- Invitation Status
- Not accepting invites at this time
- Posting Speed
- Slow As Molasses
- Writing Levels
- Advanced
- Preferred Character Gender
- Primarily Prefer Male

W e l c o m e t o D u s t a i l i a.
A strange city with even more stranger inhabitants. Forty percent of Dustailia's population consists of a peculiar species known as shapeshifters, creatures that could take the form of either human or animal. They are unlike humans and can wield odd powers known as magic. However, these shapeshifters do not get along well, and have separated themselves into three turfs. It is said that they once were one nation, living in harmony with the normal people of the city. They had a king, a ruler, who governed over them fairly. But no king ruled without hate and jealousy and envy, thus he was overthrown by a shapeshifter who had complete control over what he could shift into and mastered all of the three elements their species were blessed with; water, earth and fire. But there were few who hated the tyrannical rule of this new king and through teamwork and preservation; overthrew him as well. But it was at this point the members of the group who stood for the rights of the shapeshifting population that began to bicker and argue on how their species should be ruled. Eventually, the conflict ended, with the species being split into three, each having their own part of Dustailia.
Three turfs, all hating the other, were prominent throughout the city. Each of the three members who had defeated the tyrant became the ruling head and royal family of each territory, and soon the way they discriminated against each other became normal. To this modern day, they continue to argue with the others, bickering and causing minor fights, but never launching a full invasion for fear of other turfs taking over. But under all the fighting, there are those who still support the tyrant who once ruled over their lands. And they would do anything to return Dustailia to what it used to be.
- The Caerbus were the land-dwellers, shapeshifters who mastered the earth and the fire, and were mostly mammals and reptiles. They were the largest of the turfs and due to its large numbers, hardest to control. Their royal family symbol is of the tiger.
- The Kimon are the masters of the sky and wielders of the wind under their wings. They say the Kimon are the deadliest, almost all of them having skills of a trained assassin. Their royal family symbol is the Pitohui, a poisonous and deadly small bird.
- And the Aunlo are the deep-sea swimmers and have control over the ports of Dustailia, making them the richest of the three turfs. Their royal family symbol is the great whale.
C h a r a c t e r s
Played by Sen:
Played by Danger:
Sort of ragged brown short hair, grey eyes, somewhat tall at about 185cm. Lean, not too much muscle. Able to transform into a wolf. Displays mastery over basic earth elemental manipulation with his speciality being able to create walls out of the ground beneath him at incredible speeds.
Platinum blonde hair, goes down to her waist. Silver eyes, kind of short at 165 cm. slim figure, as a royal. Shapeshifts into a white tiger. As a Caerbus family member she is quite talented when it comes to the element of fire, her speciality being fireballs.
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