turned back to his desk. "Do you have any further questions or should I ask myself again?" he asked, he no longer deemed the boy respectable to even look at him whilst talking.
Alister only realized he still had hold of Red's hand once it was out of grasp and blushed, holding his own behind his back sheepishly. He mumbled "I'm sorry" as he looked downward. He looked up when Red chose his bed and decided to sit on the opposite one across from his. He started to feel that asking which bed was stupid, but he kept himself from being mentally humiliated by justifying that some people prefer sides. Whatever made him feel better about his horrible questions would be good enough for the time being, he'd fix the relationship later. Hopefully.

Alister cracked a smile once he heard about Red's people watching. "People really dressed so differently than... normally?" He asked, surprised. "I thought I was the only weird one. I hadn't noticed more." He said with a light chuckle. He let out an "oh!" and unfolded his paper which not only had his dorm number but his first class. "I have... Advanced Literature first." he said, not knowing that he should have received a full schedule by now. "What's your first class?"
