Do Bystanders Have a Responsibility to Intervene When There is Trouble?

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There is no telling what situations you may find yourself in. This isn't just about the kind of trouble of someone being injured, It's just about what you would do, regardless of all the red tape attached, to help another human being in need of the help you absolutely can offer them.

Help comes in many forms. It's vague because of the definition of 'trouble'...and trouble also comes in many forms. Are you prepared? All actions have consequences, good or bad. The legal precautions is me than a shame, its a crime in and it has put more fear into people, to keep us from helping to the best of our abilities.

This is the part of the discussion where I am saddened, I am hurt, when I am reminded of how selfish and scared our society is and the laws that only inhibit this kind of blatant disregard for human life.

I know deep down, We all want to. We all desire to help, that is truly our first instinct.

These laws, I have come to fear, and in my opinion have backed the people who can help the most into corners. Those who operate under these laws have it the hardest under medical situations. We have to protect ourselves or we can't protect others, its as simple as that.

I am not one to let society dictate to me what is right or wrong, I must do that for myself, in each moment that is presented to me. Not every instance will be a medical issue.

My heart goes out to you guys.
I surely would want to help if I came across with someone being bullied but I don't want to lie to myself or you guys. I have a hunch I might step back and let others handle the situation. I'm not proud of that but I'm kind of a wuss with almost to none changes to even protect myself.

I've encounter a bullying situation only once and at that time I stepped up to help the victim with no hesitation. Though that victim was my little sister so I think that doesn't count.
Even though I'm a wimp, the protective big bro genes are strong in me. (That was actually the only time I've ever punched anyone or even acted violently.)

However, I do think people have responsibility to help or call for someone who can help in situations where a person is getting assaulted in any way and I wish I can do that as well if such a situation ever crosses my path.
(On a side note, I think this applies to animals as well. If one sees some douche kicking a dog, in my opinion, they should definitely do something.)
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It sincerely depends. I'll pull a couple kids off each other, been there done that, but I'm not going to throw my body at it when there's two or more assailants because then I'll be the next victim there. Well, either that or good luck getting out of that lawsuit, I don't know how to neutralise someone both safely and quickly without seriously harming them. I'll make the report, sure, but I'm not putting my own safety at unnecessary risk.

Violent crime aside, I have helped someone with a stroke and an old lady who fell off her bike. So if that counts, well, there's that. I know some first aid, but because of that I unfortunately also knows that if your ignorance injures or kills a person, you run the risk the family would just love a scapegoat. Usually, they are legally entitled to one. This is why I try to stay informed and either talk to the victim or call the local variant of 911 first.

tl;dr I will protect myself before helping a stranger. It might not seem the most humane thing to do, but I don't feel a particularly bad person for that either.
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tl;dr I will protect myself before helping a stranger. It might not seem the most humane thing to do, but I don't feel a particularly bad person for that either.
Actually that is very humane, protecting yourself must come first, and we are hardwired this way. While in some situations there is no time to think about acting, there are times were knowing if you get involved you will get hurt.

When you know you would get hurt...why put yourself in harms way. however, Not instance is full of danger, this is when you go around physical attempts. Sometimes calling for help is all your can do and that is helping out just as much as stopping it yourself.

There is no reason to injure yourself in the process of helping another person unless you are prepared to handle it.
I posted with a quote here, but I don't think that was much of an answer. so, here's my personal feelings on this.

I've been there in the shoes of someone suffering and nobody did shit to stop it. Not even a phone call. So while you may not be able to physically do something to stop it, you can call someone. I think those who watch a public beating, or someone have a stroke, and do nothing are just as bad as doing it themselves, or hurting them. If you don't have a phone, get help from others who do have the ability to help those hurting.

Personally, while I do what I have to to protect myself, I'll do anything that I have to so I can help. I don't care who the person is, if I see someone in trouble, I can't just stand there and do nothing. Nobody asks to be put in situations where it was act or not, nor did people ask for an emergency to happen. But all that I can say is what you do to help your fellow being will reflect on your person, whether that is stepping in yourself, or asking someone else to. At least you didn't just ignore it and pretend that bad things never happen to others.
Personally, I hella wouldn't want some bystander risking an injury if I was getting a kicking, purely because it's 'expected of them' or they feel 'obligated' or it's 'right'. I'd expect my friends to possibly help if it wasn't much of a risk on their part. But to be honest if I'm getting a kicking I probably messed up. If someone else is taking hits for your screw ups, You're doing it wrong.
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