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I will never understand why people think we should promote emotions over logic and reason. "I feel" is the rallying cry of tyrants throughout the ages. "I think" is the solitary whisper of a doubting person, just as much questioning themselves as those around them. I suppose after studying history, and war, and organized religion, I've quietly come to notice an auspicious pattern to them: Emotional manipulation.
"God loves you, so you should love God back."
"If you don't love God, you will go to purgatory/hell/hades/et cetera, where you will be tortured, full of fear, pain, sorrow, for all of eternity."
"The Germans are a superior people, and we should always believe as such."
"We should purge the Jew, for he is an evil rat, of an inferior race and culture."
"We must liberate the purest of Aryans from countries run by Jewish sympathizers, such as Poland."
"There is a Patriarchy that is completely invisible but omnipresent, that affects every woman through mass brainwashing, and only I know the truth."
"Men are all scum of the Earth and we should #killallmen in order to prevent them from further oppressing women, but not before #giveyourmoneytowomen takes effect, to equalize the pay gap."
"The pay gap is not a myth! All of those volumes of data explaining that men and women get paid the same for working equal hours with equal qualifications are wrong because I can feel that the patriarchy made them up!"
"The Jew/Man is #mansplaining. Any information coming from the Christian/Atheist is obviously wrong, because my lived experiences as a Muslim/Female/Native/Transgender/German/Japanese/et cetera are always right. They're always right because I feel they are right. If you say otherwise, you're a [insert pointless discriminatory title here], and you should [insert pedantic emotional plea here], because [insert dehumanizing point here]! We should protect and enrich [insert social group here: gender, race, et cetera] against the predatory behaviours of [insert social group here: gender, race, et cetera], we have to do this with [insert form of censorship here], and [insert form of oppression here], so we can [insert pure utopian ideal here], by [insert insanely hateful comment here]. It is the only way we can preserve/ensure/create the master race/white america/pure christianity/islam/emperor's will/roman life/absolute equality [lenin/SJW's/et cetera]/paradise/et cetera."
Oh how I grow tired of the rallying cry of hatred. It comes in every colour, shape, and size on the planet. It's infectious, and rots the mind. A properly logical, reasoning person, of any walk of life--religious or irreligious, social activist or conservative, left wing or right wing, rich or poor--should be able to see through this. There's no such thing as perfection, or eternal happiness on Earth, or anything else like this--life is imperfect, and then you die. It's pretty much the one universal truth of our age.
So why on Earth are we pissing it away organizing ourselves into small camps of hate mobs that wind each other up? I could easily start screaming about feminazis in here, certainly. They're an easy target. What's the point, though? There are good feminists who are just seeking equality, who want to make the world an earnestly better place and are using logic and reason to do it. Emotion might be the motivation, but they have it under control. I could scream at extremist muslims in here, certainly. They're also an easy target. What's the point, though? There are thousands of muslims in my country who just want to live peaceful lives: Working, paying taxes, raising their children, and having a stable home. They're not my enemy: They want to live with me, not against me, or over me.
This belief that "I feel" is equitable to "I think" is absurd. "I feel" is not grounded in any sort of physical reality. A child says "I feel I want those cookies", that doesn't automatically validate his or her position because he or she "feels" it. This becomes especially problematic when you have two, opposite groups, who both "feel" they deserve a position, item, location, or otherwise, in such a manner as that they cannot share it. They have absolutely equal validation--they both "feel" they deserve it. They'll wind each other up until they decide that their absurdly extreme belief founded solely on feelings is deserving of more physically extreme ends to achieve such objectives. The rallying cry of the oppressor, throughout history, has always been to reject facts: To reject logic, and reason, to dehumanize, to disenfranchise, to spread the forces of hate, fear, and ignorance, to create a superior class, to wield the victim mentality, and blind faith. "Look, listen, and believe, for I present to you the absolute truth, where all others are wrong, because I feel it to be true."
Hell, it's very easy to be emotionally manipulated. It's not always malevolent, even, it's often innocuous: Music is just an arrangement of sounds in a manner which the human mind finds appealing, typically through a pattern. It evokes a bestial impulse--an emotion. It can move people to tears, and yet it has no physical presence beyond being an arrangement of noises, and no greater meaning than that which we attribute to it personally. Music is perhaps the single greatest example of why believing that emotions are equitable to logic and reason is patently absurd. Our emotions are very easily manipulated, and typically are on a regular basis. Entire industries--such as marketing--exist solely to manipulate us, and they do it typically through emotional pleas. This is funny, buy me. No, really, it isn't hard. Even good causes will manipulate your emotions to try and get you on their side.
So, knowing that, why do we continue to think that lived experiences and emotions have any basis in a discussion about what to do in society about various problems? I don't give a fuck how you feel about guns: Explain to me using logic and reason what we should do about them. I don't give a fuck about how you feel about mental disorders: Explain to me using logic and reason what we should do about them. I don't give a fuck about how you feel about the prison system, or racial inequality, or gender disparity: Explain to me using logic and reason what we should do about them. What can we do to improve the overall state of society by addressing the needs of specific issues or groups of persons who need it?
Hatred is not a logical position. Desiring destruction and annihilation is not a logical position. Morality, ethics, improving the overall state of a society by improving the individual lives of those who live within it--this is logical. Empathy is logical. Kindness, patience, understanding, compromises, diplomacy--all logical tools. Anything that produces a superior (or at least most favourable) future without invalidating the individual value of each person is logical.
Christians aren't my enemy. Feminists aren't my enemy. Black Lives Matter is not my enemy. Hell, even my racist uncle is not my enemy... Hatred is my enemy. Fundamentalism is my enemy. Dehumanization, the promotion of any one social group over another for physical qualities such as sex or ethnicity--those are also my enemies. Which, brings me to my ultimate point.
I am my own greatest enemy.
Do any of you understand how frustrating that realization is?
Even here on Iwaku, I've made broad, sweeping generalizations of people. I've compared people to Nazis and invoked Godwin (and gotten upvotes for that on both occasions, I might add), I've spat at feminists for no more reason than that they were feminists (usually got upvotes for this too). I look back on those later and cringe. It's so, very, easy to get self-righteous and feel vindicated by how I feel. Every single time I get into a discussion now I have to sincerely ask myself if my position is grounded in hard fact and reason, or if it's just the way I feel life should be. Even in this rant, you can detect it. It's not very hard to find it. I'm sure, reading from the start, the first thoughts were "wow, who is it that Brovo hates so much to write a rant about it?"
"Who is it that Brovo hates?"
I strive, very hard, to hate nobody. I don't want to hate anyone. I've seen what hatred does and I wish no part in it. It's very easy to say that we should all be good people. It's much harder to be a good person when you are surrounded by viewpoints opposite your own. I'm an atheist, so that obviously puts me at ideological odds with the religious--including my girlfriend, if I allowed it to. I'm ardently free thought, that puts me at odds with spiritualistic types. I tend to be left wing, that puts me at odds with the right wing--including my father, if I allowed it to. I have a mental disorder, I have this, I have that, I am this, I am that--put it all together and, wow, gee, I feel really small. Really easy to crush and knock aside without even being so much as noticed by the vast machine of society.
The vast, faceless machine, that is so easy to loathe because it isn't a conscious entity, and doesn't notice nor care about how I feel. That society, so full of people who despise me because I'm white, or because I'm male, or because I'm an atheist, or because I have a mental disorder, or because I'm poor, or because I'm Canadian, or because I'm left wing, or because of--you get the point, I'm sure.
I'm tired of fighting. It's so pointless and yet enticing. It goes on forever. If I ran out of feminazis to fight, I'd have SJW's. If I ran out of SJW's, I'd have the religious right. If I, somehow, ran out of the religious right to fight, there's always racists, and sexists, and other forms of discrimination I can pull up the banner for. It just goes on, and on, and on, the fighting never ends. There's always a new target to destroy, always a new way for me to wind myself up into yet another self-righteous spiel... There's always someone impure for me to purge in order to strive for my vision of purity.
If you've actually read this far, and gained anything out of this babbling, I applaud you. If you ever thought I was absolutely certain of any position I've held, shock twist: I'm a man of near infinite doubts. I felt like writing this to get it out of my system.
Heh. Felt.
This is not a measure by which to run a society or create political change. Feelings can so easily betray you. Adulthood is marked by self-control over your emotions... This is why. Our emotions are bestial, not magical. They come from a series of chemicals, not inexplicable phenomena like a spirit. If we wish to behave as people, we should wield all the logic and reason we have to try and cut through our own biases and aim for coexistence.
Because if we want to behave like children or animals, then all we have to do is indulge that inner animal of emotion.
PS: No, emotions are not evil--emotions simply are. They exist for one purpose or another: Fear for the purposes of survival, hate for the purposes of motivation, anger for the purposes of expressing personal discomfort, et cetera. Ergo, they are part of our evolutionary survival--our "bestial" nature, which is neither marked holy or unholy: It merely is. We exist, therefore we feel. So emotions like love and happiness are not good, or evil, they simply are pleasant states to be in... Ones you should always feel in control of, lest you revert to the bestial impulses of your ancestors. After all, in the four billion years of evolution it took to get us to this point, we've only really been self-aware of our own existence for... Maybe... Ten thousand years, or so. We're really not so far above the imbecilic, animal points from whence we came... Mainly, because we are still animals.
"God loves you, so you should love God back."
"If you don't love God, you will go to purgatory/hell/hades/et cetera, where you will be tortured, full of fear, pain, sorrow, for all of eternity."
"The Germans are a superior people, and we should always believe as such."
"We should purge the Jew, for he is an evil rat, of an inferior race and culture."
"We must liberate the purest of Aryans from countries run by Jewish sympathizers, such as Poland."
"There is a Patriarchy that is completely invisible but omnipresent, that affects every woman through mass brainwashing, and only I know the truth."
"Men are all scum of the Earth and we should #killallmen in order to prevent them from further oppressing women, but not before #giveyourmoneytowomen takes effect, to equalize the pay gap."
"The pay gap is not a myth! All of those volumes of data explaining that men and women get paid the same for working equal hours with equal qualifications are wrong because I can feel that the patriarchy made them up!"
"The Jew/Man is #mansplaining. Any information coming from the Christian/Atheist is obviously wrong, because my lived experiences as a Muslim/Female/Native/Transgender/German/Japanese/et cetera are always right. They're always right because I feel they are right. If you say otherwise, you're a [insert pointless discriminatory title here], and you should [insert pedantic emotional plea here], because [insert dehumanizing point here]! We should protect and enrich [insert social group here: gender, race, et cetera] against the predatory behaviours of [insert social group here: gender, race, et cetera], we have to do this with [insert form of censorship here], and [insert form of oppression here], so we can [insert pure utopian ideal here], by [insert insanely hateful comment here]. It is the only way we can preserve/ensure/create the master race/white america/pure christianity/islam/emperor's will/roman life/absolute equality [lenin/SJW's/et cetera]/paradise/et cetera."
Oh how I grow tired of the rallying cry of hatred. It comes in every colour, shape, and size on the planet. It's infectious, and rots the mind. A properly logical, reasoning person, of any walk of life--religious or irreligious, social activist or conservative, left wing or right wing, rich or poor--should be able to see through this. There's no such thing as perfection, or eternal happiness on Earth, or anything else like this--life is imperfect, and then you die. It's pretty much the one universal truth of our age.
So why on Earth are we pissing it away organizing ourselves into small camps of hate mobs that wind each other up? I could easily start screaming about feminazis in here, certainly. They're an easy target. What's the point, though? There are good feminists who are just seeking equality, who want to make the world an earnestly better place and are using logic and reason to do it. Emotion might be the motivation, but they have it under control. I could scream at extremist muslims in here, certainly. They're also an easy target. What's the point, though? There are thousands of muslims in my country who just want to live peaceful lives: Working, paying taxes, raising their children, and having a stable home. They're not my enemy: They want to live with me, not against me, or over me.
This belief that "I feel" is equitable to "I think" is absurd. "I feel" is not grounded in any sort of physical reality. A child says "I feel I want those cookies", that doesn't automatically validate his or her position because he or she "feels" it. This becomes especially problematic when you have two, opposite groups, who both "feel" they deserve a position, item, location, or otherwise, in such a manner as that they cannot share it. They have absolutely equal validation--they both "feel" they deserve it. They'll wind each other up until they decide that their absurdly extreme belief founded solely on feelings is deserving of more physically extreme ends to achieve such objectives. The rallying cry of the oppressor, throughout history, has always been to reject facts: To reject logic, and reason, to dehumanize, to disenfranchise, to spread the forces of hate, fear, and ignorance, to create a superior class, to wield the victim mentality, and blind faith. "Look, listen, and believe, for I present to you the absolute truth, where all others are wrong, because I feel it to be true."
Hell, it's very easy to be emotionally manipulated. It's not always malevolent, even, it's often innocuous: Music is just an arrangement of sounds in a manner which the human mind finds appealing, typically through a pattern. It evokes a bestial impulse--an emotion. It can move people to tears, and yet it has no physical presence beyond being an arrangement of noises, and no greater meaning than that which we attribute to it personally. Music is perhaps the single greatest example of why believing that emotions are equitable to logic and reason is patently absurd. Our emotions are very easily manipulated, and typically are on a regular basis. Entire industries--such as marketing--exist solely to manipulate us, and they do it typically through emotional pleas. This is funny, buy me. No, really, it isn't hard. Even good causes will manipulate your emotions to try and get you on their side.
So, knowing that, why do we continue to think that lived experiences and emotions have any basis in a discussion about what to do in society about various problems? I don't give a fuck how you feel about guns: Explain to me using logic and reason what we should do about them. I don't give a fuck about how you feel about mental disorders: Explain to me using logic and reason what we should do about them. I don't give a fuck about how you feel about the prison system, or racial inequality, or gender disparity: Explain to me using logic and reason what we should do about them. What can we do to improve the overall state of society by addressing the needs of specific issues or groups of persons who need it?
Hatred is not a logical position. Desiring destruction and annihilation is not a logical position. Morality, ethics, improving the overall state of a society by improving the individual lives of those who live within it--this is logical. Empathy is logical. Kindness, patience, understanding, compromises, diplomacy--all logical tools. Anything that produces a superior (or at least most favourable) future without invalidating the individual value of each person is logical.
Christians aren't my enemy. Feminists aren't my enemy. Black Lives Matter is not my enemy. Hell, even my racist uncle is not my enemy... Hatred is my enemy. Fundamentalism is my enemy. Dehumanization, the promotion of any one social group over another for physical qualities such as sex or ethnicity--those are also my enemies. Which, brings me to my ultimate point.
I am my own greatest enemy.
Do any of you understand how frustrating that realization is?
Even here on Iwaku, I've made broad, sweeping generalizations of people. I've compared people to Nazis and invoked Godwin (and gotten upvotes for that on both occasions, I might add), I've spat at feminists for no more reason than that they were feminists (usually got upvotes for this too). I look back on those later and cringe. It's so, very, easy to get self-righteous and feel vindicated by how I feel. Every single time I get into a discussion now I have to sincerely ask myself if my position is grounded in hard fact and reason, or if it's just the way I feel life should be. Even in this rant, you can detect it. It's not very hard to find it. I'm sure, reading from the start, the first thoughts were "wow, who is it that Brovo hates so much to write a rant about it?"
"Who is it that Brovo hates?"
I strive, very hard, to hate nobody. I don't want to hate anyone. I've seen what hatred does and I wish no part in it. It's very easy to say that we should all be good people. It's much harder to be a good person when you are surrounded by viewpoints opposite your own. I'm an atheist, so that obviously puts me at ideological odds with the religious--including my girlfriend, if I allowed it to. I'm ardently free thought, that puts me at odds with spiritualistic types. I tend to be left wing, that puts me at odds with the right wing--including my father, if I allowed it to. I have a mental disorder, I have this, I have that, I am this, I am that--put it all together and, wow, gee, I feel really small. Really easy to crush and knock aside without even being so much as noticed by the vast machine of society.
The vast, faceless machine, that is so easy to loathe because it isn't a conscious entity, and doesn't notice nor care about how I feel. That society, so full of people who despise me because I'm white, or because I'm male, or because I'm an atheist, or because I have a mental disorder, or because I'm poor, or because I'm Canadian, or because I'm left wing, or because of--you get the point, I'm sure.
I'm tired of fighting. It's so pointless and yet enticing. It goes on forever. If I ran out of feminazis to fight, I'd have SJW's. If I ran out of SJW's, I'd have the religious right. If I, somehow, ran out of the religious right to fight, there's always racists, and sexists, and other forms of discrimination I can pull up the banner for. It just goes on, and on, and on, the fighting never ends. There's always a new target to destroy, always a new way for me to wind myself up into yet another self-righteous spiel... There's always someone impure for me to purge in order to strive for my vision of purity.
If you've actually read this far, and gained anything out of this babbling, I applaud you. If you ever thought I was absolutely certain of any position I've held, shock twist: I'm a man of near infinite doubts. I felt like writing this to get it out of my system.
Heh. Felt.
This is not a measure by which to run a society or create political change. Feelings can so easily betray you. Adulthood is marked by self-control over your emotions... This is why. Our emotions are bestial, not magical. They come from a series of chemicals, not inexplicable phenomena like a spirit. If we wish to behave as people, we should wield all the logic and reason we have to try and cut through our own biases and aim for coexistence.
Because if we want to behave like children or animals, then all we have to do is indulge that inner animal of emotion.
PS: No, emotions are not evil--emotions simply are. They exist for one purpose or another: Fear for the purposes of survival, hate for the purposes of motivation, anger for the purposes of expressing personal discomfort, et cetera. Ergo, they are part of our evolutionary survival--our "bestial" nature, which is neither marked holy or unholy: It merely is. We exist, therefore we feel. So emotions like love and happiness are not good, or evil, they simply are pleasant states to be in... Ones you should always feel in control of, lest you revert to the bestial impulses of your ancestors. After all, in the four billion years of evolution it took to get us to this point, we've only really been self-aware of our own existence for... Maybe... Ten thousand years, or so. We're really not so far above the imbecilic, animal points from whence we came... Mainly, because we are still animals.