There are a lot of cities on Earth.
Lots of them are pretty much devoid of things like Superheroes, conspiring villains, invasions from other planets, Gods walking among men, or even half-crazed detectives who wear dirty socks over their faces.
This place was one of them.
Prior to recent events, well... not a lot happened in Flippin Arkansas. Just a bit over 2,000 people in a county of less than 10,000. Everyone knew everyone else, the rivalries between the local schools were friendly, and everyone could have a laugh and a beer out at the lake at Bull Shoals. In fact, a few internet memes and a few stand up comedian comments were the most exciting things about Flippin, and everyone kinda liked that.
That was until
IT appeared.
A rift between the worlds. And it appeared in what the residents thought was a mildly inconvenient place.
In the Flippin Wal-Mart. Way in back in dairy, where they used to keep the drinkable yogurts and kefirs.
At first, it was hard to notice. Just a ripple in the air. Then, Joe from overnight disappeared through it. They got it on camera. Only looked for him when his truck was still out front the next day. No one's seen Joe since.
So, they did what they thought was the logical thing.
They put warning cones around it with caution tape and wrote "Door to Nowhere, please do not cross or take any merchandise inside" on some nice signs they glued to the cones.
Now, they wouldn't have to call the Home Office with that awkward call. Locals knew to avoid the area, and travelers, well they could read couldn't they? If they went through that was on them. They was warned.
After awhile, people started coming out of the rift too. Now, this could have been on the high end of supremely bad, but everyone who came through had one thing in common. They all were shopping at a Wal-Mart when they went through whatever rift they came from at that end.
Now, this was hard to react to. The management thought long and hard about it, and decided.
They simply had to become a 24 hour location, because they had to be ready for whatever shopper rolled in with merchandise.
Oh did I neglect to mention that often these people come through with shopping carts full of Wal-Mart goods? Adjustments had to be made, and UPC codes that gave the cashiers a way to ring up items that don't even exist in this reality were come up with.
The best asset so far has to be Mister Cubbins. Mister Cubbins was the co-manager of his Wal-Mart in his home reality. Everyone adjusted to the fact that he was a talking lion who wore a monacle soon enough. Well, some people give him ribbing about the monacle and say he should get the lazer surgery, but that's all in fun. He's a very efficient manager and all he has to do is smile in just the right way to 'coach' some of his employees.
Of course everyone in Marion County knows about Flippin, as does A.R.M.O.R., who set up an office down the way, just across from the Sonic Drive-In.
But pretty much everyone else hasn't a clue. Now, since the trips through the rifts seem to be one way, Flippin has had to adapt to all the new residents or tourists. It's really been a blessing to the economy. Why, they're talking of opening up that old Smorgasbord that's been closed for five years now.
To sum it up... It's pretty Flippin wonderful up here. Besides, we're only an hour's drive from Branson, Missouri. Less, if you speed a little. We won't tell.
Come on down and see us, won't you?