Boss Frost
Original poster

Droaam is a land of monsters, creatures that—to the outside eye-make even the goblin tribes of Darguun look civilized. The mountain passes of Droaam teem with giants and gargoyles, and the forests are thick with trolls and orcs more savage than the fiercest tribes of the Eldeen Reaches.
Yet the region contains more than random horrors. Ruled by the mysterious Daughters of Sora Kell, Droaam grows ever more disciplined, ever more structured-and the people of Khorvaire grow ever more frightened.
The Treaty of Thronehold does not recognize Droaam as a nation. But its rulers, the Daughters of Sora Kell—a covey of hags—govern it as one. A decade ago, Droaam was a region in anarchy, its monstrous tribes and people warring against one another. Today, a number of regional warlords, including the medusa Sheshka (the Queen of Stone) and the oni mage Drul Kantar, rule regions of Droaam, and all swear fealty to the Daughters. The nation functions, roughly but effectively, as a cohesive whole despite the violence, chaos, and bloodshed that is still the norm within individual territories.
For years, Breland claimed the region now called Droaam, but few humans ever attempted to establish colonies there; it is the abode of monsters. Droaamish mercenaries were effective during the Last War, and fear of their strength—and the hope that the Droaamites might prove valuable allies should war come again—has prevented the Five Nations from moving against them. This has not calmed public nervousness at having monsters on Breland's borders, or halted those monsters' occasional raids into civilized lands.
The Daughters of Sora Kell organized the construction of the major Droaamish fortresses and cities over the past ten years; many of these communities are built on the ruins of ancient Dhakaani goblin enclaves. Most Droaamites dwell in tiny villages, without even formal roads to provide connections between towns.
Graywall: The gateway between Droaam and Breland, Graywall has a quarter devoted to humans and other nonmonstrous humanoids from beyond the mountains. Legitimate merchants, mercenary employers, and criminals from all over Khorvaire can be found here amid the native goblins, orcs, and gnolls.
Cazhaak Draal: The seat of Sheshka's power, the Stonelands is a rocky region surrounding an ancient hobgoblin ruin. A great evil in eons past petrified all life in the region, leaving statues of hobgoblins, other goblins, humanoid slaves, and even plants. Today, the city is occupied primarily by medusas and their basilisk hounds.
The Great Crag: The capital of Droaam is a winding city of new construction, old goblin ruins, and warrens running through the mountain at the nation's center. The Daughters of Sora Kell rule a population of harpies, gargoyles, and other monstrous humanoids. House Tharashk maintains an enclave here, from which it negotiates mercenary contracts with the Droaamites.
Lost: The legendary city of the doppelgangers, Lost is said to be able to change the shape of its buildings and even its roads as easily as its inhabitants change theirs. Only the city's inhabitants and the Daughters of Sora Kell know its location.
The Venomous Demesne: This region is a tiefling fiefdom, ruled by Lord Bal Molesh. Recently discovered by the Daughters of Sora Kell, these tieflings
are slowly integrating into the feudal structure of Droaam, adding their eldritch might to the physical strength of the other natives.
Znir: The Droaamish gnoll tribes meet in Znir—one of the primary gnoll communities in Droaam—once a year to honor their ancestors and renew their pact to avoid the demonic influences that rule the gnolls of other lands.
Graywall: The gateway between Droaam and Breland, Graywall has a quarter devoted to humans and other nonmonstrous humanoids from beyond the mountains. Legitimate merchants, mercenary employers, and criminals from all over Khorvaire can be found here amid the native goblins, orcs, and gnolls.
Cazhaak Draal: The seat of Sheshka's power, the Stonelands is a rocky region surrounding an ancient hobgoblin ruin. A great evil in eons past petrified all life in the region, leaving statues of hobgoblins, other goblins, humanoid slaves, and even plants. Today, the city is occupied primarily by medusas and their basilisk hounds.
The Great Crag: The capital of Droaam is a winding city of new construction, old goblin ruins, and warrens running through the mountain at the nation's center. The Daughters of Sora Kell rule a population of harpies, gargoyles, and other monstrous humanoids. House Tharashk maintains an enclave here, from which it negotiates mercenary contracts with the Droaamites.
Lost: The legendary city of the doppelgangers, Lost is said to be able to change the shape of its buildings and even its roads as easily as its inhabitants change theirs. Only the city's inhabitants and the Daughters of Sora Kell know its location.
The Venomous Demesne: This region is a tiefling fiefdom, ruled by Lord Bal Molesh. Recently discovered by the Daughters of Sora Kell, these tieflings
are slowly integrating into the feudal structure of Droaam, adding their eldritch might to the physical strength of the other natives.
Znir: The Droaamish gnoll tribes meet in Znir—one of the primary gnoll communities in Droaam—once a year to honor their ancestors and renew their pact to avoid the demonic influences that rule the gnolls of other lands.
The inhabitants of Droaam are mostly monsters: Gnolls, orcs, and goblins make up the greater portion of the population. Shifters and doppelgangers are not uncommon, and trolls, ogres, primitive giants, harpies, gargoyles, minotaurs, and even more exotic beasts—as well as small populations of humans and tieflings—are found in reasonable numbers as well.
Character Creation Rules
All published races allowed - including Monster races.
No Swordmage class.
2nd-level characters, 30 point buy. 4th edition style point buy.
120 starting gold.
Plot to be announced when I've got some characters up in here.