Dragon Age, anyone

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Original poster
Hello there!

I've got a bit of a hankering for anything Dragon Age at the moment, so if you happen to have the same interest, please shoot me a message. I'm pretty much up for any pairing, and with these things I like to double up if possible, so we both get an OC and canon character to play with.

And, for anyone weird that opened this thread but isn't interested in DA, feel free to message me anyway if you've got a random idea to share.

Libertine version available for those so inclined.
Would you be willing to play a canon character, or just OC? I'm not a fan of doubling but I wouldn't mind playing a canon for you.

I've also had a craving to bring Sansa into the DA world, so if you're wanting to do that, I'd consider. <3
I'm happy to do canon or OC, but I'm not a huge fan of crossovers, so that one would be a no go for me. So, if you still wanted to go ahead, send me a message and we can discuss.
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