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Home? This was not his home, no matter what Kyrie did. His home was in the sky, one that he'd missed the minute he'd fallen onto the streets. He hadn't killed anyone. Saraph despised violence and avoided it whenever possible, and they had known that. Whoever had framed him had done an excellent job with irrefutable evidence.

With a heavy sigh, Saraph stood, leaving the blanket on the couch. He found Kyrie's room with a bigger bed, just like she'd said. Reaching behind him, he undid the buttons holding his shirt together. There were two buttons, one above his wings and one below. A gap was left intentionally to compensate for his wings, which made removing the clothing easy. He pulled it off before he stretched out on the bed on his stomach. He slid one arm under the soft pillow and within seconds, he'd fallen asleep again. His uninjured wing draped along the width of the bed, the edge hanging off.

His body had a lack of hair minus the black, matted strands on his head. Feathers were almost woven in his hair, but one could just as easily get distracted by his pointed ears. They stuck about an inch farther than a normal ear, and the tips had three colored hoops on each side. Each was crafted from a specific gem. Saraph had a ruby, emerald, and sapphire in his right ear, and a topaz, diamond, and amethyst in the left. Though his arm was under the pillow, Saraph had a swirled, intricately decorated tattoo that started at the back of his neck and went down his right arm while also branching off to trail down his side and end with a sweep along his abdomen. It was similar to what humans considered a 'tribal' tattoo. It was printed on his tanned skin in almost the same fashion, though how anyone on the island had made the ink was a question for him when he was awake.
Kyrie took a quick shower and was out in only a few minutes. As she dried herself off, she realized she hadn't brought a change of clothes into the bathroom with her. "Damn..." Kyrie swore under her breath.
Kyrie wrapped her towel around to cover herself before exiting the bathroom. As quietly as she could, Kyrie padded towards her room and slipped inside. Saraph was on the bed asleep once again. 'Wow, he sleeps a lot.' Kyrie thought. She found herself examining him as he slept. Her eyes traveled down from the feathers in his hair, to his pointed ears, to his regal facial features. Kyrie felt an impulse to reach out and trace his face but stopped herself before she could.
Kyrie turned away, gathered what she needed, and left. She changed in the bathroom and returned to the living room. She laid on the couch in an oversized sweater and spandex shorts. A yawn escaped her lips as her body and mind settled. Within minutes Kyrie found herself asleep on the couch.
Saraph woke up in the middle of the night, remembering again everything that had happened. The soft bed beneath him was warm, despite not laying under the blankets. Pushing himself off, he walked down the hall with quiet steps. He found Kyrie curled up on the couch, and he decided not to disturb her. Instead, he decided to look around her bedroom, even if it was dark. He didn't want to rifle through her things, so he settled for looking at the shelves. She had some books, and none of them were ones he'd ever heard of.

Picking a random one up, Saraph padded back to the living room where the moonlight was illuminating a part of the floor. Stretching out, he flipped through the first pages of the novel and began to read. It grew lighter, but he didn't stop. When it was earlier in the morning, Saraph stifled a yawn, resting his head on the halfway-finished book. His eyes closed and he lay there, listening to the noises picking up around them. Cars and shouts were things he never heard, but the noises were muffled by the walls.
When Kyrie awoke she was surprised to find Saraph on the floor, asleep? Rubbing her eyes, she stood and walked over to him. Gently she shook his shoulder.
"Saraph, wake up. Wake up Saraph." Her words were gentle as she tried to wake him up. "The floor isn't good to sleep on. Go back to my bed." Kyrie saw the book he had been reading. It was her favorite. She found it ironic that he had chosen it.
The tips of his ears twitched slightly, almost like a cat before the dark purple orbs opened and flickered toward her. "I am awake. I was simply observing the outside world with my ears." With a stretch of his good wing, Saraph stood up, closing the book and setting it on the coffee table. He realized he was slightly underdressed for the morning, and he moved his wing around to hang at his side.

"Would you like for me to cover myself? I do not know your customs when it comes to articles of clothing and levels of embarrassment or irritation."
Kyrie just couldn't help herself. The way he spoke was just too formal that it was humorously adorable. Giggling, again, Kyrie shook her head. "You're fine. It's no big deal for guys to not wear shirts here. Just, don't go outside like that unless its really hot outside." Kyrie patted his head affectionately. "You're too adorable. Ready for breakfast?"
She was laughing at him, and he didn't know why. Humans were strange to him. She wasn't ridiculing him, which was evident from the pat on his head. Saraph was surprised she could even reach his head, given the height difference. Still, she changed the subject, and breakfast came with a nod for a reply.

"What do you call your different forms of fruit?" he asked, sitting down cross legged on the couch. Part of his head was visible, and it was turned just enough so one dark eye could watch her.
"Well, there's a bunch. But I only have grapes, apples, and bananas." Kyrie said easily. She was in the mood for pancakes, so she got out the ingredients for them.
"They're right here if you want some." Kyrie pointed to her left before she began to make herself breakfast.
Saraph didn't make any immediate attempt to move toward the fruit. Instead, he watched her as she got out various ingredients for some form of bread. Humans were strange creatures indeed. Of course, Saraph had bread as well, but she had some sort of already made powder mix.

"I never properly thanked you for allowing me into your home. The other humans have not shown me such a kindness." He didn't say he hadn't ventured out to check, as he'd been too afraid to be ridiculed or harmed in some way, but it didn't seem to matter.
"Don't. Mention. It. No. Biggie." Kyrie's words were choppy as she began jumping to reach the Pam on the top shelf. "Why did I put that up there?" She grumbled to herself. Growing frustrated, Kyrie climbed up onto the counter so she could reach. Her fingertips brushed against the can when the counter was no longer underneath her. Somehow she had managed to slip off of the counter and fall. Kyrie squeaked out in surprise as she went crashing down from the counter. The bottle of Pam sitting happily on the top shelf.
Saraph watched her as she attempted to grab the metal can from the top shelf. He stood to help her when she crashed down onto the floor. Hoping his host wasn't injured, Saraph walked over to her, sliding one arm under her back and lifting her into a sitting position. Once he determined she was safe, he reached up, easily swiping the can from the shelf.

"Is this what you require?" he asked, setting it next to the rest of her materials.
Kyrie felt a buzz in her head. When she fell, her head had hit the floor. Her vision was slightly blurred as she stood shakily. "Yeah...thanks." Kyrie gave a weak smile and leaned on the counter.
There was a breeze as Saraph's wings fluttered with contentedness before he noticed that she still appeared dazed. Two slender fingers gripped the collar of the sweater covering her body, even though her weight was supported with the counter. If Kyrie was incapacitated for any amount of time, Saraph wouldn't know what to do. "Do you need aid in moving?" he asked, concern lacing the formal tone of his voice.
Kyrie placed her hand on his wrist lightly. "Um, yeah. Let's...let's sit down." Kyrie moved toward the couch in the livving room. She didn't have a major brain injury, she just needed a bit of rest.
With her weight on his hand, Saraph maneuvered himself so she was in front. He led her to the couch, lowering her without a word about her mishap. He placed himself beside her in a cross-legged position, dark eyes carefully scanning her. He didn't want her to be hurt more than she was.
Kyrie rested her head against Saraph's. "Hey Saraph....how did you get here?" Kyrie had been meaning to ask. She just kept forgetting.
Saraph's gaze went to his lap. The dark eyes closed as he recounted his recent past. There was no point in lying to her about what had happened.

"I was exiled from my home in the sky. My kind accused me of a crime I did not commit. Hanshi... She was a friend. I did not cause her death, but another of my kind framed me. I do not know the reason why, but the evidence on her body was declared irrefutable. We do not take death as seriously or sadly as you might, but slaying someone is against our... laws, you might say. We do not die of unnatural causes, but Hanshi did. That is why I was forced to leave. I... I wish to return to my home. Your world is strange to me. You have shown me kindness, but I fear others of your kind will not do the same. I am different, and humans often fear what they so not understand. It is why I must find a way to return home and clear my name."

It was more than he expected to say. His eyes opened to reveal sorrow reflected in the dark depths.
Kyrie pulled Saraph into a hug. "Honestly your courts suck. I met you yesterday and I already know you wouldn't hurt a fly. Whoever worked your case needs fired. There is a serious lack of motive! Screw evidence!" Kyrie took a deep breath and exhaled. She was getting too worked up. "Look, once your wing is fully healed...why don't I help you clear your name? Can't have this happen to anymore cutiepie's like you now can we." Kyrie poke his cheek playfully but she was serious with her offer. She would help Saraph amd find out who did this to him.
Kyrie was feeling better now. "Why don't we eat breakfast. After we can check out your wing and change the wrap. Sound good?"
Saraph's wings moved just in time to avoid being crushed in the hug, however light the motion was. She released him, clearly excited over his situation. She offered to help, yet he said nothing. He didn't speak as she poked him in the cheek, but he did nod at her question. "You feel well enough to prepare your food?" he asked, though his gaze was not on her. He know the customs of his people. The more he thought about it, the less he felt like he could really discover who had framed him for Hanshi's murder.
"Actually Im not even hungry anymore." Kyrie noticed Saraphs sad expression. She tipped his chin up with her forefinger. "If all you do is sit around and mope you're never going to be able to go bsck. So, stop feeling sorry for yourself and lets figure out who framed you." Kyrie released his chin and stood. She had no tolerance for self pity.
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