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Original poster

Basic Information

Welcome to what is known as the Holy Grail War. You, and six other magi like you, are chosen by the ominous
wish granting device, called the Holy Grail, to participate in a fight to the death in hopes of having your wish
turned into a reality. Once only one mage remains, the Grail is theirs and with it they are able to have their
deepest desire/wish come true.

In the Holy Grail War these seven magi (now called Masters) are each able to summon one Heroic Spirit to
become their Servant (or in nicer terms, their champion in the War). These Heroic Spirits are truly what
makes the Holy Grail War so special. Legendary heroes of old given life once more, are able to put their
skills to the test against other legends to see who truly reigns supreme.

Unbeknownst the Masters and Servants though, is that the Holy Grail itself is corrupted and feeds off of
the death and hatred created by the War. Once fully charged, the Grail will overflow leading to the
destruction of humanity itself. The only way to stop this is to destroy the Grail which would require
every Master and Servant's power to do so.

  1. Use your common sense and be mature (aka, no whining if things don't go your way).
  2. There is no word count requirement (quality over quantity), however I will not accept one liners.
  3. No drama outside of the RP please
  4. No god molding or power plays.
  5. You MUST be active!! I am looking for a minimum of 1 post a day! The more the better!
  6. Talk to Cairo before setting up a character death


Basel, Switzerland
The Northern side is occupied by the White Fraction, which the Black Fraction lies in the south. The Church is located in the middle of the two territories. Both the Church and the Church grounds are considered to be neutral territory.
Character Roster

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Rider: Pestilence (Servent of Sumiko Nakamura)
Tagged: Sumiko Nakamura

[spolier] Rider sighed figuring this was the best she would get. Now beside her Master (in spirit form of course), Rider began to observe the world around her. While she had of course received any needed information about the modern world upon summoning, actually seeing it in person was quite a shock. During her time, the only ways that humans could go from one place to another was either by walking or the aid of an animal like a horse or camel. Now however, humans had endless means of transportation from a car to an airplane. Quite astonishing really if one thought about the time frame that it took humans to accomplish this. Communication had also changed. From what Rider remembered, the only way to talk to people from over a vast distance was though a messenger, raven, letter, or of course, go yourself. Once again though, modern day had found a way to conquer this. Cell phones now took the place of letters and texting seemed to replace face to face conversation. Lost in her thoughts Rider was taken off guard when she glanced up and saw the Church looming down the street.
"Before we enter I do need to tell you something" Rider said in one of her rare serious tones "Stick close to me. I don't really trust this whole Banquet thing, especially when all of the other Servants and Masters are around. Holy ground my ass, anything can happen here and I would hate to lose you or be killed before the War even begins. Find out as much information as you can about the other teams, but at any hit of danger let me know. Do you understand? If so, I guess you can go ahead and knock" [/spoiler]

From @Blighted_Agent and Creative Confessions
Aloise and Newton

There was a quintessential charm to Switzerland's architecture that Aloise liked. There was something about it that felt more romantic then the French architecture that others deemed the city of love. He was distracting himself with superfluous information in order to not feel the tightening or the fluttering in his chest. Wringing his hands together, the church felt far much bigger than what it actually was.

When the doors opened he wasn't exactly sure what he expected the Ruler to look like. Something angelic considering they were meeting in a church. Though angelic in appearance, she must have been concealing his wings. There were so many things at once going on in his mind. He may have not completely register everything that was said at once.

Still he bowed.

"Thank you for the invitation, and for greeting us in person," Aloise said. He looked at Caster. He's never been to one of these um magical banquets before. What were the customs and etiquettes?

Caster was on edge from the moment Aloise had knocked on the door. He had sensed that there was a Servant inside, and he was honestly surprised when, of all things, the door was opened by Ruler. Still, he must do as a gentlemen must - a simple way to conceal extra precaution. He noted that his young Master had turned to him, and made use of that to proceed, saying

"Thank you for the hospitality. Ladies first..."

And with that, he motioned for Aloise to follow after Ruler. Entering the parlor, Caster noted that in comparison to the pristine outside, the interior of the church was in much worse condition. Master, we move to the corner and wait there, that we may observe any new arrivals and our backs are not exposed, such were his thoughts as Ruler explained that they appeared to be rather early.

Aloise did so following Ruler inside the church. Newton seemed more comfortable in this situation than him. He could feel butterflies swarming in his stomach. It was best neither of them drank though during this occasion, except that he could go for something to ease his nerves.

He must look pathetically weak in the eyes of his Caster and he was certain when all the other Masters began to arrive, he was expecting some of them to be tougher than him. Or maybe he was psyching himself out.

Sensing Aloise's apprehension, and not wanting to cause a scene, Caster took the chance to accept Ruler's offering, taking bowing a little and taking her hand in his, slightly kissing it like any old-fashioned gentleman would. He would then offer a sincere smile and say, as amicably as he could,

"Dear lady Ruler, we would be most grateful for a glass of water and maybe one of wine for the young man. Do forgive us for not presenting ourselves earlier, but well, you seemed in a hurry to lets us in! Servant Caster and Master Nightcage, delighted to meet you. We look forward to this banquet you and the Overseer have so kindly organized."

Aloise felt the heat of his own face as Caster kissed her hand. He knew it was strictly platonic, but the sheer confidence to do so to a higher being. He shrunk a little in his seat.
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