Fairy Tail: The Bitter Unknown

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Warato Sky Dragon Slayer

"You're still the womanizer, eh... Wataro?..." "Well, I couldn't imagine anything more satisfying than being surrounded by pretty ladies." "Why don't ya fly down over here so I can give ya some pointers on what makes Namone thick, eh?.. I bet ya would want to know if there is an easier way to go out on a date with her.. Am I right?" "Well, taking the easy way out does sound nice, but if I remember correctly you have never had any luck with ladies. I think I'll have to learn as I go." "Whatever... I'll get ya down one way or the other... Because.. It's Razor time!!" "And here I thought we could just float around and talk about the good old times..." Out of seemingly no where Kreid came flying out and with a single punch Razor was off of his back.

Seeing as reinforcements were showing up Warato decided he would release all the spells he had cast on everyone but himself. Honestly the spells were only to buff everyone to make fighting easier while the rest of Fair Tail showed up. Now that one member showed up that meant the others weren't far behind... right?

Warato had flown up just a little higher while constantly maneuvering around the gravity spots. There were a few time he had been caught in it but luckily for him he managed to break free each time. Honestly he was starting to get a little nervous, weren't the others supposed to be showing up soon? Once again he had to regain altitude after getting caught in a gravity heavy area when he noticed Max's scales were being eaten away. Quickly bringing up his arms he shouted "Raise!" However while casting the spell to support Max he hadn't noticed Ribi and, just as he finished casting raise on max, was hit with disassemble. He was now split into hundreds of mini versions of himself. His eyes widened but he ended up using it to his advantage... sort of.

Warato spread all over the battle field, some of him went inside, others went out to the forests to find everyone else, and the last bit flew up high to look over everything.

The mini's that went inside ended up in three different locations, one stayed by the door to keep watch for more demon tail members, another hide behind the bar and the last one found Abel walked out of a room with an Iron door? It didn't seem like Abel was in a bad situation... he walked casually, like he was supposed to be here. Warato silently tried followed the two. With his small size and the magic still affecting him from before he didn't make a single sound or disturbance... so he figured he would be safe.

The mini Wataro's that entered the forest would make sure everyone knew that Rook had been captured and Abel was MIA as soon as he came across anyone from Fairy Tail.
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Armen Illusion

Armen jumped and fazed through another tree as he continued on his way. For some reason he really couldn't shake the bad feeling that kept creeping up his spin. He felt like they were missing something... something very important. Sure they hadn't exactly planned for very long, seeing as everyone wanted to get the gears moving, but he hadn't thought much of it. After all Fairy Tail was known for acting on impulse and instinct rather than brains and plans.

Armens heart sank when a mini Warato found him and delivered the news. His hands balled into fists, it was primarily his fault this happened. If he had encouraged everyone to work out the plan a little more, just develop it a little longer they might have been prepared... it wouldn't have turned out like this. Rook was captured? Able was missing? Armen wasn't one to get angry, he wasn't one to be overcome by emotion, but at this point he was overcome by despair. He shouldn't have listened when everyone said it would be fine with Able there! Their strongest adult members were beat up and spit out!

It was only a second after hearing the news that Armen was able to recompose himself. He wasn't weak spirited and he did care about his Fairy Tail family, what kind of Second in Command (though he honestly didn't think he deserved that position) would he be if he let himself be blinded by emotion? He looked over his shoulder to see the rest of his team were close by and shouted out, "Let's go." He did not know if they had heard what the Mini Warato said... why was Warato mini to begin with?... but he did know something went horribly wrong.

He continued to run faster, pushing his limit, until finally he made it to the edge of the battle field. He held up his hand signalling his team to wait. He had worked with Joe a few time, and Citrine maybe once? But they knew his signals, it wasn't anything fancy, even Marie shouldn't have had any trouble figuring out what he was trying to communicate. The one thing that held Armen back from A rank was the fact that he had no offensive ability and couldn't take a hit. "Ok, quick run down, fast guy with claws, avoid. Girl (Namone) be wary of at all times. She can seriously mess up the fight. You should keep a distance from the small one fighting Max. Clearly Warato used raise on Max already so her magic is probably really troublesome... Use ranged attacks if possible. That's all I got right now, but as always fight with your heads and your bronze and watch each others backs. Joe, back up Citrine, you're going on her (Namone)." Honestly Armen was more or less thinking out loud... "I-f that's ok with you." He said turning to Citrine and Joe with his hands up realizing he was giving orders. Sure he was second in command but they weren't here to take orders... not to mention Citrine was a higher ranked wizard than he was, if anything she should be giving the orders.

"Uhm... M-... what's your magical specialty? Our target is the one in the doorway. (Ribi) I'll use my illusions to figure out his magic and over all ability, after that we go in." His eyes were locked on Ribi. Could they win? No, but he was the best one to initiate against an unknown opponent. "R-right, if you're ok with being a pair."
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Joe let out a relatively less than manly sound as he was tossed onto Citrine's back and slipped back almost all the way to the tail before finding his grip. For a second, he had panicked and thought that he was being wrecked by an enemy that shouldn't have been this far out. Pretty soon, next to him and much more in his element was Armen, already calmly analyzing the situation and working out what to do. Wincing at the extra large amounts of destruction around the one that Armen was sending him and Citrine towards, Joe gulped hard and gave a nod.

"O-okay. I'll let Citrine do the ranged stuff, though," Joe stammered, half because he wanted to remind Armen that his "range" was about the length of his sword, in other words nonexistent. The best he could do was keep pace with Citrine and cover her if the enemy started getting close. His legs felt like jelly just at the thought and he was wondering what pattern of waffle he'd be by the end of this. The other half was of course raw and unbridled cowardice though he was too ashamed to admit it. He really wasn't even much of a protector having only close ranged skills yet being afraid of getting hit. He supposed it made the most sense even if, though. Armen was taking the hard part, really. The girl they were going after looked super scary but Armen was taking someone whose abilities he didn't know and was going up against an enemy that he also didn't know about but was probably just as scary as the one breaking stuff all over the place in the middle of the battlefield. Nothing was really going as planned either. Rook being captured and Abel being missing just gave him even more jitters than usual. They were pretty strong and right off the bat they were probably down. If they just trickled in like this, they could all end up that way. Joe honestly liked his magic but what he was really scared of was he and everyone else getting beaten to death. He couldn't call himself much of a mage in that sense but he really did care about his own skin more. Lots of people managed to live without magic. Most people didn't live after beatdowns and torture.

"L-let's go, Citrine," he said shakily, pulling himself back up to a normal position on her back.

"Front lines, front lines, front lines..." he muttered, his blood running cold as he realized that moreso than ever before, he was heading towards a possible world of pain with all kinds of super strong people, the kind that were probably even going to give his brothers trouble. Then there was the mini Warato, something that he could barely wrap his head around.
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