Elite Magical Girl Academy (Shoujo-Ai/Yuri) (Closed)

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I thought you read my CS carefully? If you manage to make this girl hate you, and you will get a cookie :P
I'll have Momoko whisper in Airi's ear and say that Tomoko was spreading rumors about her. >:D
That would not make Tomoko hate Alri though, just the other way around!
That would not make Tomoko hate Alri though, just the other way around!
That works. :3

Nah, Momoko isn't a pot stirrer. I'm sure Tomoko and Airi will get along famously.
Airi's the nice girl type as well, so it'd be unlikely she'd want anyone to hate her. Gotta make all the friends.
Okay, I changed a lot of stuff regarding Tomoko's element around, so that it's exactly as asked on the CS, and put the research part as her main hobby - now she researches other magical girl's abilities instead of her own.
I just have one question before I can post the updated version: Has anyone taken Illusion as their element yet? Because I have one spell that involves illusion, and I don't want to take that away from anyone.
What is your new element? And the quickest way to get an answer if anyone took that is by checking the listing on the first post.
Off the top of my head, no, there isn't a specific illusion power from what I gather
Appearance (in MaGi outfit):
The ice in the background is not part of her costume!

Name: Yukigami Tomoko (幸神 智子)

Age: 14

Year: First

Alias: Melee

Height: 5'1" (154cm)

Weight: 103lbs (47kg)

Element: Magic

Tomoko is fascinated by Magical Girls' magic. Ever since her first transformation she has doing her personal researches on how to combine different girls' abilities to get an even stronger – or flashier – result.
When she is not currently elaborating a new idea, she is generally out, talking to other magical girls about their powers, trying to come up with new ideas based on the information she gathers. This has lead to her making new friends very fast.
She is very talkative, so if she is not stopped, any conversation with her will normally end with her bombarding you with questions and barely giving you time to answer them. She always keeps her little notebook with her, where she writes down every little piece of information she can find. Don't be mad if she pulls it out mid-conversation, something you said probably just gave her another great idea.
She is always cheerful – to a point where some people get annoyed about it. The one and only thing that can let her down (at least of everything that's happened to her so far) is a failed idea. Depending on how excited she was for it, this can lead to her being salty for a couple of hours to a whole week. Luckily it doesn't happen all too often that one of her ideas won't work.
Oh, and just as a little side note: don't talk about her height. Never.

"I did it! I did it!" Tomoko smiled as she watched her excited younger self dance around the small campfire it had just created. It had been her very first successful experiment, creating a fire with her magic – the, as she later found out, least investigated element of all. Ever since then, she had dedicated most of her time to her personal research and experiments. She could still remember the blissful state of mind she had been in back then, and even now it struck her from time to time when she created a new technique to use her otherwise really boring magic for.
Looking back, it had of course been one of the easiest elements to start with. She had long since realized, that creating heat with magic was a pretty easy task, even for a non-natural user, especially if she didn't need to create the flames herself and could just light something on fire. But it had been the first thing she managed to do herself, and she was proud of that.
It had taken some time until she had realized, that the amounts of other elements she could conduct with 'magic', were on a scale too low to ever be really useful. That was when started investigating other magical girl's abilities, and trying to come up with ways to combine them. Ever since then, she had been a sort of strategist, making the most use possible out of the huge variety of MG abilities out there.
She turned off the TV and put the dvd back into the folder she took it from. When she had received the letter from the EMGA, she had felt the urge to rewatch this video. She didn't quite know why, herself.
Being accepted there gave her the best chances she would ever get – at least at her current age – to chase her hobby and dream. An academy, completely dedicated for the education of magical girls and many many girls to talk to and finally try all her ideas out. Most of her experiments were dangerous – not for the people trying them, but for the surroundings – and she hoped that the school and the people there would finally give her what she needed – partners.
A huge smile formed on her face, when the realization hit her yet again. She was accepted! Just like her younger self a minute ago, she was now dancing through the room, singing a little victory melody that her father had made for her when she asked him. This was definitely going to be fun.

Some details on her circumstances: She is an only child, both her parents are alive and well, they make an average amount of money, they are never no drama here whatsoever. Her mother was one of the few females in her family that wasn't a magical girl.
Though Tomoko always had many friends, none of them were ever really close friends, but that didn't bother her too much – to be honest, she never thought about it. Her parents are a little sad about that, but she doesn't understand their concern.

Extracurricular Activities:
Swimming -> She enjoys water. It's in the family.
Anime Club -> Yes, good ideas can also come from fiction.
Theater Club -> Special effects are her speciality. She is responsible for the scenery, not acting herself.

Magical Girl Abilities:

User binds her opponents limbs with weak rings of magic, making them unable to move. With no resistance this spell can basically be channeled infinitely, the more the target is struggling, the faster it breaks.

User creates a flash of magic light in front of her opponent's eyes, dazzling them and weakening their sense of orientation.

User creates an exact image of herself that can be controlled by will.

User channels magic inside herself, enabling her to quickly analyse what element the opponent is using and what type of attack he is currently channeling.

Magic Shield:
User creates a shield of magic, that can reflect projectiles. The stronger the projectile, the more power is needed.

Magic Beam:
User fires a beam of magic, that can be casted from a wide spread punch, to a single line high-pierce shot.

User channels magic inside herself, increasing her reflexes and speed drastically.

Daggers o' Magic:
User creates two magical daggers with a blade length of 12 inches (30cm), that are sharp enough to cut through steel. Effect on living beings can be changed by will, either it cuts normally, or it applies the effect as if it had been a cut, without actually applying any wounds. (e.g. a cut through the right shoulder would make someone unable to use their right arm) This effect lasts two minutes.

Additional stuff: All her abilities, except the magic beam, are used to either grant the chance for or use in close combat. Tomoko's not the type to fire from a safe long range.
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As you can see, my new element is Magic. I hope my usage of it is according to your grasp of it.
Ah woops, I just checked the clubs and realized that art club is full. My bad, I will change it quickly.
Funnyach... One bad thing about your Analyze is that one of my characters magic is Chaos. Chaos is completely random :P. She doesn't even know what will happen in most of her attacks. Hayley could also hurt herself with her own magic so.. its like a large game of Russian Roulette. In order to analyze there must be a pattern. A pattern means a sense of order. Chaos is the opposite of Order. Oh how I look forward to that... I have a feeling your character will be like... "I have no idea what she is doing." Then Hayley responding "Neither do I!"

I like the feel of the character as well. Curious but bubbly... We need an overly happy individual.
@Funnyach Thanks for changing your element. :D Approved. When @Lycan Queen finishes her CS, you'll have a roomie.
@CrimsonHorizon Oh my god yes! That sounds like we can make a lot of it :D. Stuff that shouldn't work is always fascinating.
I'd considered using "pure" magic myself, so I'm glad to see someone going after it. My opinions don't really matter, but I think it's a pretty solid set of things. Going non-elemental means the freedom to sort of pick up any and every utility sort of effect you'd care to name, or possibly get into more meta aspects of magic use with things like disrupting other magic or anti-magic fields.

I think an Anti-magic field and being a very solid melee combatant was one thing I was actually considering for a Major attack for my own magic-element stuff, so i might as well share the idea. Shut off magic for everyone within a certain area and just rely on the opponent being out of their element. Although...this is FAR more useful against magical girls than whatever Youma they fight, I'd reckon...
Sounds like a solid idea, but seems a little op I think. Also, as stated, she is pretty much done with her own developement and is focusing on combinations with/between other magical girls. Though she will probably go back to doing some reearch on her own abilities later, when she realizes, that she is currently not strong enough to take on anyone equally or higher skilled than herself.

That's just forecasting though, who would know what will happen, after all its not just my story ;)
M'hm. Definitely agreeing on the OP thing. The user would be able to use whatever tools they had while non-combatant characters would be forced to surrender without their element. Unless, they're pretty good at hand to hand combat themselves, but they'd probably still lose without their element to boost attack power.
@Funnyach It's still good to have ideas for where you intend to go with things, your story or not. I certainly know I sometimes plan some things out a bit for fun, because character progression's usually important. Or expected, in some cases.

And yeah, anti-magic fields in general are bullshit in this kind of genre (villains, take note). It would, however be hilarious in the hands of someone equally useless without magic, just turning things back into a schoolyard slap-fight. Still, probably not as good an idea as I'd thought.
Hmm, I like that schoolyard slap fight thing. Maybe you and me can think of a way to combine our magics that it creates this type of field and then use it to pull a prank in the final of a tournament or something like that :D
Hm...probably not. Gravity's not quite the right element to get that sort of thing, I don't think. At least not the way I'm using it.
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I'm currently writing on my notebook, explaining how my abilities work. I came up with a concept for the 'Magic' element, which I'd like to use for that.
It would be awesome if you could look over it really fast and tell me if it's okay @SailorMoon @Olissa

EDIT: It's written from Tomoko's POV.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Concept of the element 'Magic':[/BCOLOR]

The so called 'Magic' element is - different from what many people think - not so different from the other basic elements. Even though the concept of magical girls in itself is definitely not explainable by current science, at least most of the elements can be analyzed and - to a point - properly explained.

[BCOLOR=transparent]When I use magic, it's not like I am creating 'beams of holy light' or 'unexplainable greatness' from thin air.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]What actually happens is pretty boring when you think about it, though the results can be pretty impressive. I force a huge amount of some sort of magical girl energy into tiny particles of any sort, and then manipulate them in a way that they do what I want them to.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Highly accellerating them in a single direction is pretty much the only thing that is easy to accomplish, everything else requires a little to a lot of training.[/BCOLOR]
I'm currently writing on my notebook, explaining how my abilities work. I came up with a concept for the 'Magic' element, which I'd like to use for that.
It would be awesome if you could look over it really fast and tell me if it's okay @SailorMoon @Olissa

EDIT: It's written from Tomoko's POV.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Concept of the element 'Magic':[/BCOLOR]

The so called 'Magic' element is - different from what many people think - not so different from the other basic elements. Even though the concept of magical girls in itself is definitely not explainable by current science, at least most of the elements can be analyzed and - to a point - properly explained.

[BCOLOR=transparent]When I use magic, it's not like I am creating 'beams of holy light' or 'unexplainable greatness' from thin air.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]What actually happens is pretty boring when you think about it, though the results can be pretty impressive. I force a huge amount of some sort of magical girl energy into tiny particles of any sort, and then manipulate them in a way that they do what I want them to.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Highly accellerating them in a single direction is pretty much the only thing that is easy to accomplish, everything else requires a little to a lot of training.[/BCOLOR]
That's fine. I'm not going to cross magic off the list since unlike other elements there are a ton of ways to use it. Aka, sorceress and witch type magical girls.
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