- Preferred Character Gender
- Male
- Genres
- Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi. I'll try basically anything though. I also love strange and unusual RP genre concepts. Different is good!
The first waves of Klonopin were hitting chuck like a train. He loved the way the drug took 100% of the worry and stress away, he needed it. When he was off it, he would often drift to dark places. Places void of light, where the only calming peace he could find was in the thoughts of death. In dying, Chuck knew then at last he would be free. Not just free from the rotten best left forgotten life he lived, but also from himself. Underneath all the muscle and tattoos was a frightened man. A man who could not even stand to look at his image in the mirror without cringing. HE closed his eyes and let the drug take him entirely, it was heaven. He had no cares in the world.
A small cold feeling touched his temple. IT felt like someone with cold hands was touching him with their finger, but it was not a finger, it was the barrel of his own gun.
"Sup?" C L I C K, went the hammer of the gun.
Chuck was floating, not just high, but high the way only a seasoned junkie can experience. HE felt his blood start to pump and his nerves give half a twitch, before setting back down in less than a second. A normal person would have nearly pissed their pants if an unknown intruder placed a gun to their head, but Chuck and his Klonopin just Smiled as she spoke.
In his care free daze he only caught about every third sentence of his assailants voice, it was a female, that much he knew.
"we gunna go see yo' boss-man ya mean?"
"you fuck up my hair and I'mma put a bullet between those cute lil' ears"
"So go Chuck, go..."
Chucks smile turned into an bursting grin, An extremely rare sight. He pused his head against the barrel of the gun as if to say, -Go ahead then shoot.
" Who the fuck hired you, I don't need no babysitter" He slowly put a cigarette in his mouth and continued
"I got caught in a bunk deal, had to shoot my fucking way out, and this is the thanks I get."
His words swam in front of him and slowly formed into a thought. In an instant he realized that his own gang had called this bitch on him. His own Fucking Gang, he though. When he realized this, he also realized that if the Overlords hired her she would most likely put a bullet in his head if he didn't do as she said. If Chuck wasn't high on the strong drug he most likely would have told her to get fucked, but as it was, the drug made him want to live, so he gave in.
"Alright, just tell me where the fuck to go. And don't shoot, Im just lightening a smoke"
He reached up with his lighter in hand and lit the end of the Cigarette. He inhaled deep, letting the smoke out in slow even bursts then fired the Impala to life.
A small cold feeling touched his temple. IT felt like someone with cold hands was touching him with their finger, but it was not a finger, it was the barrel of his own gun.
"Sup?" C L I C K, went the hammer of the gun.
Chuck was floating, not just high, but high the way only a seasoned junkie can experience. HE felt his blood start to pump and his nerves give half a twitch, before setting back down in less than a second. A normal person would have nearly pissed their pants if an unknown intruder placed a gun to their head, but Chuck and his Klonopin just Smiled as she spoke.
In his care free daze he only caught about every third sentence of his assailants voice, it was a female, that much he knew.
"we gunna go see yo' boss-man ya mean?"
"you fuck up my hair and I'mma put a bullet between those cute lil' ears"
"So go Chuck, go..."
Chucks smile turned into an bursting grin, An extremely rare sight. He pused his head against the barrel of the gun as if to say, -Go ahead then shoot.
" Who the fuck hired you, I don't need no babysitter" He slowly put a cigarette in his mouth and continued
"I got caught in a bunk deal, had to shoot my fucking way out, and this is the thanks I get."
His words swam in front of him and slowly formed into a thought. In an instant he realized that his own gang had called this bitch on him. His own Fucking Gang, he though. When he realized this, he also realized that if the Overlords hired her she would most likely put a bullet in his head if he didn't do as she said. If Chuck wasn't high on the strong drug he most likely would have told her to get fucked, but as it was, the drug made him want to live, so he gave in.
"Alright, just tell me where the fuck to go. And don't shoot, Im just lightening a smoke"
He reached up with his lighter in hand and lit the end of the Cigarette. He inhaled deep, letting the smoke out in slow even bursts then fired the Impala to life.