FailIng boundaries..

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"He may be yours. But the start of this has long. Since passed. Do you know why father Rahl is here in the midlands so actively and not yet in the Westlands? Do you know what he does to the people he personally meets to try to get information from? You may think you know what he does... But this journey you have decided to venture on with me will teach you worse horrors then you have seen.. There is magic that every day people do not get to see. Or that are only in certain areas." Slowly Adelenta went from rom ready to burst at all her seams to numb as she thought about the extent of everything that she had seen. Why shoul this one boy be the reason for her downfall, when at least he died with hope. While others died by the own fears in their minds.

Her grey eyes look him over, her blank face back where it belonged. She couldn't loose her anger, or else all was lost. There would be must worse than that boy. "Just so you know. When we get to Mirabell. Do not eat the red fruit." A simple warning of what was to come. She turned back on her heel, and finished walking at her usual pace to the palace. As she reached the large oak doors, the opened with no question. She was going to just sleep as much as she could, and then be off to see the wizard. She was done in this city. For now.
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