Dragon Forms

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...they don't have to kill, just rescue hunter...
fine then dont love me its not like i love you eather

sorry i hade to say that i need the drema
*push her away* but why would you save him then me this is so unfar. if you loved me then you would have saved me. ME. *start to cry*

big soup coming on right now XD
*looks confused.* lol, well, ummms..Why do you need saved? You're already safe..Here. Hunter's stolen by mean dragons
true lets go save him then @Montser_hunter_fish? go diffet monsters your a monter hunter go get him and dont come back with out him drag him if you must. and um bring some chip s too
hmms....who is @Monster_hunter_fish?
Monster hunter is a guy he has azaming drawing of his charater and forgot to ask him if he draw it. but i forgot the last part of his name and new it sound like fish soi called him Monster Hunter Fish
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