Dishonored Partner Search

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Hello all. I am a fan of Dishonored. I consider it to be one of my favorite games of all time, perhaps in my top 3 if not 2. I love the lore, the combat, magic, just about everything involving the game. As you can imagine I am looking for a partner to participate in a one on one set in the dishonored world. Honestly I wouldn't mind a small group type thing but that's only if a lot of people show interest. Now, I have no plot idea only a love for the world and desire to role play with in it. Our story does not have a need to take place in The Isles, it can take place on a mentioned place with in the world for all I care but I still wish for that dark dystopian type feel. I love to create ideas and things of that nature so I am more than happy to craft a new tale in the world (that does not break already set lore of course) in which our players are the focus. Please, no one request to be the outsider. So anyone interested? Post here or send me PMs. ^_^ Long live Lonely Rat Boy!
I would be interested in both a group or one on one. I already have a character from a preexisting RP and would be happy to post the page link here if you want.
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