Original poster
What nicknames do you like to be called?: Tbh, I don't think i have any apart from ll + TopHatBrit
Are you a boy or a girl, and how old are ya? : Boy, 14 ^^
What's your favorite genres to roleplay? : Medieval/Modern
What kind of characters do you usually play?: Secretive / Leaders
Would you prefer Zombie Fox Plushes, Bread Priests, Space Marines, or Wolf Packs? : Uh... What?
Give us your favorite song of the moment and SING IT LOUD AND PROUD~!: Deadmau5... Ghosts 'n Stuff + Moar Ghosts 'n Stuff
I call fireball.
Are you a boy or a girl, and how old are ya? : Boy, 14 ^^
What's your favorite genres to roleplay? : Medieval/Modern
What kind of characters do you usually play?: Secretive / Leaders
Would you prefer Zombie Fox Plushes, Bread Priests, Space Marines, or Wolf Packs? : Uh... What?
Give us your favorite song of the moment and SING IT LOUD AND PROUD~!: Deadmau5... Ghosts 'n Stuff + Moar Ghosts 'n Stuff
I call fireball.