
Emberlynn looked at him in awe. He really was going to let her come with him? She walked over to him again, tears flowing down her face in pure happiness. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss.

"Then I shall formally accept your offer and go with you on your journey..." she said as she pulled away and smiled, giggling softly. She grabbed his hand and ran off, heading to the hotel they were staying at. As they arrived, she went her seperate way to go retrieve her stuff.

"Aeon, I will meet you out in the Lobby here when you are done. If you need me to help you at all, do not hesitate to ask. You are now my companion and I will help anyway I can!" Jolt by her side, she ran to her room, packing her items. In her room, there sat, on her bed, was a pouch of money, It was 10,000 yen and a coupon to 25 free cans of pokemon food. It was probably the prize for runner up. She didn't complain, packing up her items and her pokeballs. At that she headed down to the Lobby. If Aeon needed any help, he would surely ask for it. Her face was still a bright blush pink from the kisses she had given Aeon. She didn't think about this before, but what if kissing him was telling him she was trying to come on strong? She didn't want it to seem like that...

She ran up to Aeon's room, knocking.

"I'm sorry if what I did back near the stadium seemed like coming on strong. I just...If it was coming on too strong...I'm sorry..."
Going back to his room, Aeon gathered his things, finding the first place prize sitting pristine on his bed. Shaking his head, he put everything into his suitcase and small satchel. It wasn't much, but it was his. Hearing a knock at the door, he went to it, smiling when he saw Emberlynn. After listening to what she said, he gripped her by the shoulders and kissed her. Pulling away after a couple seconds, he said, "It's okay. I forgive you."
Emberlynn blushed when Aeon kissed her and told her he forgave her. She smiled softly at him and headed back down to the Lobby. Grabbing her stuff, which Jolt was guarding, She looked back to see if Aeon was coming.

She couldn't believe it. She wasn't going back to the Unova region like she had planned. Of course, she hadn't planned on falling in love again. But this unexpected stuff could be good for her.

When she saw Aeon again, her smile didn't fade. She would be happy now. Happy with the one she loved and happy with her forever friends, her pokemon.

(Did you want to end it here or did you want to post an ending post?)
Quickly grabbing his things, he said a final goodbye to his room, even though he had only been in it for a few days. Returning to Emberlynn in the lobby, he smiled. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, all of it good, but all of it new and strange to him. Eventually, would their love become monotonous, like so many others had, or would it stay fresh and exciting to him? He didn't have to hide himself anymore, and was finally able to forgive himself. He was in love again, and that was all that mattered now. He would travel with her to wherever the road would take them, maybe someday settling down somewhere. His smile grew wider at the thought, but it could be attributed to seeing Emberlynn waiting for him. Yes, the rest of his life would be good, wonderful even, because he had found Emberlynn.

(Okay, now I'm done ^^)