Dust and Steam

"I'm up but get going." Ren said, sounding annoyed. "You ladies take way too much time. On a battlefield, you'd have died." He didn't like working with inexperienced members but he feels they'd fail so badly without help. Already they're making a big mistake of taking time to communicate. Aura could have done so much for wordless communication in a team, but it seems they don't know how to handle it yet.
"Sometimes communication is the best thing, though." Anette said as she appeared behind him. She made a laugh, "I would say hunting isn't just about killing on your own, you come to the school, you have to learn that there will be times you have to work together. Have you thought of that." She gave his a smile.
He raised an eyebrow at her, never dropping her guard. "Unless you're a teacher, don't take time to lecture me in the middle of a test." Ren swung his sword again, watching the hooded man. "Well, come on. What now?"
"Alright, we need to distract him so one of us can grab the pendant. After that we can walk to the teacher." Mia said, looking around at the different kids. She wondered if she would be on a team with them.
"I'm the one doing the flashy crap." Ren said, rearing, preparing to charge and gathering Aura again. He and his sword was coated in a red-orange glow, eyes never leaving the hooded man. "But if I keep him occupied, would you stay alive?"
"We'll managed. We'll need more than just one person to occupy him though." Mia said, looking back at the others. She assessed them, wondering what they could do and how they would do it.
Lifira cocked her weapon one handed. Given the safety mechanisms, it did nothing but look and sound cool.

"This thing shoots fireballs, explodes when it smashes into something, and I've got these." She digs into her pack and pulls out a metallic sphere the size of a baseball, and starts tossing it up into the air. "Just one has more than enough Dust to seriously mess anything up, wherever it hits. It's not gonna do any permanent damage. Unfortunately."
"These are my babies Fire and Fury." Anette showed the group her tonfas. "I'm up to doing anything with them. Whatever you say, whatever you want. Just don't touch them." She gave the girl doing all the planning a smile.