Experiments Reborn

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He could feel the anger though everything around him. She was upset, but there was nothing to be upset at, except for him. He almost felt bad... almost. He'd followed the lust for blood too easily. He needed her, but there was no room for an apology now. He trailed after her as she spoke, though his strides were long and slow. He was able to keep pace with her even while jogging, but he was silent. The trees still followed with the groaning of bark and trunk, but there was not even a snarl out of Kain.

He felt bad. Almost.

He hadn't done the right thing, but outside of the facility, there seemed to be defined role for right and wrong. He didn't understand. He'd been trying to defend her and sate the blood lust, but it wasn't good. He dropped his hands from his tongue, having liked the blood clean. He kept right behind her, but she emanated fury, and though he could have easily matched it, he chose not to.

They walked for some time, but Kain had nothing to say. He was enjoying the outside. There was so much and he'd forgotten what everything looked like. The fake environment back in his cell was nothing when compared to what it was based on. Real nature had a strange sense of wonder about it, and as he followed Jami, he looked around. There was little in his golden eyes to suggest anger, but there was still a sort of bitterness behind the irises from his previous situation.

But they weren't being chased, not for the moment.

Night fell upon them, and with the trees covering the sky, Kain didn't know where to go. Now there was really a reason not to lose Jami. "...Do you want to stop?" he asked.
Oh, she was angry with him at first, livid really, but it started to fade as the day grew on. Yeah, he'd been an idiot, but the way he was acting - much more docile than usual which was something she'd never thought she'd be able to say about Kain - told her that he realized he'd screwed up and right now that was enough. It showed her that he was at the very least receptive to her cues and that was a good foundation to build on since they really didn't have anything else at the moment.

As the night started to come upon them Jami started to slow. She kept walking, but now she appreciated the trees and nature around her in a way she'd not been able to while running. It had only been a few weeks since she'd been outside, but the blond had missed it and even she found everything a bit overwhelming with her new senses and even just...the freedom. She couldn't imagine what Kain was feeling after so many years and she finally focused on the dragon-hybrid at her side.

The expression of wonder on his face made her smile slightly before she looked away and when Kain spoke, there was no more anger in Jami's demeanor, her voice neutral. "Soon, yeah, but not here." Her hazel-green eyes looked around at the too-open spaces and she glanced up, noting that the trees didn't have enough branches. She didn't know where to start looking for adequate cover though so Jami approached the nearest tree and reached out, hesitating for a moment before she rested her palm on the bark, opening her mind to the forest again.

A dull, throbbing pain swept through her and the female hybrid tensed, breathing slowly past it, but finding it much harder to block out the grief of the trees. She felt tears slip down her face as she brought her forehead to rest against the trunk, offering apology. She got the impression that the trees were not happy with Kain, but were still willing to help because she was a Child of the Trees, something they'd not seen in a great many years, and they provided the information Jami needed. She stepped back after a moment and sniffed, wiping the wetness from her face and then grimacing at the markings on her hand.

She hated them so much for that.

"Come on. I know a place where we'll be safe."

Jami started moving again and after a time they came to a small space in the forest where a protruding rock shelf had created a hollow cave of sorts - something the werewolf in Jami was very pleased about as it resembled a den to her - and the trees were more of the oak and maple variety here, holding many thick branches. The blond smiled a little and sent her thanks to the forest before she yawned, trying to stifle it, and glanced at her companion. "I'm assuming you are NOT going to want the mini-cave, right? Because if you do, I might fight you for it."
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Kain stopped when she did, watching the silent exchange between the girl and her trees. He'd hurt them, but he'd done it so they wouldn't be chased. Maybe they had a right to be angry, but it was sacrifice a few to save her. Least he hoped that's how they felt.

He scoffed at himself. He was worried about how a tree thought of him. He'd never heard anything so stupid in his life. He glanced down at the ground when Jami motioned for him to follow, and that's what he did. It took them much longer than he wanted to find that suitable place she'd mentioned, but he stopped at the edge of the trees when he saw the cave. He wasn't going back into any place that looked similar to an enclosed space. He growled as she spoke, signaling his clear disdain before he shot up into a tree. He stretched out his long body on a branch, making sure that it would support his weight. Of course, it could always have shifted and dropped him to the ground, but he wasn't trying to destroy them.

His wings unfurled and hung over the sides of the leafy branch and his tail twitched in the air. His clawed feet hooked into some loose bark and his arms crossed under his head. An almost sad sigh escaped him as he closed his eyes. He didn't say anything to Jami, but his golden eyes closed and he was soon asleep. The deep, growling breaths he took were enough to show that, even if he seemed to vanish because of his dark appearance in the black night surrounding them.
She didn't want to know what had made him sound that way. Nope. She didn't care. Didn't want to know....

Dammit, she really wanted to know.

Jami growled to herself, sighing more than anything as she situated herself in the 'den' curling up until she was comfortable and shutting her eyes. She found she couldn't sleep right away and knew why; back in the cage, she'd listened to the stream and as of now there was no stream here. It was odd, thinking that she'd miss something back in that place, but...she did sort of, kind of miss the familiarity at least. She didn't miss anything else, though, of that she was sure. It was just...this place was so big and perhaps she'd lived in the world all her life, but never as she was now.

She was an elf now, a werewolf and she'd yet to test any of her control, her tendencies, nothing on the outside world. The thought made Jami open her eyes, unable to sleep anyway and she ran her fingers through the dirt before her, claws extending a little as she stared at the tribal markings on her skin.

What would her family think of her now? Did they think her dead? Simply working and too busy to respond to them? Were they worried about her? Would...would they accept her like this? It was that last question that upset her the most and Jami closed her eyes again, curling tighter in an attempt to shut her over-active mind up. She eventually drifted off, listening to Kain's breathing - and oh, good golly almighty, WHAT was she going do with HIM!? - but she slept restlessly.
Kain slept through the night, just as he always did, but he woke up as the sun was rising. He pushed himself off the branch and clawed his way out so he was above the trees. He hovered there, a black, dangerous being in front of a lovely, lighting sky. He hadn't seen a sunrise in years. Kain wasn't one to be uplifted, but now, with the sun coming up over the horizon, he felt... hopeful. There was a place out there somewhere for him. Even if he made his life away from every other person in existence, it would be a home.

He circled in the air, his eyes finding a mountain off in the distance. They were far enough from it, even if Kain could fly quickly. It seemed like they were going the wrong way. He didn't know. He couldn't remember where he was. He knew he was still in the United States. He only knew that because he heard the scientists talk about deals with other American companies, whether it was for funding or equipment. However, he couldn't remember what state he was in or anything like that. There had to be some kind of human settlement around. The forest couldn't go on forever.

He turned around and ended up staring at the sun again. The reds and oranges spilled over the dark material of his shirt and pants, and he vaguely remembered he had dried blood on those clothes. The shirt had special holes designed to fit his wings and the spines on his back, but it was tearing again.

Below him, the marble buildings of Greenwater glistened, but he only grew angry as he spotted them. He and Jami had gotten quite the distance away from them, but he didn't think the scientists would give up their hybrids so easily. He puffed smoke from his nose before he circled again, trying to find evidence of anyone being around. Kain didn't want to be near them, but Jami... Jami wanted her home back.

He saw the road twisting and driving through the heart of the forest, the unpaved dirt path that led to Greenwater. If they followed that, they could find civilization. Kain flew back down into the safety of the trees, landing and studying the inside of the cave where Jami was. It was early (he thought), so he didn't speak to her. Instead, he sat down outside of the cave, his eyes turned toward the skies, watching as it was painted with brilliant shades of color to welcome the sun in all its glory.
Jami woke a bit later in the morning from the time Kain came back to sit outside the cave and she felt the briefest moment of panic that she'd felt every morning for the past few weeks. It was that part of her that still hoped, somewhere deep inside where logic had no meaning that she was still dreaming, that she'd wake in her own bed, panting with the nightmare but able to move on with her day afterward, laugh it off at some point. It never happened though and so she felt the panic before that too subsided and her reality came over her again, settling on her shoulders like a heavy cloak.

The blond looked to Kain, slightly relieved to see he was still here - after all it was daytime, he could have left and she was starting to realize that more and more - and she crawled out of the 'den' standing, yawning and stretching briefly before sighing, bringing her focus back to the task at hand.

Getting out of this forest, avoiding recapture and....trying to think of a way to reenter society and maybe get some help....though, she was sure Kain wouldn't be agreeing to that last one AND they had to simply focus on the first step, something hard enough already. Oh, and they probably needed to find food.

Jami eyed Kain at the thought. She really didn't need him trying to gnaw on her, but she had to wonder...did he even know how to hunt? It was different from fighting and simply killing. Eh, they'd find out. It wasn't like she was a great expert at it either....in practice anyway. She knew all about hunting habits in animals very well. And she was digressing...

"I'm going to assume you've been up longer than me and have looked around. Did you see anything?" Jami ran her fingers through her hair, pulling out the twigs, leaves and a small strand of moss. "If we find a road, we could follow it, but we'd have to stay out of sight. They'll be looking for us there."
Kain heard Jami before he saw her. She emerged from the cave dirtier than he remembered, but he didn't look much better. Sure, he'd been kept clean at the facility, but going on a killing spree against two helicopters and then sleeping in a tree hadn't helped anything. He stood up and shook his head, his hair brushing over the mismatched horns.

"I did... We're going the wrong way." He had decided that while waiting for Jami to wake up. North was taking them away from the mountain and away from the road. If they kept their back to the facility, it was a right way, but was it the right way? They didn't have to shift direction too much to go toward other things, and the road had to lead to a paved way eventually.

"...The mountain is this way," he added, motioning with a clawed finger in the direction he'd seen it at. His hand dropped and he looked away before he added, "...Where is your home? You live in this state? ...I don't remember anything." It was the first time he'd admitted to being flawed in the head. Granted, it had been over a decade since he'd last stepped foot outside, and scenery changed, and he had as well. "...We should go toward your home." She had been stuck in Greenwater, and with him, for over three weeks, but she had to know what and where her home was. Not only that, but he was willing to follow her to such a place. If she had a home, he could have one too.

The thought that people might not accept him crossed his mind, but there was only way he dealt with those kinds of people. He killed them.
Jami took in his words with confusion at first, but as he started to explain - especially the bit about the mountain - understanding crept into her face and the blond nodded, biting her lip with her fangs carefully, thoughtful. It didn't last long as he asked a question and admitted something all in the same breath that she'd never anticipated and the female hybrid blinked, startled. Her head tilted a little, studying the dragon-hybrid, even though she knew he disliked it, before she spoke her answer, addressing the last part of his statement first.

"I live in this state, yes. It's Oregon. I live in the city of-" Jami cut herself off abruptly as something occurred to her and she looked at Kain with an emotion somewhere between uncertain and fierce all at once. There was something scared in her scent, but it wasn't fear of HIM. It was fear of what he could and might do and Jami looked down and then at the way they had to go before her eyes focused on Kain again.

"I need you to promise me something. And I don't mean a promise you say now and then break if it's convenient or because you're mad at me or because you decide you don't care anymore." She was more earnest now, but she wasn't desperate. No, Jami was not desperate at all, but she was GOING to get her way in this or they were going to be at an impassable disagreement because she wasn't going to budge on this. "I mean an honest, swear it on anything and everything sacred to you, promise. You promise me that you won't hurt anyone I care about. No one, Kain."

Jami took a deep breath, shaking her head. "I am already terrified that I am going to hurt someone and the last thing I need is to worry that you're going to roast one of my friends or my father or my sister on the spot because they insulted you or stepped on your tail. You promise me or I won't take you anywhere near my home even if that means we wander out here until we die."

She wasn't even remotely kidding.
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He didn't like the way she was looking at him. His glare was equally malicious, but he was silent as she spoke. She wanted him to promise something that he wasn't sure he could uphold. He'd promised to help her, that much was true. He looked down at the ground, and he nodded. It was all he could do. If he spoke, he would deny that he could do such a thing and would simply lash out at her right then.

So he only nodded. He couldn't form words. He didn't want to. She wanted him to swear on everything that he didn't have.

He looked up at her. There was a strange mix of emotions in his eyes. There was anger, and there was that hurt again. She really believed he would hurt someone innocent. If they never provoked him in any way, he wouldn't feel a need to attack. But he didn't want to say that.

His head turned and he kept walking, his wings and fists clenched tightly. His tail lashed, but he was aware of the trees enough to know that she would hate him even more if he hit one. The only sound he made was his heavily clawed feet hitting the ground. He didn't know how to react, but he'd agreed to her terms. It was the second time he agreed to something he wasn't sure of, except that he needed Jami's help.
Ah dammit all to hell.

That look. Why did that look effect her so freaking much?!

Jami groaned silently as she grabbed her head before dropping her hands again a moment later and running to catch up with the male. The silence was deafening and the blond knew this probably was NOT the wisest thing she'd ever done, but she decided to break it. And perhaps dig herself a deeper hole, but perhaps not. It was getting harder and harder to tell these things with Kain. Just when she thought she understood him, he changed on her. It was frustrating to say the least because she kept screwing up when all she wanted to do was get it RIGHT.

"I didn't mean to hurt or anger you, Kain. And...it's not that I don't trust you, at least as much as you've shown me I can trust you, I just....needed the assurance." She sighed, not sure how he'd take that, but continuing because now she had to. She had to get this out, to come to some kind of true understanding of SOME sort between them before they were thrust into more deep water again. "I know you aren't bad. You want me to think you are, but I don't. And I don't think you're a monster or that you're ugly. I think you're beautiful, Kain, and powerful and brave and that you feel more than you ever want to admit. I think you're worth every headache you give me."

Jami stopped then, knowing the point she wanted to make, but wishing she didn't have to say it as she looked at the ground, sadness flickering across her face. "But I know that not everyone is going to see what I see. Not everyone is going to accept you OR me, and I know that some of those very people might be those closest to my heart. They might hurt us, reject us and when that happens, I just need to know that they'll be safe."

When she stopped, it was for good this time and Jami looked up again, her eyes seeking anywhere but Kain, unknowing how he was going to react - if he reacted at all - and nervous about it because she'd just pretty much poured her heart out at the moment.
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Kain stopped as she started talking, but everything she said only angered him. Being told all of that by just one person... he didn't believe it. He didn't understand how she could. She'd known him less than a month, but he'd spoken to her the most out of all of his years at the facility. Still, he didn't know how to take it.

She knew in her heart that he wasn't bad. It was a lie. He was rotten to his core. He was willing to kill for himself with no regard for anyone else, and he would eat them, given the chance. But she was being serious. She truly believed what she said. It made him growl. "...I'm not," he said before he picked up his step. He had to deny it, because he knew he wasn't. "But... they will be safe." If he had to do anything, it would be to uphold the promise. Losing Jami as a guide - and to some strange, high extent, a friend - wouldn't be good. If he kept her promise, then there was no reason for her to leave him stranded at any time.

"Let's just... go." He couldn't see what she saw. He didn't want to talk about it, and she knew what would happen if she pressed an issue against him while he was angry. He kept moving forward and his eyes ahead of him. He could have just left right then, flown off to where he knew the road was. But he didn't. They were growing closer to the mountain, and eventually the real paved road, the one leading to her home.

He was silent for a few moments before he finally spoke. "...What city do you live in?"
"Fine, be stubborn. It's not going to change my mind or the truth, though." Jami quipped and then promptly shut up, her peace said. She wasn't going to stand here and argue with him about what she KNEW to be true - good grief, he'd just promised her again that her family would be safe, that was not an action someone who was evil would do - but she also wasn't going to let him think that he'd 'won' and convinced her she was wrong.

She wasn't.

"And I live in Klamath Falls. It's not a very big city, which could be both good and bad for us. Good because it means we might not be so overwhelmed, but bad because if we do anything to attract too much attention, word will spread fast."

The blond sighed, brushing her hair back as they continued walking, both of them going pretty fast now. Kain's strides were longer than her, but Jami had really good stamina in her genes now and she was jogging again, wanting to cover as much ground as possible. "At this rate we should reach my city by....tomorrow afternoon maybe."
He couldn't see Klamath Falls, but if they were going fast enough, they would make it in the time she estimated. He only gave her a short nod. There was a better way, but he didn't know how she'd take it. It made him walk in silence again, stepping over broken leaves and leaving a flattened path of patched grass behind them.

"...Or I could fly."

The growling voice was low, but it was there. He hadn't offered to help her outside of his promise, and it was a make up of sorts. Of course, he was missing out on the scenery and the lovely feeling of being outside again, but following Jami's wishes was the best way to make sure he could find his home. If he still had one. There had to be something out there for him. He just had to find it.

It was sort of like hunting, but it wouldn't end in killing.

A scent and sound caught his ears then. It smelled like prey. Kain jumped up, pulling himself into a tree. His eyes scanned the forest floor that he could see, and then he heard another crunch of leaves. He crept around and noticed something furry moving along the ground. It was a young deer, a male, judging from the short antlers on his head. Kain was silent as he got himself into a position where he was directly above the deer. The unsuspecting animal had no chance to run before the dragon-hybrid descended upon him. Kain snapped his neck with a quick jerk and then the deer was still. He wasted no time in slicing the beast open and taking a large bite of the deer's meat, able to satisfy his hunger and the lust for blood, even if it was dormant for the time being.

Jami bit her lip, thinking about that one. Kain had offered, so obviously he felt he could sustain both of them for a time, and the fact that he'd offered at all proved he wasn't planning on leaving in a fit and she was grateful for that. Despite his difficulty, she didn't want to lose him. He'd need a lot of help before the end and she'd promised she'd be there. The blond didn't go back on her promises and when she'd made hers to Kain, she'd meant every word.

Flying, though?

She didn't like the thought, still sore from the crash-landing when they'd gone over the wall, but she knew that if she could get home faster that way then-

Jami's thought was abruptly cut short by Kain's jump into the trees and she froze, her senses flooding her mind, telling her what she'd not noted before and the blond stayed very still, in no position to get the deer herself, but knowing if she didn't move Kain might have a chance. When he took down the prey, she growled in approval, but while she approached so that she was in sight of him, she didn't try to come close. He'd made the kill and they might tolerate each other, but she wasn't his mate, wasn't at his status and therefore she'd wait. It was instinctual to do so and Jami settled herself down by a tree, leaning back against it and folding her arms, resting them on her knees and her chin her arms.

"Flying would work if you're up for it. ......just don't drop me."

She really didn't like flying by conventional means. Trusting him to carry her...was a big step.
There was a mean snicker as he devoured half of the deer. She had to eat too, even if he wanted to wipe the bones clean of blood with his tongue. He thought it funny that she thought he would do so. It was funny because it was true. He'd killed other experiments like that before: flying to the top of the cage and dropping them to their death. It was fun while he did it.

He couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't slip from his arms, but he had a strong grip. Still, he grinned with bloodied lips before he stood up and licked himself clean. He flicked a claw at her and then the dead deer, letting her know she could eat. He didn't think she'd vomit it back up now that she was outside, because if she did while he was in the air, there would be the dropping of a wolf onto the ground.

Kain turned away and looked up, but the sunlight didn't burn his eyes like it should have. He studied the hanging clouds and how they blocked the rays from shining too brightly. It was so much... better. He never thought he would compliment anything, but the real outside... nothing could compare to it.
"Don't be an a**, Snarls." Jami snapped, for the first time since that first day calling him the name he disliked. She felt he deserved it at the moment as she glared at him. She knew just as well as he did that he'd killed that way, on purpose and while she'd said nothing of it, hadn't judged him for it, she did NOT like being compared to those he'd offed without mercy. If he could truly find enjoyment in the thought of her death, then she wasn't going to be inclined to not step on his toes.

There was a limit to her kindness and immediate-patience even if her long-term commitment was solid and her caring nature would win out in the end.

She approached the deer in a very matter-of-fact way and pulled some of the meat away from the body before eating it, getting blood down her arm and smeared around her mouth, but she refused to eat like an animal. Her green eyes found Kain's gold as she swallowed and Jami looked away a moment later, not regretting her outburst, not really, but feeling that maybe she'd been just a tad unfair because it wasn't like he knew...

"I don't like flying, okay? And the thought of falling scares me even if it wouldn't result in some fractured limbs or death. If you're even contemplating the thought of even fake-dropping me, you can fly ahead without me. I'll walk."

She really wasn't kidding and Jami finished what she wanted of the deer in record time before wiping her mouth on her sleeve and her arm on her shirt, sighing at the sight they'd both make when this was over. She shook her head, mumbling under her breath.

"....gonna think we're mass murderers or something...."
Kain's ears perked and flattened at the moniker. His namesake noise passed his lips, but he refused to comment. He continued to look up at the sky until she looked like she was finished. He heard her mutter something, but the words were jumbled, but he did catch 'murderer.' He was, and he knew it. He prided himself on it.

He didn't say that to her.

Instead, he looked down at her and jerked his head upward. "Ready?" Whether she was or not, his arm slipped around her waist and another under her legs. He pushed down into the bloody, grassy earth beneath him before he shot up, flapping his wings to gain altitude. The clouds obscured his motion, even if his vision was cut short by the thickness of it all. He still knew what direction to go, and there was little stopping him from dipping down to determine if they were indeed going the right way.

He couldn't talk, hold her, and fly at the same time, so he opted for silence. His massive, ebony wings beat the air to keep them both aloft, and the speed did prove to be faster than walking. It would have been easier to have Jami ride on his back, but she probably didn't want spines digging into her.

Flying was comforting and calming, he found. Though he'd never gotten a chance to really fly around at the facility, Kain seemed to know what he was doing. Instinct lent him the ability to keep a straight course, and enhanced strength granted him the skill to hold them high in the air. He liked it, almost as much as he liked killing. They were stark contrasts, but then again, Kain wasn't known to have a charming personality.
When she'd first been picked up, Jami was unashamed to say she'd closed her eyes, feeling a spike of fearful adrenaline wash through her system as she was taken into the air. Her arms wrapped around Kain's neck, tightly at first before she forced herself to loosen her hold a little once they'd steadied out. If he didn't like the contact, she really didn't care at the moment. For a while, the blond didn't look anywhere but at her companion's neck and upper chest, focused on keeping her pounding heart under control, but as time went on, she grew curious and finally looked around.


Okay, she still didn't like flying - like, at all - but this....was certainly provided more breathtaking views than a plane did, that was for sure. Despite herself, Jami started to relax a little, her breathing easier as she took in the sights around her. They were sort of following the road and after a time the blond saw something she recognized, a sign. She dared to unwrap one of her arms from Kain's neck and pointed it out, not really expecting a response in return.

"That sign, it reads '20 miles to Klamath Falls'. We're getting close."

Which meant that she'd see her family soon. But it also meant.... Jami glanced up at Kain's face, biting her lip for a moment before she looked away, her mind racing. Just....HOW was she going to hide him? Or.....keep them from getting arrested....shot.... She looked like a druggie and he....didn't appear human...well, at all....
Kain hardly felt her grip, but he did hear her as she spoke. They were getting close... and that was when he became unsure. These people were going to hate and fear him, something he was used to. For once, he didn't know how he wanted to handle it. He couldn't scare them like he did the scientists or the interns. They were... different.

He picked up speed as gusts of wind blew from behind, but he kept himself steady. He dove beneath the clouds, seeing the human city called Klamath Falls. He'd flown much faster than he thought, but the speed hadn't bothered him. However, looking down, he realized how open it was. There was nowhere to hide. He jerked up and halted his flying, hovering in the cloud cover. He was panting, something he didn't normally do. He was looking for any amount of trees large enough to hide him, or something to obscure their descent. It was foggy that day, but would it hide a dragon? No, it wouldn't, and that's what he was.

Kain let himself drop in altitude, doing his best to make sure there was enough floating around them so their presence was unknown. There were patches of trees scattered around, and finally, he saw a large amount of trees in one concentrated place. He dove down, the motion so quick that it nearly guaranteed no one would spot him, pulling up at the last second to skid a landing on his bare feet.

He set Jami down and looked at the cover of trees. He left a hole in the leafy branches, but no one immediately rushed up to see the commotion, so he felt safe... sort of. It didn't sound like there were many people around, so he would be okay. "Go... find your home," he said with a gentle growl, if his voice was even considered gentle.
Jami had again felt near-panic at Kain's flight pattern, but she'd not said anything, merely closing her eyes and hanging on tight, praying it would be over soon. And then it was and she was being set down. Her legs felt strange under her, equilibrium off, but she stabilized soon enough and looked out past the trees - they had landed in a park - to the world she knew, recognized beyond. At Kain's words, she looked back up at him and then out again before looking at him again, biting her lip in indecision.

She rubbed her temples, pacing slowly, speaking aloud; more to herself than him, but hey, at least he'd know of her decision when she came to it.

"Okay...I look like I got in a fight with a damn blood bag AND a tattoo artist. THAT won't draw any attention. ....and the park is only open until dark. Can't leave him here longer than that....hmm.....Michael would probably the least likely to freak out...and he's got that truck..."

Jami finally sighed, blowing her blond hair away from her face before she brought her attention to Kain again. "All right. I'm gonna....head to the Fire Station. My brother works there and...well, I guess if we're gonna get help from anyone the best bet his him at this point. At least I know he won't immediately rush me to the hospital at the sight of blood....or for being crazy...." The blond groaned under her breath and started away.

"Yeah, just...stay out of sight and I'll be back soon."

She took off then, being careful not to run into any people, staying out of sight. It would be harder when she got into town, but Jami was determined. They'd escaped the deranged scientists, they could survive a town full of people....right?
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