Escape the Caves

Ed chuckled softly:
"Whats wrong with theorising a bit? If it keeps the mind of the bad things then I see no bad with it. Besides, we all look out for one another, we have nothing to worry about!"
Just as he said that he slipped and ended up on his butt.
"Guess I sopke to soon."
Natalie helped him up. "Now Ed, don't go all clumsy! I'm relying on you!"
"The floor is slipery..." He said slowly with a small blush.
"I would guess it is from water. I guess my theory of underground rivers isent that far off."
Lyn nodded. "It looks like we'll have to follow the downward slope from here. Let's hope the river doesn't completely turn into a tunnel underground. I hope the worst we have to do is wade through the water to get out, not swim."
"Come on guys. To the side so we can balance and not slide." Terrin suggested, taking measured steps and taking Natalie with him to make sure she won't slide case them all to stumble and fall like dominoes. She followed.
Ed slowly followed looking around and said softly:
"I know I dont always go up front but it always feel odd going after someone else."
Natalie turned to him, stepping where Terrin steps. She held on to the rocks despite some of them being a little slippery. "What do you mean?"
"Well it is my job to make sure the road is safe. But I am mostly used to make sure tight spaces, water passages or climbing parts are safe for us all. So it is ofcourse I wont end up in front all the time, its just, when I were growing up I were always first. Even when I was not ment to be." Ed explained softly
Lyn nodded. "You are the scout, of course, but remember that I usually go first during the climbing part. This isn't exactly climbing, though. In fact, I don't know what to call it. Sloping?" Her foot skidded slightly on the smooth rocks, but she regained her balance and kept climbing. The sound of moving water got louder. "How big do you think this river is, anyway?" Lyn knew that most cave systems had a kind of underground lake, and an underground river went though the systems until it went into another lake in the cave that, hopefully, was near an entrance. Lyn only needed to know if the river went though an underwater tunnel or if it was on the surface in the cave or not, but it was impossible to ask that question without getting an unsure answer.
"Its hard to say. The cave and tunles do point to that this whole place were under water at one point. Since the floor and walls are wet I would guess that this tunnle is under water from time to time. posible after a storm."
Ed said walking slowly.
"I just happen to know the way, Ed. But come up here because I'll need your help." Terrin motioned for Ed to lead. "And secure Nat, would you?"
"It will be my pleasure."
Ed slowly moved up to the front andmade sure they all vere secure as he went giving Nat a extra look to make sure.
Natalie smiled innocently. "I'm fine!" she chimed but as if on cue, she stumbles on a protruding rock, accidentally kicking Mike in the shins and grabbing hold of the nearest anything as she falls-Ed.

It was a mess.

But before any of them could say anything, Terrin announced something. "We're near the water by now. Right?" He sounded nervous.
"Aow..." Ed groaned softly before turning to Terrin the best he could:
"I would say so yes... Every one alright?"
Lyn nearly stopped walking. "You mean....we could drown if it storms? It practically rains here every day!" She said with a hint of panic in her voice. Lyn had always feared drowning, ever since she had seen her cousin drown in that lake.....She shook her head to clear it out of her memory, and sighed. Just another reason to get out of here even faster. Then she felt someone fall on her and drag her down to the ground. "OOF!" She stood up with a groan. "I'm fine. What happened?"
"Just a small miss step. And dont worry about the drowning part. I checked the weather and it said no rain for about a week." Ed said as he untangled himself and got up
"Nat happened." Mike said, sounding annoyed and pained.

"There's a big storm coming." Terrin told Lyn, his face drained of color at the realization. "A week of no rain, but an incoming low pressure area. We'll never know."
"Any one can take a wrong step." Ed defended softly
Lyn untangled herself from the harness and looked up. "It wasn't that big of a fall...ish."

Mike shined his light around the chamber they landed in. "Looks like we found our river." He said.

Lyn shined her headlight towards where he was kneeling. A river rushed past them, the current deep and fast. She packed up, looking panicked. "The...The current's too strong! We can't go in there!"

Mike seemed deep in thought. "This river wasn't formed by mineral waters. It must've came from outside, from a river on the surface. We could follow the river upwards, and hopefully we'll find our exit."

Terrin sighed. "Think again. Look, the river comes out of a tunnel. It would be suicide to try to climb up the tunnel while holding our breath. We have to follow the river downward."
"There has to be another way." Natalie staggered and held Lyn, trying to comfort her somehow. "Is there, Ed? Terrin?"