Fairy Tail: The Crystal Owl [OOC and Signups]

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@CursedDawn No problem mate, thank you for showing interest!
I'll post in a few hours, in the lab atm.
You think it'd be alright if I joined in on this ? If so, I should be able to put up a sheet by tomorrow.

Name: Sonny Everclear

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance: Standing at an average height, his build is smooth and lean with a healthy slim physique. His kind face and smooth features suit him perfectly and his star covered stocking cap and dark glasses add to his boyish charm. His eyes are sky blue and his hair a light coral. He comes off as quite loveable, like a small rabbit, appealing to both women and men who like that sort of thing. His guild tattoo is white and rests on the left of his waist.

Personality: Unfortunately Sonny isn't the most capable mage. While he's adept at celestial magic, he's also clumsy, scatterbrained and feeble bodied, yet his magic makes him an asset to any team. He looks up to other mages who seem to have it all together and strives to be more like them. Often at his side is a celestial spirit of the constellation Auriga, named Farful, who is one of Sonny's closest friends. He looks like a miniature blue snowman with feet and a cone shaped nose. Oddly, he always seems to be too hot, except in cool or cold weather. Although Farful doesn't seem to serve any purpose in battle, Sonny appears to do better when he knows his friend is safe.

When it comes to skills outside of combat, the young mage doesn't have many. Sonny is a horrible cook and always finds a way to ruin any dish he tries to make. He's too forgetful to be good at chores and anyone assigning them to him usually become frustrated after a while. He cannot sing, act or dance to save his life and isn't good at getting his point across either, so diplomacy isn't in the cards for him. He's always taking a hand at different things to see if there's something he's good at, however it hasn't provided him with any positive results just yet.

With so many negative attributes, one would think he's completely hopeless, but he does have a few saving graces. Although it may not be considered a talent, he is extremely kind and generous and it's generally easy for him to make friends. Even though he fails miserably at most things, he probably puts in more effort than most people and has an unbreakable will. When he's pushed to his limits, his true potential shines, he just has to learn how to tap into it.

History: A native of the capitol, Sonny was born into a family of artisans in the lower ring. Sonny was the only child of the small family of commoners, they knew their lives would become more difficult with another mouth to feed but they treated his birth as a blessing. His parents doted on him at a young age and had high hopes that he too would pick up a talent like they did. His mother Natalia is a skilled seamstress and his father Lionel is a renowned sculptor. Natalia and Lionel were sure their bundle of joy would excel in some type of profitable trade, however when it became apparent he had an unfortunate knack for screwing things up, those dreams were quickly dashed.

Just before turning 14, Sonny started to display signs of having an aptitude for magic. While his two parents were unable to afford proper tutoring, Natalia wrote to her mother for advice on how Sonny could hone his skills. Although she had no magical abilities of her own, his grandmother did possess something that would prove invaluable. One day a package arrived at the Everclear's doorstep. The package contained 3 golden celestial zodiac keys and 1 silver celestial key. There was also a worn and weathered blue tome. The ancient tome Sonny carries is the one his grandmother sent him. Before his death, Sonny's grandfather had given his grandmother instructions on what to do with it. Inside was a note explaining how delighted she was to see that there would finally be some use for the old thing.

Sonny began to realize that the more he learned from the book and the more his abilities increased. Not only that, the physical appearance of the book was changing as well. Slowly, the book seemed to reverse its age and at this point in his studies, even gives of a faint pulsing glow. After teaching himself much of the book, he was finally confident enough to leave his parents behind and apply to the crystal owl guild. All his life he had been nothing but a screw up but he wants nothing more than to repay his family and honor his grandfather by becoming a successful mage.

Magic: Sonny uses Celestial Spirit Magic that allows him to summon celestial spirits residing in the celestial spirit world. Once a spirit has been summoned, it can perform several tasks for him and will fight on his side. His celestial spirits have varying degrees of power while some being more suited to certain tasks than others. However celestial beings have their own personalities and traits and will sometimes act on their own, ignoring Sonny's commands. Sonny's ability to summon his spirits is limited to how much magic power he has to sustain them. The more spirits he summons and the more powerful they are, the more magic power he exhausts. Sonny has been very fortunate to come into possession of 3 golden zodiac keys left behind by his grandfather while the one silver key was bought for him by his parents. Currently he is able to summon all 3 of his zodiac spirits in one day which is rather impressive. The 3 zodiac keys open: The gate of the Twins, Gemini. The gate of the Bull, Taurus and The gate of the Ram, Aries.

Other: As mentioned previously, he carries with him an ancient tome that has become something of a family heirloom. When in a pinch, he uses the book as both a defensive and offensive weapon although he isn't very good at defending himself. The book is an ancient tome that forever gives off a warm yet faint pulsing light. The book has several purposes. Mainly he uses the book as a guide to learn how to use his celestial powers to their fullest potential. When in a bind however, he can use the book as both a weapon and as armor. Though unassuming, the book somehow packs quite a wallop if he's able to hit his opponent with it and if he manages to hit you over the head, expect to see stars! He also uses the book as a shield, as it can absorb most low level single target spells and physical attacks. Despite having so many uses for the book, he is no knight and his reaction time is horrible, so his chances of being able to defend himself properly are about 50/50.
@Ali; I'll go ahead and respond, but just a minor issue. it says on my sheet that Meer is actually a really excellent cook. He just has a habit of putting a center piece on all of his food. Kind of like how chefs garnish their foods with fresh parsley or even basil. He garnishes his food with ridiculous center pieces. That people cannot eat.
@Clyde *couch* Being a cook, it's more than just parsley or basil. But yeah :P
@Clyde *couch* Being a cook, it's more than just parsley or basil. But yeah :P

I know this. But Meer is an excellent chef.

His presentation is piss poor though. His food is the opposite of poisonous food.

-It looks like no one would eat it
-People hesitantly take a bite, it taste heavenly

@EddiEddi I don't know if you're aware or your character isn't but 10k jewels is rather small amount, as 100 jewel = 1 usd, just letting you know in case you didn't know

@Warm Regret Yes it is

@RaineSensei Yes, it's open signup so go ahead, there's always room for more people in the guild
@EddiEddi I don't know if you're aware or your character isn't but 10k jewels is rather small amount, as 100 jewel = 1 usd, just letting you know in case you didn't know

@Warm Regret Yes it is
I am aware, My character is also aware. However he is only after a small amount, mostly due to the fact he dosn't/cant eat or drink thanks to the helmet and his magic fucking with him.
@EddiEddi Ah, alright. It just sounded quite strange calling 10k jewels a rather big amount :P But i didn't take note of the fact he can't drink nor eat
I'm getting a post up. Damn here Meer was trying to trick the guild into searching for Devo's clothes. And it was ruined
@Clyde It happens :P I think Meer is only one who still keeps on finding pranking Devo funny. Somehow i have feeling this has already been happening many times before :P
@Clyde It happens :P I think Meer is only one who still keeps on finding pranking Devo funny. Somehow i have feeling this has already been happening many times before :P

This is very true. Devo's kind of dumb in that department to consider it's not clothing fairies doing it. Though I doubt anyone has ever recorded Devo taking off his clothes and showing him he's doing it all by himself.

@Clyde Aye, either no one ever pays attention on him or then he just has always done it when not in the guild house or with other guild members
@Clyde Aye, either no one ever pays attention on him or then he just has always done it when not in the guild house or with other guild members

Exactly. But it's just kind of amusing. He was so proud to come to the guild in a disguise. He's like, I am doing it right guys.
@Clyde He did it right until he apparently got once again to some of his favorite subjects and just thinking about it was enough to trigger him undressing :P
@Clyde He did it right until he apparently got once again to some of his favorite subjects and just thinking about it was enough to trigger him undressing :P

Probably about how much he loved his disguise.
@Ali; I'll go ahead and respond, but just a minor issue. it says on my sheet that Meer is actually a really excellent cook. He just has a habit of putting a center piece on all of his food. Kind of like how chefs garnish their foods with fresh parsley or even basil. He garnishes his food with ridiculous center pieces. That people cannot eat.
Oh I'm aware :)
I wanted to play it as Eliarte's misinformation, due to what she's seen previous. I wanted it to make so she's never actually tasted Meer's cooking, but expects it to be awful due to the strange garnishes.
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