Don't Be Afraid



Original poster
Nothing can hurt us except for our minds<o:p></o:p>
No one will be as happy as I
And if they try to take that away
I will save you, don't let your mind stray
But stray they will and when they do
I'll be waiting just for you
Beyond the train tracks, but only just
There our minds will blow to dust
If we can't keep the demons away
They will find us and make us pay
Pay we must, for what who knows
But I'll be waiting where the wind never blows
And if they find us, who knows if they won't
They will make our blood run cold
Pale and lifeless, there on the ground
Where we will lie until we are found
Holes in our hearts, our minds, our souls
We are useful, our bodies like gold
Don't look for me, I'll return when I do
Please, just know all he wants is you