Dissidents: Winds of Change

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My posts are that bad eh? Just kidding but I understand where you're coming from with switching from academic writing to 'hobby' writing.
(Side note: I'm STILL waiting on someone to contact me about my CS)

Yep, absolutely terrible. I can never RP with you again, GTFO!!!

No but really, it's with EVERYONE. I mean this in the best way possible but, Hillan's posts are usually one of the hardest for me. I got mad love for the kid, but damn...
Hillan's posts are bad for those of us who don't nitpick so I can only imagine.

And that's odd, they're so active about everything else.
Aww c'mon now, he's trying and stuff. But one thing that always got me is how he'd bitch about how he had to be in the "mood" to write because he preferred quality over quantity and the ONE thing that my bitchy side always wanted to retort with was "Do you really think your posts are that good? Serious question." I just don't see how he can state that and a portion of his posts follow a type of formula or are modeled off of something.

And yeah, they sure are posting in plot discussion but I've heard absolutely nothing. I'm wary to say anything because I'm not technically in the RP yet.
It does say on the main page you can PM them? You could always try that route perhaps, I would suggest Tegan over Asmodeus though. Tegan seems like the easier going one.

And while I know Hillan is trying, the fact English isn't his first language bleeds through in his writing. As you said before his tenses are all over the place. And yeah the whole mood thing is just a crack excuse to not post frequently. I mean it's been a week and no one has posted, I understand you and Yoshi are in finals and I get that, but Roman and Hillan are likely just playing LoL. I left the Mavericks convo on Skype to make a point but I'm sure they've just talked about LoL not even noticing. They probably think I'm taking a hiatus like Hillan 'in his wisdom' suggested without realizing they are the problem lol.
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Yeah I could send a PM but meh, I never like being THAT guy. But, I will be THAT bitch ;P

And while I know Hillan is trying, the fact English isn't his first language bleeds through in his writer.

I'm only pointing this out just because you were making a point. It's meant with all the love and shade in the world!

Anyway, yeah. Though I will say, I try not to hold the English barrier against him too much. But the tenses are a little trying. But even past that, I look more at the content, though I'd be lying if I said that sentence structure didn't take a toll on that. The mood bullshit always gets me because as I said before, his work isn't anything to write home about. It'd be different if I got legitimate characterization and stuff in his work, but I don't. And with Roman, I hate to say this because it sounds really shady but, he's entitled. He doesn't like hearing what's up. I especially scrutinize his work because he claims to be such a good prose writer. But, this is beating a dead horse at this point, so I won't go in to it again.
I have no idea what typo you're talking about... No Sir, it was never there... :P

Yeah, Hillan's posts have never made me stop and be like, 'I really wish I could write like that.' He claims to have a forte in combat, but I feel like every fight is the same half the time.

As for Roman, like you said because he claims to be good I feel a need to bring him down a couple notches. That said I find his writing screams 'I'm trying too hard to look like a good writer.' It's obnoxiously 'fluffy' and loaded with too many adjectives and adverbs. I'm trying to find a happy well rounded medium in my own writing while keeping my signature 'detail orientation'.

With Joseph's post, I tried to stay away from any sort of visual descriptions and instead focused on the other senses, not sure if I was successful or not though.
I have no idea what typo you're talking about... No Sir, it was never there... :P

You and I both know the truth my friend. WE KNOW!!!

I think he touts an expertise in combat because he does have a good eye for it, but he doesn't execute it well enough. He's also trying to find his "niche" in the group. You're the detail man, I'm the interiority guy and he needed something as well. But you're right, it all centers around the same stuff most of the time.

With Roman, he thinks adjectives and overzealous words make a person's prose "good". What he fails to realize is that's only a portion of it and a small one at that. He's needlessly verbose most of the time.

I can see you experimenting with different elements though, lol and it seems to be working. One thing I'd suggest is throw in some olfactory sense. It's a very powerful sense and you could work wonders with it in your work.

I'm reading the posts now and I'll respond pretty soon...hopefully.
Should I assume for my next post that Makarios is in the same class as Cal and Sam, or would you like him to be somewhere else? Alternately I also thought of him being some sort of mentor student or student aide, and could be assisting either Joseph or other students with disabilities putting him in the same area as Joseph.
Yep, I meant to state that in the post but forgot to.

I don't think I'd be directly opposed to it, but I'm not really sure how Maki would act as an aide. Hmm...

Also, I'm going to hold off on Arianna. I think I'll bring her in a bit later. Not too much, but just a few posts from now, if that's okay.
Yeah that's fine! I assumed you had your reasoning to not bring her in immediately. I'll try to work up another post either tonight or tomorrow then. I'm taking a week of holidays starting Monday so I may not be around for a few days due to travelling. I am however taking my laptop with me in case I do get downtime, and I always have my phone so I will be able to communicate none the less!
I added Arianna's abilities. If I can get it just right, she's going to be a great character to play out
Looks awesome! I'll still have to hone Cal and Joseph's abilities better, especially Cal since at this point he's looking to be a bit over powered. Though at the same time most of his abilities either flow together or fall into a very specific niche. Either way I'm not going to god mod him haha.
Bam and posted!

Yep, this is so much easier than having to wait for three other bitches
For sure! Reading your post now!
Ahhh the pressure!
Can I just say I love how much you know my writing cues? I had a back up plan in case you didn't have Maki be the one Cal swung at, but that was definitely my primary intention.
HAHA! I was thinking about that as I was reading it the first time around. I was kind of like "Aw man, he didn't leave me too much of an opening," and then I finished it and was like "Ahhh, there we are!" I thought it was a rather good cue

I've gotta say, I like how you're playing your two male characters. There's a good an easy distinction between them and it makes them enjoyable to read :)
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