Dragons' World

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((Sorry about the disappearance, I need to make sure I watch threads I reply on *scribbles on arm*))

Jae stumbled in behind them, still shaking snow off of her, her head lowered. "Sorry about the lateness. I tripped." She sat down, resting her head on her front paws.
Taxxy stopped. He noticed Jae was there. He had an idea.

Taxxy came zipping in, quickly pulling Jae away. He then dragged her back by biting her tail and dragging her along. He dropped her once they were where they were supposed to be.

"I found her! I get the prize!"
"Let go of me!" She yelped when she felt teeth in her tail. "That hurt!" She mumbled, pulling her tail around her to hide it and putting her head back on her paws, glaring at Taxxy. "Grrrr."
"You cheated Taxxy!" Yelled Iceheart. "Jae was already here. You're the only one mean enough to drag her by her tail!" Iceheart said as she leaped on him and pinned him down. "Your prize is that we don't eat you." She said, nipping at his tail.
Jae tilted her head slightly before standing back up, moving around the room and away from most of the other baby dragons. She plopped back down, her bright blue eyes scanning the room before turning to face the elder silently.
"Enough," The Elder rumbled, "You must learn to get along better, hatchlings. The tribe depends on its unity. Here, have your dinner." He removed his paw, leaving the limp moose to its predators. The Elder turned to the silent Jae, dipping his muzzle close. "What is the matter, young one?" He asked gently.

"Food!" Sien celebrated, leaping over the other hatchlings to the kill. Her black body was dwarfed by the bull moose's presence. "One day, I'll catch a bull moose even bigger than this!" She boasted.
"I'm just tired." She rolled her head over on it's side. She hid the fact she felt cold, not wanting the others to worry. I'm not sick, I just didn't get enough sleep and played to much, that's it. She convinced herself. "Nothing's wrong." She said, standing and walking over to the kill, chuckling a little about Sien's statement. "I don't know. You might be shoved into a tree." She said, her eyes sparking at her playfulness.
Aghast, Sien shook her head vigerously, "Never!" She proclaimed, "I'll be the best hunter ever!"
Elder Tahoa looked after Jae with concern in his emerald eyes. "As long as you treat your prey with respect," He told Sien, "You must always respect that which feeds you."
Jae nodded at Elder Tahoa's reply. "She's right." Then she took a few bites, stifling a small yawn as she glanced back at the snow covered outside.
Taxxy was already done with his half. He always liked the heart. After licking his lips for extra taste, he finally replied. "But the food is so good! If you were in my wings, you would've done the same thing."
Jae finished her meal, stepping back and walking to the middle of the closest wall, laying back down. She didn't want to be in anyone's way. She pawed at her snout a little before resting it on both her paws again.
Sien ripped happily into the moose, savoring the flavor and warmth of its meat. She ate more than any of the other hatchlings before she was full. Satisfied, she padded heavily over to Jae and curled up by her side. All of the children had always slept together since they hatched. Except for when they were sick, of course. Elder Tahoa had approved of this, saying it forged deep bonds that had always kept the tribe together. With a massive yawn, his jaws stretching wide as he moved, the green dragon blocked the entrance to the cave with his back and old, leathery wings, keeping out unwanted visitors.
After finishing his last bite, he happily trotted over to the sleepers. He yawned and lay on the rock layer, close to Sien. He always had a secret crush on Sien, but, even though he was athletic and confident in the outside, Taxxy still didn't have the guts to spill it out. He closed his eyes, rubbing them before he set off to dream.
Jae waited until Sien and Taxxy had joined her before starting to nod off. 'Night." she mumbled quietly as she placed one paw on top of her head as always. Then she started to fall asleep, her breathing slowing to a slow rhythm.
Surrounded by her friends' warmth, Sien muttered something along the lines of 'good night, mister moose', sinking swiftly into her dreams. Amused and feeling a bit affectionate, the Elder stretched his neck into a half circle around the hatchlings. If he had known that the time they would be taken from him was fast approaching, he probably would have enjoyed the scene a moment longer before drifting off into sleep, the cave vibrating with his snores.
Taxxy's eyes suddenly shot open, hearing a sound. He looked around, trying to find the owner. But he didn't see any dragon that wasn't asleep. Suddenly, he heard another noise. He thought it was just his imagination as he drifted off to sleep, once again.
Jae yawned slightly and looked up as one of her friends moved. Seeing it was Taxxy, she set her head back down, waiting for him to sleep again before resuming her own sleep. I wonder what spooked him.. She shifted her head a little so she could hear better. Next time I'll hear..was her last thought before sleep regained her conscious.
Sien was deep asleep, frolicking without a care in her dreams. She saw herself, big and powerful, flying far away from the Iceback mountains. Adventure, danger, and excitement called to her from the edge of the forest Elder forbid them to leave. In the back of her mind, she knew she would go farther than she had ever ventured tomorrow.
Iceheart was unsure wether or not she should sleep with the other hatchings that night. Thinking that the elder hadn't said anything she just laid down amidst them. If he had a problem he would tell her. Sleeping was a joy for Iceheart and she slept like a rock.
Taxxy heard the noise. He rose up once again. It was definitely not his imagination. Based on this, he pawed his way outside, still tired. He looked around. "Um... hello? Anydragon here?" He said, somewhat worried and somewhat ready to fight.
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