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"Na….talya." Leonidas mimicked her mouth to properly pronounce her name, nodding that he understood. When she produced the canteen and container, the man took off his plumed helmet and set it next to his shield. He accepted only the food, as he'd had his fill of fresh water. He seemed to not mind the smell and awful taste of the rations at all. He even gave a nod of approval and only ate half the portion offered. The Spartan life even tempered the stomach to digest such things with gratitude.

His hunger abated on the meager meal, the Spartan looked the woman over a little closer. Not a Greek or Persian, he was certain of that, but he could recognize the manner of a soldier in her. He remembered the sound that had brought him here, and mimicked it best he could while putting his hands out to indicate how loud it seemed to him.

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Doc Holliday

" My thanks Miss Edna".

He took the offered pipe and proceeded to sit down after giving the elders present a respectful now of his head. He did notice the people of this village were all smallish, like Edna.

He also notice whatever language they spoke, he didn't recognize. Lastly as any successful gambler would tell you, body language is very important. Going by that, Edna might have understood perhaps half of his jabber.

"Miss Edna, I have not been here long before we met. I have a few coins to start my life here. ( He retrieved from a pouch, a twenty dollar U.S. gold piece. And discretely palmed the coin to her.) Can you tell me the value of this here ?

"Ah so the four eyed bastard brought you here too." Grinning a bit, Natalya remembers this man, if he was who he claimed could not understand her, and the only higher education she had was in aeronautics and sniping. Coming up with an idea, she sets her rifle down, cradled to her chest, lifting her right and left hand, she curves the fingers into glasses like shape, holding them to her face.

"Yes, same." Then putting her hands down to make an opening and closing by cupping of her hands, Natalya mimics the door motion. It seemed bot h had been sent here the same way, and any communication or direction for the pair would have to come by another source, unscrewing her canteen Natalya had a sip of her water, rifle left at ease, though there was the issue of those bodies. Reaching under her poncho around the waist, a small digging spade is pulled.

@Sir Kaltao
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Leonidas finally took notice of the object the woman had been carrying, and was about to inquire what it was with a simple gesture, but then she looked to the bodies and produced a shovel. So she was a soldier with hospitality and honor. Wherever she hailed from, they trained their warriors properly. Not as well as his kinsman, but well enough.

He rose to his feet, tapped his chest and pointed at the bodies then made a digging motion with a cupped hand before holding out his right hand for the shovel. This one could have killed him in his weakened state, but she'd showed him hospitality. Zeus would strike him dead if he didn't reciprocate by assisting her with the gravedigging. He would leave his shield, cuirass, and spear behind but take the xiphos.

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"Miss Edna, I have not been here long before we met. I have a few coins to start my life here. ( He retrieved from a pouch, a twenty dollar U.S. gold piece. And discretely palmed the coin to her.) Can you tell me the value of this here ?
Edna held the coin close to her eyes, and ran her fingers over it. Having no knowledge of metallurgy, she assumed it was all or mostly gold and therefore, quite valuable. Maybe even more so, because the intracy of its etchings would be something very unique. The older hobbits took notice, but being a respectful type didn't bother her for the gold piece. One did lean over to tell her that, by his reckoning, that gold piece could buy at least five head of cattle, or ten healthy sheep.

Edna thanked the older man and relayed to him while handing the piece back. "Five cattle, ten sheep, cart of good pipeweed." She pointed in the direction of the market and started walking that way on the earthen path. "Market has food, goods, and shelter you can barter for."

The pair would come to the market square, and have their eyes caught by another odd fellow being led by another hobbit.

"Edna, ya found one too?" Geralt asked in their tongue ast the pair came upon them int the market square while still puffing on his pipe. The quartet were drawing a lot of eyes.

"Yes I did. a tad older then yours it seems." Edna replied in kind, regarding the one Geralt was leading. She asked her fellow "You know him?" in English.


Miles away from the ruins, there was no proper 'village' to speak of.The sand dunes would harden until giving way to cracked barren flatlands. It was no more hospitable than the desert from which the travelers had come. Only a few hedges of stubborn weeds defied the heat and dryness. Night had been creeping on the land when the pair set out. Now it had total dominion of the land. The scorching heat was replaced by a wind that chilled one to the bone.

Visible for a great distance, was a high stone wall lit by the full moon. Torch light dotted its great length.

@BIOPrototype3729 @Ringmaster
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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John Doc Holliday

Doc trailed along with Edna enjoying the sights in the village full of small people. He was pleased at the report of the relative value of gold here. Tobacco and a pipe were high on his list of things to obtain, along with food of course. Then someplace to sleep for the night. Miss Edna was certainly a good sport about him being here. He picked up on the small people having a different language pretty quickly. Edna's body language didn't give away any ill intent though.

" Miss Edna, I am grateful for your kindness. Why do you suppose the local humans have changed their habits regarding your people ? "

This was asked relatively early in the stroll about the marketplace. He genuinely liked these folk, simple, easy going and just a little suspicious of him. Then he spotted the other fellow. Asian, probably Japanese. A warrior, some sort of musket rifle. Walks the walk. Accepted by these folk, a good sign. This happened as is not unusual with gunfighters, that brief moment in time where the flow is interrupted by the mind to assess danger.

" No Miss Edna, I do not, but it would seem a good idea that the two of us met I think".

@EmperorsChosen @Ms.Ezra
XX mese sconosiuta XXXX
Deserto, Nuovo Mondo


Night was quick to arrive for Luigi, its blanket of darkness coating everything the desert had for show. The M13's headlamp flickered quietly as the tank rattled on, its occupants still searching for the village they both sought. But woe upon them, for they could not find what they desired. Luigi could only hopelessly peek out of his hatch, the goggles protecting his weary eyes coated in hours worth of sand. The Italian didn't know where his acquaintance was, but most likely he was somewhere in or on the commander's cupola, watching from a bird's eye view of the surrounding area.

Eventually, the tank began to cough, running on fumes as the fuel was almost completely dried up. Tapping the fuel meter frantically, Luigi sighed his grip on the steer almost loosening. However, hope seemed to arrive, as he noticed something in the near distance; fire.

Turning off the headlamp, he literally pushed the tank to life once more, as it groaned to speed up. Puttering noises escaped its exhaust, but Luigi put all of his faith into making every last lick of diesel count. And so it went on like that, the tank sometimes dying before Luigi would bang something, trying to keep the vehicle moving. He had even exited to pour water into the fuel well, hoping that it would somehow wash the diesel's residue into the engine.

And his efforts were not in vain; they had made it. Less than a kilometer away from whatever those fires were, probably lookouts, the M13/40 wheezed a final push, and came to a slow stop. The engine was heated to hellish temperatures, tracks worn out. It would no longer cruise the deserts once more, not for a long time. What was once a hero of sacrifice, was now a weary veteran who had seen better days. And as such, it deserved one last embrace, its driver, and commander, thanking it for taking him to the end of the world.

"We'll meet again some day," Luigi said in his mother tongue, hugging the steering rods for some moment before getting up. He took one last look at the interior, and then climbed out of the hatch, binoculars pulled out to scan what was in the near distance.

@Ringmaster @Ms.Ezra
The arrow went unnoticed as Nero's gaze became fixated above. Unflinching in posture, the threat did little to unnerve him, but what did and was likely not noticed was their voices. The voice of contempt, disdain, disrespect! It was the voice of the senators. It was the voice of the citizens. It was the all familiar soothing voice of mother. Yes, no doubt these were her type of people Nero knew. His appearance took on a new form as he began to lower his head. His chin was no longer raised in authority, and his jaw was firmly locked in place. The soft skin that displayed anger before had turned to stone. Showing not a hint of emotion, his eyes moved coldly between the guards, before he moved to take a step.

Turning in silence, he receded back into the darkness without a word. Their faces would not be forgotten. Carrying on in the dark his limp was gone as he returned to the hill before. Scouting the surroundings of the city he headed north. A few minutes later he was walking through a patch of grains, letting his hands knock against the stalks before stopping. Clinching a handful he had a single thought in mind "BURN". The will of the emperor could not be denied and the stalks ignited into a beautiful orange flame. Traveling up and down the stalks they quickly began to spread among the others. Lighting up the space around him and pushing back the oppressive darkness.

With a toothy grin Nero looked down at his work and muttered "You can't escape Mother. I am GOD here." before walking to the next field. Some time later he could hear faint cries from the city as he lite a patch of barley. Chuckling to himself he wished he could see the look on their faces as their hard labor dwindles to ash, but a voice close by caught his attention. He couldn't understand it, but the tone was clearly panic, a call for help. Sprinting to its location he charged upon an old man with a bucket of water in hand. Prepared to toss it on the flames a few feet away, Nero intervened, coming to a stop in front of him.

A moment passed and the bucket hit the ground, spilling its contents. Looking bewildered for a moment at the sight of his forearms on the ground beside it, the realization and pain struck the old man as he let out a cry. Chuckling Nero swung at his throat. Eyes widening in shock and pain he toppled to the ground before his body uttered a gurgling sound. Nero carried on like this for a while, hunting down the peasants at the nearby creek and setting fire to their homes. It was minutes before he ran into any resistance.

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