"Well, first of all, I'm just bein' honest," he began he took a large gulp of beer. "You're a handsome lad and that's that. Secondly, it isn't like these folks'll remember 'ya, yeah? You don't frequent here, I assume..." he reminded, waving his hand dmsomissively.

At this point, it was obvious that Ricky was hitting his limit soon, though ordered another beer nonetheless once he finished up the drink in a mere two gulps. It was an addiction, sure, but... it passed the days quickly and he only drank at night. The main reason he drank, though, was to get to sleep - he was notoriously bad at sleeping on his own.
Watching the other down his beer with ease, and noticing that almost every other person in the establishment was drinking the same thing, Joseph was left to quietly frown at the wine he had in front of him. It was far from being the wine he was used to. It was bitter and evidently quite cheap, but he still felt as though having it marked him out as 'different' compared to everyone else. He was different, he realised that, but he did want to make an effort. It was mostly because he was tipsy - ordering a beer and trying to enjoy Ricky's usual spot didn't seem like that bad of an idea.

Once ordering the beer for himself, having finished the wine off first, his attempt at downing it didn't materialise as quickly, though he eventually set down the empty bottle. Beer wasn't to his liking, but when he was drunk, it didn't taste too terrible. It gave him a buzz he hadn't experienced before-- but then again, this whole experience was new to him. He had never gotten this drunk since his university days, and when he was sober in a few hours, he would come to regret it all. He was a professional doctor of 30 years of age - getting drunk in a tavern no less wasn't the sort of thing he should do.

Right now, though, he hardly cared.

"You don't live far from here, do you?" He inquired as he turned back to Ricky, a grin now on his face as he struggled to keep his head up and eyes open. "I can walk you back then get home myself-- it's pretty late, I... we should go. One more drink first."
"Don't worry, mate, I live right above this here tavern," he explained, trying to seem calm and relaxed and, in his drunken state, thought he was the hottest shit in the whole tavern. In reality, being the youngest person in the tavern, looked incredibly silly. That was for future Ricky to care about, not him.

"To be honest, Joe, it would be easier for you to just stay the night?" He suggested holding his head with his free hand while the other was firmly grasping the mug. "It's just a few flights of stairs, if ya think you can handle it?" He teased with a snort.
When Joseph woke up sober the next morning, he would be horrified to do so in a small tavern like this, miles away from the spacious house in the centre of the city he had been given by his parents after their relocation back to Aberdeen. Yet, in his drunken (and tired) state, the sound of a few stairs to climb was far more desirable than the thought of the long trek home in the dark, where he was aware he could end up falling and breaking a bone or two.

Right now, the tavern seemed the perfect place to rest his head for the night, too drunk to really care that a man of his reputation would ordinarily never even step foot into a place like this, let alone rest there.

"I can manage a few stairs," he slurred back at him with a sleepy grin, resting his own head on his hand as the other moved for his bottle to down the rest of the beer within it. "I-I'm a doctor. A few steps isn't a problem, Ricky."
"Oi, oi, you aren't very strong, Joe - you don't have the muscles, like me," he bragged, flexing his arm teasingly. He was definitely strong - how else could he carry a body for such long distances? Though you couldn't see it through his thick sweater sleeves. Once finishing his own beer, he rummaged through his pocket to pull out the proper cash, earning a pleasant grin from the bartender.

"Alright, let's get you up," Ricky declared, getting to his feet with a groan as he stretched his joints, smirking as he heard soft pops in his joints. Motioning the doctor up, he waggled his eyebrows as he patiently waited for the older man to get to his feet. "I got a nice chair you can sleep on if you don't want to share a bed. You seem the type to be uncomfortable by that."
Even though he had already paid for them, Joseph quietly pulled out a few pound notes for the bartender as a tip. He was too drunk to care about buying their approval - he just didn't really want Ricky to pay for everything. Even when he was this drunk, he was determined not to leech off others, being quite happy to pay for himself, especially when Ricky was offering him so much already.

The idea of sharing a bed with him wasn't something that would strike him as wise, though. He may think the younger man was attractive and completely different from his past lovers, but getting into bed beside him was far too risky.

Drunk Joseph didn't seem to care about that, however. He saw Ricky's doubt as a challenge. If he didn't think Joseph would get into bed beside him, then there was only one answer the doctor would give.

"I can sleep quite happily next to you, you underestimate me," he huffed as he grabbed the stair railing to heave himself up, groaning at each step.
"You sure? Do you think you can keeping your hands off me?" He dared as he helped the other up. While he himself was pretty drunk, it seemed that the tides had turn to leave him to be the more sober of the two. It was his duty to keep him up and not vomiting on his stairs.

Once in the small, very spartan hotel room he was taking up residence, he flopped onto the beaten bed with a grateful groan. His body ached and, while the bed wasn't perfect and definitely up to modern day standards, it beat sleeping in the alleyway.

"Welcome to my humble abode!" He announced with a slur, motioning lazily to the suitcase haphazardly thrown to the side and a book on the side table, that of which he had read countless of times - nearly memorized all of it by heart. "I'm sure it isn't as lavish as your fancy home but this is pretty nice, eh?"
"As nice as it can be, I suppose. It's small-- but I suppose that gives it a cosy feel, doesn't it? Though the drunks outside yelling until way past midnight isn't appealing," he sighed, leaning against the wall with his head leaned back in an effort to force back the sudden urge to vomit. He had never gotten this drunk before, so dealing with the consequences of it was all new to him. He had never once gotten so drunk that his vision was doubled and his voice this slurred, and it took a full solid minute before he was even able to make his own way to the bed.

It was nothing compared to his bed back home, but he wasn't exactly in a position to complain about it - not that he could even if he wanted to.

"This doesn't mean you're coming to my home anytime soon, you know. Unless you ask really nicely," he slurred, kicking his shoes off and offering across a wide grin. "God, this is... I'm too drunk, this is awful-- I'm a mess."
"A hot mess," he smoothly replied despite his face remaining buried in his pillow. "I'll get some proper water for the bath in the morning, I don't want to get up. Hnng, I have a bucket under the bed if you feel ill,"He murmured before turning to face the older man, his eyes squinting.

"I'm surprised how fun you really are, Joe," he decided, pushing up from the bed to get a proper look. "I mean, I thought you were a boring snob but clearly you've decided to amaze me, yeah? I like a man who can keep things fresh," he teased with a wide grin.
"I spent the last half an hour getting completely drunk; drunk enough to head into a tavern like this, just for your entertainment. Of course I did. It's my life goal to entertain you, Ricky, you should know that by now," he retorted with a drunken laugh, holding a pillow against his chest. He was too shit-faced to really care about the flirtation at this point. He didn't have to be drunk to flirt back with a man, but after his last affair with a student of his, he had decided enough was enough. His work, he decided, was his life and despite wanting to share a life with someone, that could wait.

Being drunk, however, made him disregard that decision instantly. Who was he to ignore the smooth comments from someone he deemed surprisingly attractive?

"I told you I was fun. I just need to loosen up and get comfortable around someone-- and I was wary of you, at least a little at first, but now I think you're... I don't know... smashing. Let's go with smashing," he drawled, resting his head on his hand as he turned to lay on his side. "This is all rather... intimate, isn't it? I'm fine with it, actually. More than fine."
"Am I finally getting a compliment from you?" He replied teasingly as he took the other in lustfully. He would never admit he wasn't straight, he knew the consequences. That being said, he didn't really know what he was. He had only had sex once, a few months back, and realized it was incredibly uncomfortable. He was mocked by how awkward it was, in fact, and he naturally mocked the woman in turn in his somewhat rare but intense hostility. If having sex with a woman was uncomfortable, there was always the option of men, right? It was dangerous, sure, but Ricky likes danger. If he didn't, he wouldn't be grave robbing.

Because of that love of danger... plus the aid of alcohol, he made the first move for the kiss, that of which was admittedly not his best one but he tried, right?
Even though he had anticipated the kiss, it didn't mean it was any less surprising to him when it landed. He was too stunned to really care if it wasn't the best kiss in the world - just the mere fact a handsome man was kissing him was enough to throw any pickiness out the window. Unlike Ricky, he was at least experienced in the world of kissing.

He was by no means prolific, but he had had two or three relationships in the past that involved plenty of romance, albeit behind closed doors. As such, he fancied himself as something of a good kisser, which he quickly put into action by first grabbing the other by the face and tugging him in to deepen the kiss as much as he dared himself to.

The risk involved was great, but again he didn't care in that moment. He was in the company of an attractive man, having the most fun he had had in a long time - kissing and potentially having sex would top the night off splendidly.
A bit startled by the older man's sudden cooperation in their romantic embrace, he was silently thankful for it. After all, he was completely lost when it came to the whole 'refined' romance. Clearly Joseph was more education in that too, he noted. That being said, he wasn't a complete idiot in the bedroom and managed to unbutton his shirt without needing to pull away.

It was the first thing he thought to do, immediately assuming - and hoping - they would actually have sex. If he wasn't as drunk as he was, he would probably try and keep his flustered nervousness to himself. Briefly pulling away with rosy cheeks, he only did so to toss his shirt to the floor haphazardly only to quickly continuing the kiss. If he stopped, he knew he might grow too bashful to continue.
Joseph, meanwhile, was far from worried about getting cold feet about the idea. Once he was fully invested in a passionate embrace, no amount of nervousness would stop him. It was already established that Ricky was as interested in it as he was, so letting any nerves get in the way would be regrettable later on. He was a big believer in seizing the day. Any opportunities for him to express his sexuality with someone, he was going to take. Not many came his way, after all - many men were far too scared to engage with their desires to do anything of the sort.

Having tugged his own shirt off, he did take a moment to evaluate the situation. Not because he was hesitant about continuing, but more along the lines of what to do next. The loud tavern full of drinkers downstairs helped with the potential noise issue and, now the two were already half-naked, it seemed a shame to waste such a golden opportunity. Kissing was fine, a few heated embraces was perfectly nice, but sex was all he had in mind. He didn't have the chance to do it as often as he liked so why waste the valuable chance to do it with someone he was steadily growing attracted to?
"I hope you know that I have no idea what I'm doin'," he murmured through the kisses, all the whole tugging his shoes off, once again tossing them halfway across the small room, continuing with the rest of his clothes quickly. He knew he needed to do that, of course, and had no problem in doing so, waiting impatiently for the other to undress before pulling Joseph close, his hands firmly gripping to the other's shoulders, his eyes half-lidded as he examined the other's expression.

If he did manage to remember the morning, Ricky wanted to be smug about the whole situation. If he was doing things right, he wanted to see his superior happy with his skills. He could shove it into the doctor's face all the whole being able to enjoy himself in the process.
"You're doing fine, this is... it's great," the doctor mumbled inbetween the kisses and his hurried attempts to take off his own clothes. Even if he was sober, he wouldn't stop what he was doing just because of Ricky's admission that he wasn't as experienced as Joseph was. Everyone had to start somewhere and, frankly, he wasn't doing that bad a job. Joseph wasn't particularly fussy anyway, he didn't demand absolute perfection, but when Ricky was as handsome as he was, the doctor could easily overlook any inexperience.

Besides, the intricate details weren't going to be remembered by him come morning anyway - he was far too drunk to be able to recall anything specific from his night with Ricky.

That wasn't to say the whole of the night was a blur to him. It wasn't shrouded in fog, so while all the details were lost, he remembered great chunks of his night, from entering the tavern, drinking beer and then staying the night after having sex with him. The latter part really didn't worry him as much as it perhaps should have done. He wasn't new to sex and he took the risk plenty of times in his past. No, he was more annoyed by the fact he had entered the tavern and stayed the night. While he knew nobody from his social circle would be in this area of town to see him enter the tavern, it still concerned him that word might get out about it. Something as simple as this would still impact his reputation, if only temporarily - assuming he could find a good enough excuse. The one saving grace he had was that the likelihood of anyone realising was slim.

The hangover hit him the moment he woke up, groaning as he covered his face with the pillow to avoid the sunlight hitting his already too sensitive eyes. One glance at Ricky confirmed they had done something, though he didn't jump out of bed immediately, afraid he would vomit if he so much as moved a muscle.
The night was surreal for Ricky. For starters, he hadn't really imagined he would enjoy having sex with a man as much as he did. He knew that it would probably happen through curiosity but he hardly expected to have sex not only with someone as such high reputation amongst others, but also the same person who was paying him enough to survive. He didn't have any intentions of manipulating the other nor did he really want to. He didn't think that sort of way, blaming it on being a nice person.

He was a pretty heavy sleeper. On occasional nights, he would just casually sleep in a gutter if he needed to and a light sleeper couldn't just nestle up into a blanket and snore peacefully. The same applied to their current situation, Ricky's face eagerly buried in Joseph's neck with an arm lazily wrapped around the older man. When he did eventually come through, he hissed under his breath from the bright light.

"Fuck - holy shit," he murmured, though kept himself nestled close. Peeking open an eye, he took in the doctor with a furrowed brow. He was pretty sure what had happened and he was hoping it was real, clearly his hopes were answered. Taking his sweet time, he eventually pulled away to stretch with a small smile.

"So... this really happened, huh?" He confirmed, his cheeks almost immediately growing red while he tried to pretend to be cool. "That was pleasant, yeah. Do I have to... pay you? I owe you, don't I?" He ignorantly murmured, pausing when noticing just how ill the other seemed. He was used to hard drinking so his hangover mostly consisted of a migraine, but some proper sweets and a snack would help. With Joseph clearly being a bit more of a lightweight, he handed over a bucket he often kept water in. "You look horrid."
"I feel horrid," he emphasised, wiping his mouth wearily after hurling his guts up into the bucket, grimacing to himself at how horrendous the feeling was. He wasn't quite an emetophobe, though he did dislike getting sick, and even more so hated actually being sick - though who did? Shakily pushing himself to his feet to get dressed, taking his time to avoid abruptly vomiting down himself, he returned to take a seat on the bed once he had somehow managed to get through it without groaning too much.

"...Why would I pay you? I'm not a prostitute, I wouldn't dream of ever charging you for what we did. That's absurd," he criticised quickly, frowning to himself. He did take offence to the remark, understandably. Prostitutes were hardly regarded as fine members of society and, as someone who ran in the important social circles with friends in high places, he didn't take kindly to the insinuation too much.

"I don't... entirely know how this happened. I know alcohol and I aren't the best of friends, but I... don't regret this, Ricky. I'd like to continue our business arrangement - that's the only way I'll be paying you for anything. What happened here-- we can forget about it if you'd like. I don't mind pretending it never happened if that's what you're comfortable with."
"Now why would I do that?" He responded, squinting his eyes the more the sun came through. Getting to his feet himself, he rummaged through his bag to pull on a (relatively) fresh outfit. His back was screaming from the large body he carelessly dragged about that night and he knew he would regret it, so the loud pop was at least somewhat of a relief. He would power through it, though, not being one to complain much about silly things like pain.

"I don't regret it," he admitted as he buttoned up his shirt neatly. "It was fun. Strange and definitely unexpected, and I do wish we did this in a nicer environment - I'm sure you wouldn't want to be seen anywhere near here by your friends. That... being said, while I'm not going to forget this, I won't go bragging about how I managed to spend a romantic night with such a handsome doctor," he murmured before shooting a wide smile.

"If you want to pretend this didn't happen, that's fine by me. You've got more to lose, after all. I can keep my pretty mouth shut, yeah?" He reassured, babbling a tad to ignore what he thought was a bit uncomfortable energy.
"...This wasn't the first time I've done this, I'm not necessarily against doing it again, Ricky. I just think it's best not to seem like we're too close, at least in front of others. We're from two different worlds, we're not expected to be friends. I remember the reaction of the tavern last night when I entered, how people stared at me suspiciously. My friends would crucify me if they knew I shared a drink with you-- it's rather sad, I admit, but that's how it is," he sighed, rubbing his lower back at the familiar ache in it. As hungover as he was, and however sore his body felt, a smile still crept onto his lips as he observed the other.

"I enjoyed it, though. I... I don't want to sound elitist, but I haven't been with anyone like you before-- but you were ultimately the most fun out of all the men I've... been with. So I won't forget this either and I have no desire to do so when this was the most fun I've had in years."