Original poster
Emotional Attachment to your Characters?

Okay. It can't just be me, right? I mean, we're a whole community of roleplayers, so I can't be the only one.
When I read someone else's post and tears roll down my cheeks or goosebumps run across my arms, I feel giddy with excitement. If someone else's writing is that good, I want to crush them in a hug and make them read me bed time stories. I like that experience, worrying about their character and feeling an attachment to the character as the story moves on. Sometimes, I end up reading roleplays I'm not even participating in, just to read what happens to that one character that I've grown to like.
I completely understand that attachment. It's the result of someone's brilliance.
But I have this weird other attachment... to my own characters. It used to be just Iwaku World's Sakura. When she cried, I cried. When she laughed, I laughed. When she felt pain, anguish, and suffering, I felt the same helplessness, too. I understood that, too, because she was based off myself.
Nowadays, however, it's different. Every character clings to my emotions. Whether it's a small one in a chat roleplay, or another version of Sakura in an Iwaku spinoff, I feel each emotion, I suffer through each heartbreak. It all becomes real. I know it's supposed to be a good thing? But it's not even my writing that is so strong. I feel like I'm just attaching myself to these characters emotionally. It takes around five to ten minutes for the feelings to subside. It's like, when I'm writing or thinking or brainstorming, there's music playing in my mind and tempo begins to steadily increase until it's like Beethoven's seventh and I'm on the edge of a cliff, and WOAH, I'm done.
And I review the post a couple times, make some changes, and then post. And after that, I take this heavy breath sigh sort of thing and just stare at it for a few moments. Like I'm high off something. Or like I just time traveled.
It didn't really happen this much before so I didn't think of it.

Now I'm curious, do you guys feel this way, too?
An attachment to your characters that affects your emotions?
An inability to tear yourself away from the screen and look at the time because you're in the middle of a post where something intense is happening?
Do you find yourself reading other roleplays in worry of what happened to a certain character?
An attachment to your characters that affects your emotions?
An inability to tear yourself away from the screen and look at the time because you're in the middle of a post where something intense is happening?
Do you find yourself reading other roleplays in worry of what happened to a certain character?
Also, I wasn't sure if I should put this in Roleplay Talk, Counseling, or General...
Even after all these years...>.<