Dragons' World

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Jae shook her head a little as she looked up. Where's Taxxy? She asked herself, carefully stepping over her friends before stretching and padding outside, her head low. She came up behind Taxxy, letting out a small yawn. "Why are you out here?" She asked, sitting beside him.
Taxxy was slightly surprised of Jae's arrival, but he quickly calmed down. "I heard a noise... I know it's not my imagination."
Jae looked around. "Well, I don't see anything. Maybe we should tell the elder..he might know."
"Um, okay." He said as he nudged the elder. "There's something making noise... can you help?"
((Jae is just following Taxxy around half-asleep, it's fine))

Jae rubbed her snout with a paw. "Are you sure it won't be fine to just wait until the.." She was cut off by a small yawn. "M-morning, we should be sleeping for tomorrow." She told
Taxxy, her bright eyes blinked a few times, clearing the blurriness of just waking up.
The Elder shifted, startling the hatchings by scooping them back into the cave with his large paw. He moved in front of the entrance, blocking the way out. "You should not go outside at night hatchlings," He scolded quietly, "You need your rest."
Jae shook her head. "There's a noise, right Taxxy?"
"Yeah, a noise, and it's not my imagination." Taxxy said. "But it must be an animal or summin'". Taxxy jumped over the elder and continued, once again, to the world of sleep.
The Elder shook his aged head with a sigh, "Goodnight, hatchlings," He murmured, laying his head back down, "Sleep well."
Jae curled back into her spot, placing a paw on her snout before drifting back to sleep.
The next morning came quickly, with Sien bouncing happily out of the cave, overjoyed with last night's dream. The snow had fallen lightly last night, leaving a glistening white field in its wake. Elder Tahoa reached his neck out of the cave to send a burst of red flames with a tint of green towards the large stack of wood that marked the fire pit. The wood instantly caught fire and burned brightly, giving Sien warmth in the cold. The fire pit was to keep newly hatched dragons, who had yet to have an inner flame, warm in the chilly world of the Iceback mountains.
Jae stumbled out, stretching her back and rolling around in the new snow. "I love the snow.."
Taxxy jumped out, ready to zip the day off. "Alright! So, who wants to try and beat me in today's challenge!" He said, confidently.
"Bring it on!" Sien growled playfully, turning away from the fire, "You can't beat me!" Her black scales absorbed the warmth from the fire almost like they were drinking it.
"Alright then! First challenge is to try and beat me in a flying contest!" He said. Right after, he started zipping off.
Jae rolled her eyes, padding along after them. "Quit being so competitive and enjoy the snow."
"No fair!" Sien shouted, obviously outraged, "You started first!" She unfolded her wings and tried to clumsily take off.
Jae paused, looking at Sien. "Be careful!" Hesitantly, she continued to pad after Taxxy.
With a yawn Iceheart followed the other hatchlings. "Aw Jae you're such a kill joy! Have some fun and fly." With that Iceheart unfolded her rapidly growing wings and took off after the other two. All of the snow around her was comforting and stoked the ice within her small body. With any luck soon she would be able to breath a light frost.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine!" Sien shouted back, rushing after Taxxy. They played for a hour or two before the hatchlings became a bit bored of staying close to the cave. The Elder was deep inside the cave, looking after the eggs, as always. "Hey, guys, let's go to the snowy clearing again!" Sien said, excitedly, "I bet you lots of snow has built up since last night!" The snow had begun to fall again while the we playing, but the pit fire was warm enough to keep the snow levels low.
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