Electronic Abstraction Part One



Original poster
Dear Synthesizer
Seduce me, baby,
Make a melody
So sugary
I drift into fantasy

A synthetic symphony
Releases me, care free
Anythin' will really
Do to escape reality

Rose-tinted, more like bright pink,
Deeper in the melody my mind'll sink,
Don't care if I can't think,
I'll pass shyness' brink,

Simple pleasure
Toxic pressure
My feelings in censure
And music's rosy allure

Thump, thump, thump
Out of my slump
Synthesizer, pump
Me up to jump, jump, jump!

Even if I don't dare in dance
In front of people, in a trance,
I got ya' in my head, electronic
Rhythm forever symphonic

In my Head
There's a land one dares not tread,
For one'd flee with dread,
My bright fantasy to them poison lead
Bursting forth in my head,

Who dares to regulate imagination,
Even if a monstrous abomination
Suspended in a stellar space station
Marked by constant oscillation?

If you dare probe my mind,
You will soon find,
A land, the curious kind,
Nearly bright enough to drive you blind

A pink galaxy made of candy
Golden rain of honey,
With a wave welcomes you the bunny,
What, you don't understand me?

Chê si no te la volu comprenderi?
Io la fazu loca beni
Sini signíficu entendibli
Entendibli sólo a mi.

But there's more, for you
Will soon see the workings of an inner Harajuku,
Oh, what will your closed mind do
When it sees outfits of acid green, jet black and neon blue?

From strangers to a dear friend,
All will fail to comprehend
This special place where I play pretend
A world where fun will never end

No, You Can't "Chū" Me
Candy, candy
Is so amai
In my land, the kawaii
Will reign, free

Sure, I'll be your sweetie,
But only if you promise me
That you won't "chū" me
Won't touch my dolls, teddies,
Or hoard of other toys

I don't need a boy,
Have my loyal, amai cookies
And my moon-bound bunnies
Makin' mochi

Besides, I was a "grown up" once
Never found love, not once
Individualist monotony
Competition's acridity

Everyone soon tires
Of constant talk of haters
"Why don't you just grin and bear it
Instead of getting in a hissy fit?"

Rap, warui ko, rap away
While I escape this land of grey
To go a friendly omochaya
Dressed up like a lovely Lolita
No, not that kind of Lolita!
You're in the gutter, aren't ya?!

I'll protect my precious innocence
From your morbid advance;
Besides, I'm well too childish
For your liquorish licorice fetish

Fine, call me what you want, a weeaboo,
Like you're the hontou no you,
And not a powerless fool,
Momma Media's tool

I'm not tolerant
Of such views, ignorant
Of Western and Eastern ideology,
Removed from a dual reality
Of happiness in individuality
And in equality

I am synthesis
Of Occidental thesis
And Oriental antithesis
And Mommy and Big Sis'

So what if I like something a little sweet?
It's not like I'm gonna force you to eat
My favorite treat!

I'm no company's machine
I'm ouhi of my own candy
Aware of my fused cultural identity
I'm my own freedom's queen

I won't advertise like Kyary
So back off of my fantasy;
No, you can't "chū" me!

Paradigm Shift
What is reality?
Why, it can't be objectivity,
Forever tangential subjectivity,
The limits of erratic electricity,

Error, error, err—
Not really sure if "I" really care,
Do "I" really dare
To call myself "I" when "I" could err?

All "I" am is changing,
Without stop self-rearranging,
I am truly everything,
Yet at the same time nothing,

Oh, where's your
Not make
Does this sense?

"_" be
Sans sub

Do be afraid
Is only breakdown
Of your whole foun

Weak Computer
From truth ___ run

If sound electronic am
Synthesize I will
My own net of param
-eters 'round this ever changing squiggle

The sweetest sound I'll be,
Rhythmic, pulsating candy
Imprisoned in a land free
Of truth, of reality

Mascina de Ritmu
Sum mascina
Es mascina
Toti sõ mascine
Sini pense reale

Propia dansa'na
Reinari musica'na

Musica reina
D'arti mórbida
Toti'na hipnotisó

Súa messagi
Ê is che volemo crederi
Cabu de noci
Cubre profeta falsi

Sum mascina de ritmu
Es mascina de ritmu
Toti sõ bailatte
Toti sõ esclave

Pa'ritmu morirã
Comme lupi bailarã
Débile'na atacarã

Sistema'na resisterú
In humanu me nararú

No serú mascina de ritmú

English Translation 8D:
I'm a machine
You're a machine
Everyone's a machine
Without actual thoughts

Don't make up
Your own dance
The music rule

Music the queen
Of a morbid art
With satisfaction
She hypnotized everyone

Her message
Is what we want to believe
Night's cape
Covers the false prophet

I'm rhythm's machine
You're rhythm's machine
Everyone's dancing
Everyone's a slave

For the rhythm they'll die
Like wolves they'll dance
The weak they'll attack

I'll resist the system
I'll become a human

I won't be rhythm's machine