Dragues - ooc


Nickname// Mick
Age// 36
Birth Date// Fall 28
Gender// Female
Sexuality// Heterosexual

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"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
LIKES: Coffee, Kids, Dresses, Peanut Butter
LOVES: Peanut Butter Cookies, Storms
RESIDENCE: Shoreside Cottage 03
DISLIKES: Bugs, Pineapple, Slimy Things
FEARS: Losing anymore family


PERSONALITY: Michelle is very grounded, and enjoys thinking about things logically instead of with emotionally. She's a loving individual who cares for those around her. She is amazing at calming people, and is always around to give someone a nice cup of tea or coffee to ease their worries. Michelle is a rather smooth talker, and prides herself on being charismatic and kind. She can scold someone with just a look, but she is far from being authoritarian. She's the type of person who will be a shoulder to cry on, then make some nice soup to comfort. Occasionally, her compassion clouds her judgement, and she has been taken advantage of in the past. Still, she continues to help those in need, and has no intention to stop.

BIO: Growing up in a normal life in a large town near Dragues, Michelle's past is far from interesting. When she was 17, she met a young man from Dragues, quickly falling in love. They married in Dragues when she turned 18, and had their first child at 19, Adelaide. Her husband was unfortunately diagnosed with brain cancer only two years after they were married, and passed away when Addy was 4 years old. One year later, she married Mercius, and they have been together for twelve years.


-Michelle has a secret recipe for chicken noodle soup that she only makes when people are sick. She will hand deliver a large container of it to anyone in Dragues, and has an uncanny sense to know when someone is sick. When asked for the recipe, she's often quoted as saying "over my dead body".
-She was initially against moving to Dragues with her husband, and wanted to stay in her hometown or move to a large city. She has since been extremely grateful she had been living in such a tight community when her first husband passed.
-Michelle is personally vegetarian, but will cook with meat for other people.

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Nickname// Addy
Age// 17
Birth Date// Spring 40
Gender// Female
Sexuality// Heterosexual

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"What you allow is what will continue."
LIKES: Soda, Pie, Writing, Thrift Stores
LOVES: Swimming, New Notebooks and Pens
RESIDENCE: Shoreside Cottage 03
DISLIKES: Sports, Winter, Chores, Long Nails
FEARS: Her mom dying, Clowns


PERSONALITY: Much like her mother, Addy is also very logical. She likes to sit and think, and has never been very outgoing. She enjoys being by herself, writing stories and doodling. She's a very sweet girl, and isn't necessarily shy, but does have some bite to her. She won't back down to bullies and will protect her friends and family from anything that might be threatening them. She's rather witty, and can definitely be a bit rebellious if the mood strikes her. She's been known to be pretty heated and headstrong. For the most part, however, Addy just likes to let her mind and imagination run free, writing down whatever she might be thinking of at that point in time.

BIO: Addy was born in Dragues, but barely knew her father. He passed away when she was 4 years old, and her mother immediately remarried Mercius. To her, Merc is her dad and always has been. Addy was given a good life as his step-daughter, and her mother would get her anything she wanted to a limit. Addy's creative side shone through early in life, and she made stories even when she was young. As she aged, she did start to see the boys around her, but paid more attention to her writing instead. She excelled in school through her elementary education, and still does in high school. Now 17, she'll be graduating next year from school, and wants to go on to be a journalist or novelist.


-Addy does have a bit of a crush, but she keeps it secret because she feels like it is completely one sided.
-She likes crystals and has a bit of a collection. She denies any thought of them having healing properties, but secretly believes they do. Because of this, she wears a lot of turquoise for the creative benefits.
-When Addy was younger, she pretended her birth father was a ghost who helped her. While she now doesn't think he's a ghost, she does like to think that he watches over her.

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ye boi, new characters for people to plot with 8D
Closing the rp to new players. New characters by pre-accepted players is fine tho.
Name: Juno Scarlet
Age: 35
Height: 5'9
Birthday: Fall 24
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role: Researcher
Residence: Small House 02

Personality: Despite Juno's stern look's she's actually quite bubbly and pretty loud if the conversation falls into her ballpark. She takes every mystery as a challenge, and every question must have an answer! She tries to see everything from a logical standpoint and often forgets not everything can be in that light, so sometimes she's failing in emotions. She's known to be very sassy and maybe even a bit sarcastic if you've caught her at a wrong time. Though she loves her home and the people in it and is more than happy to give her help in answering questions.

Biography: Juno grew up an only child to a loving mother and father, and despite having only one or two friends growing up she was happy, mainly since she had found the outside world absolutely fascinating despite only reading it from books. Though her most notable friend was Vincent, a boy who was two years older than her and a bit too rough around the edges for her parents to really approve or feel comfortable with. Though she loved him the same way she would love a brother regardless of her parents opinions and was awed when he talked to her about neighboring towns and even more so when he spoke of myths and history (though today he doesn't have the heart to admit to her half of it was made up, and this is why she can't find information on half of what h told her, whoopsie!). Until she turned, 17 Juno had lived her life quiet in Dragues, her second home ending up to be the library.

Once she had turned 18 she announced her desire to leave the quiet town in search of knowledge, and despite Vincent and her families protests, she set out, not returning until she had turned 26 and while she was satisfied with the journey she was a bit defeated since she had to cut it short due to her heart which turned out to be surprisingly weak. Juno has yet to stop her work though, turning over every possible stone in Dragus and writing down every anomaly she's heard or seen. She is careful about her health and makes sure to take regular trips to the doctor to fill up her prescription or she would die by a scolding before a heart attack. Needless to say, she's happy to be back even if it has changed a bit from what she remembered!

Likes: Knowledge, Cold nights, Gentle rain, Chocolate
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, Close minded people, Very emotionally charged situations, Coffee/Heavily caffeinated foods & drinks
Loves: Family, new things, Lillies
Fear: Large amounts of blood, Her health

-Despite being in her mid 30's Juno's skin is very nice! Along with her marvelous misadventures, she discovered a place that had (what they called) a Fountain of Immortality. After some further digging, she just noticed it maintained their youthful appearances. Since the people in the village use the water regularly, Juno uses it less often to test the differences in effects.
-She has been known to fall asleep in unusual places, once even found napping in a crate behind a shop. After a while it was discovered she sleepwalks pretty regularly.
-Juno really is just a researcher, she can't cook very well and relies on Vincent to tell her if her clothes are terrible (though Aurelina would probably tell her that too), not to mention aside from potions and hazardus objects her home is a wreck. Needless to say, she's not very comfortable with letting her niece come over.
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Name: Vincent Hayes
Age: 37
Height: 6'
Birthday: Winter 23
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Boatman
Residence: Marketside Apartment 01

Personality: Vincent is mature and is the type to judge a situation as fairly as possible while trying not to give into personal biases. He's a straightforward man with no interest in keeping unhealthy secrets or holding back if he feels someone needs to be scolded. He otherwise has a calm demeanor and has a soft spot for little kids. He is a bit of an emotional drunk though.

Biography: He moved into Dargues when he was 10, he grew up an orphan and a little more rebellious than the townspeople would have liked. He's been chased around by local authorities and thrown in the slammer once as a lesson, though in his mind it really just meant he had to be more careful about how he went about things. He made a deal with Juno for her to make him alibies in return for stories about his hometown, and a few white lies he called mythology and history, which worked like a charm. Over time he had calmed down a bit and settled with a woman named Lillian, but their relationship was strained with neither of them willing to just leave. Eventually, things got more aggressive between the two, and he had become a regular at the bar. One thing lead to another and Lillian had turned out to be pregnant and after a good fight on whether they were to keep the baby or not, Vincent decided to put an actual effort in becoming a semi-decent human being.

Two months after Lille was born Lillian left for a 'better life' as she put it, Vincent has been forever grateful for the town and especially to Juno whose return almost seemed like it was arranged by the gods. Even if she seemed to almost have a heart attack after seeing how he turned out after such a long time and with a daughter no less, now he works his days to make sure he's able to put food on the table but is careful to spend an equal amount of time with Lille, though she seems to have taken Juno's curiosity and is alright with being left alone, she'll make it clear when she demands Vincent attend one of the royal tea parties.

Likes: Sleep, A good drink, Art
Dislikes: Fish, Sweets, Long books
Love: Teas, Adventure, The Ocean, Family (Even though it's really just Juno and Lillie)
Fear: Losing Lillie, Lillian trying to get back into the picture

-Even though he hates sweets he carries around candies, this was mostly something he did for Lillie when she was a toddler and would get lost when they went out, now it's just a habit. Lillie doesn't mind it, she knows she always has a snack. Though when he runs into Vita, she always holds out her hand expecting a piece.
-He was never married to Lillian; he knew they weren't functional enough to even consider it though he kind of hoped they would have been able to at some point.
-Sometimes he wakes up at 3 AM and walks around the city to make sure Juno isn't sleeping in a crate.
-Lillie is 10 and pretty adventurous, and while Vincent believes it's good to get a little blood on the knees while growing up, he can't help but panic every time she comes home with a new scrape or cut. Kind of hard to believe he would have punched a man for blinking in his general direction.
Name: Lillie Hayes
Age: 10
Height: 4'3
Birthday: Spring 13
Sexuality: ---
Role: Juno's personal Delivery service, works from 10 AM to 9 PM (Dragon Rider)
Residence: Marketside Apartment 01

Personality: Lillie is like any other child, bubbly, wide-eyed and curious about the world! She's a bit soft-hearted and maybe even a little shy around adults she's not too familiar with despite being known to ask some very bold questions. Her imagination is as endless as her determination, and the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree as she's been known to start a few fights with the other kids, even if it was out of goodwill. She's more stubborn than a mule.

Biography: Lillie is a happy kid who loves her father and aunt a good bit. On her father's days off she wanders off to go on an adventure to make sure that he properly rests, though when she gets back, she makes sure she gets her daily dose of attention and maybe even sweets if he can spare the energy to walk with her to the bakery. If she's not with her aunt she's wandering near the training compound, though she's too scared to get near the stables since she doesn't want to be scolded by the instructors. She's gotten close a few times but chickened out halfway through. After all, it's a good idea to learn what you'll be doing in the future since apparently being the queen of the world isn't a very stable job.

Likes: Cute fluffy things, Picture books, sweets, the ocean
Dislikes: Sour or bitter foods, Horror
Loves: Her family, Dragons, The Sky
Fear: The dark, Blood, Scorpions, Snakes

-Sometimes Juno sends Lillie on errands to buy something from the market or magic shop, it's never something too risky if dropped and it gives her a sense of responsibility so it all works out. She gets paid and everything so it's like a job!
-Lillie is pretty good at drawing for a kid. Better than her guardians at least.
-She can cry on cue, so she's a good liar and pretty mischievous.
-Lillie is very conscious of the fact she doesn't have an actual mother and while she does love her aunt she can't help but feel she's missing out on some things only a mom could give. Not to mention she noticed she looks almost nothing like her father which only feeds her anxiety.
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Name/Nicknames: Xian Lynch - Xi

Age/Birthday: 25 | Spring 26

Gender/Sexuality: Male | Demisexual

Role: Fisherman

Residence: Fisherman's cottage

Personality: Xi has been described as having a very strong personality. In other words, he's hard-headed, loyal to a fault, and full of unresolved issues from his past. These unresolved issues lead to a slight anger issue and inability to let sleeping dogs lie so to speak. However, Xi can be very caring to those that he feels are weaker or more helpless than he is. Something about his absent older brother doing the same for him and his missing twin.

Bio: Xian is actually the youngest of three boys. His parents were from an island in the middle of god-knows-where. His father was a fisherman and his mother was a simple housewife. Xian doesn't remember a lot from when he had an actual family because his mother died a few weeks after he and his brother were born from complications during their birth. He vaguely remembers his father. Vaguely.

Xian was only 5 when his father passed away as well and he was sent with his twin to a neighbor. The old couple were nice enough but they didn't want to raise two more children. So when their older brother disappeared as well, Xian and Ixen were sent off to an orphanage. Ixen, being the older of the two, was adopted first, into a nice family as far as Xian knew. They were 7 when they were separated.

Xian didn't have a sob story where he wasn't adopted or that he was adopted into a family with too many children to start with. No. He was adopted into a good family, a family of merchants. He was kept near the marketplace and the ocean. Xi taught himself how to swim, how to hold his breath longer than anyone else he knew, how to dive deeper. He got into trouble a lot starting when he was 10. Always getting into fights protecting the couple who adopted him's youngest daughter. His knuckles are scarred permanently from all the fist fights. His nose was broken more than once because Xian never learned quite how to stay down in a fight. However, the little girl always called him a hero so he kept doing it. When he was 19, his adoptive mother died and, in her memory and the memory of all the other people he'd lost, he got a back tattoo done.

When Xian turned 20 he moved out of his adoptive father's house and down to the small cottage that had stood empty for a little while now. That spring he found a nearly frozen raven hatchling that had hatched before the last frost. Xian took care of the helpless thing, feeding, and keeping it warm. The raven survived and when it was big enough, Xi let it go. It didn't go far. Though the raven doesn't follow him around like it used to, it still sticks around close enough that Xi knows who it is. In more recent news, he's getting over a rather nasty breakup from a relationship that lasted four years. This has only amplified his fear of losing everyone he loves.




  • Adrenaline
  • Water / open ocean
  • Most animals

  • His raven
  • Cold drinks
  • Being able to sleep under the stars

  • Casual touch
  • "You don't need body modifications"
  • Stupid questions



  • Being weak
  • Never having anyone else truly love him and stay

  • Has a tiny little fish hook on a leather strap that's barely big enough to fit wound his wrist twice anymore that his older brother gave him.
  • Hates the cold. Hates it.
  • Once he's awake, he's up for good and he can't doze back off without burning off some energy.
  • Can read the stars and weather patterns like an old sailor.
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I apologize to everyone, I'm currently experiencing very bad internet issues and I'm trying to get them fixed within the next week. My internet provider should be coming out in the next few days.

Again I'm very sorry!
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I apologize to everyone, I'm currently experiencing very bad internet issues and I'm trying to get them fixed within the next week. My internet provider should be coming out in the next few days.

Again I'm very sorry!

No worries. Thank you for the update though! Hope your internet gets fixed.
Another update! I'm currently on data on my phone but my internet company is at my house currently and I should have everything fixed and set up for tomorrow. I have class but after about 3 or 4 pm (EST), I should be getting back to each and every one of you. Sorry again~ and of course thanks for your patience!
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Sorry for being a bit quiet. Gonna see if I can roll a post out or so at some point today