
Jess Incognito

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Modern Fiction, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Historic/Period. I'm quite versatile and open. More prone to original content than fandoms, though base inspiration is welcome.
>> D I R E C T O R Y

*this is just storage, but feel free to contact me if you have any interest in writing together based on anything here!

last updated: april 20, 2020

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ROSE android

HEIGHT: 5'-7"


HEIGHT: 5'-7"

Rose still remembers some of her life before transfer. She was a mother of two, happily married, although that's only what she knows. The truth is she and her husband had many fights and transferring didn't help. She remembers their garden, full of sunflowers and blackberries. She remembers then arriving in the camp and while not sure what happened directly after, she knows much later she chose to shut herself down. Such a long time offline, oblivious to the world, some trauma to hardware caused her recent memories to corrupt. Those made while she was off the grid at camp cannot be retrieved, all others from her life before transfer may be accessed via original consciousness scans.

She was booted up as part of Danger Protocol. True shutdown can only be achieved by exterior controls, so when her hardware detected a threat, she finally woke. In front of her sensors another android had a bar levered beneath her breastplate trying to pry it free. She shook it off, confronting the other, but it only answered in battered English, looking for parts, looking for parts. It acknowledged that she was functioning and moved on to a new pile of scrap. Further questioning revealed nothing, but she followed it further into a scrapyard that ran for miles.

On the side of its head in white paint stood the tall letters, B - A16. She started calling 'him' (as decided by her over time) simply B and talked to him, though he never responded. He returned every day to a shelter of sorts, crafted from car parts and sheet metal, trash cans and chain link. It looked ready to fall over, so she started fixing it. Because B never protested or seemed to notice, she continued fixing it. After that she simply stayed. Why, she didn't know, but she didn't know a lot of things about herself at the time.

She tried fixing B, too, his mind seemed broken, but she lacks the equipment. Rose knows a lot more about androids than she can explain. She understands the chips inside and what they do as well as the hardware on the outside. Over the years, she's connected a lot of arms and legs from passersby who are in need of repairs. She tinkers to pass the time and B is always bringing back parts, which she borrows freely. He doesn't notice when his pile of scrap is smaller one day than the day before. Interesting enough, he only seems to take an interest in android parts. Rose has asked about that, but no answer.

Some who pass by their shelter, now a two story building with a look out tower rising higher and higher, are lucid and others are not quite as fortunate. The lucid ones sometimes tell stories about where they are going - a city in the distance. A city in the landfill, she couldn't imagine, but the travelers never return from the direction they go to, so she's never met anyone who has actually been to this city. Only stories.​
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AGE: 246

HEIGHT: 5'-10"


HEIGHT: 5'-10"

An older man with seemingly unlimited patience as well as kindness. Not much is known about his past, but this is merely due to circumstance, for he would tell it if it were asked of him. He's simply a very good conversationalist, and more so at figuring out what the other would rather talk about. He has lived an exceptionally long time for a human, no doubt aided by magical means. He has not been present in Evaine's life for over 200 years.​

Stonehome is a small community of fae and centaur deep in the forest. Evaine did not see a human for the large majority of her early life, but by the time she was in her adolescent years one Sir Jackny Pimpernel found himself waltzing into Stonehome's domain. How he managed to find such a place, he would never say. A human did not simply walk into fae territory. They knew how and where to hide, how to misdirect unsuspecting humans straight off the path of their humble homes. One would have to know precisely what to look for, yet Sir Jackny claimed he had never thought much about the possibility of their existence. With his easygoing personality, the man was able to convince the secretive community that he meant no harm and in fact simply wanted to enjoy their company.

Evaine, as one of the younger, more curious and less sensible of her community, was enchanted easily by his strange ways and compelling words. She loved the stories of mankind, but Sir Jackny only told those of valiant warriors and beautiful maidens. It was one warm spring when Sir Jackny did not return with his lovely stories. They had come to expect him everyone other year and perhaps worried when he did not come, but did not deign to go inquiring. Nearing the summer months, a young man came in his stead, hand outstretched in a gesture of peace. This man told that Jackny Pimpernel had been stripped of his knighthood and arrested for deeds unworthy to speak of with such gentlefolk. Evaine stood by, awestruck at the news. The man stayed in their company for four days and on the fifth was gone without a word. On the sixth day, Stonehome was attacked, the entire community rooted out of their homes. It seemed the knights in Sir Jackny's stories were not as noble as he described.

Evaine had been 40 at the time she lost her birth home. What was left of the community dispersed for separate havens. Her life between this tragedy and her 200th year are obscure, but she stayed close to her family's new settlement in Permas beneath the hills.

In the Southern Woodlands, the leader of the realm is chosen at the end of the previous Protector's life, rather than predetermined by blood or ancestry as in other territories. This means that Evaine was raised exactly as all other children of the forest - without knowledge of her future. Quite young to be chosen Protector, the fae rose to the position hesitantly. One did not refuse such an honor, there was no precedent, but Evaine felt hardly worthy. Even so, the previous Protector had made his choice by reading the stars.

Since then, Evaine has proven fair and just, but equally kind and warm to all those who seek her council and judgement. She does all she can to watch the activities of humans, but does not encourage such activity in the general population. She wants to guard the violence and vanity of mankind from her people. In title she speaks only for the fae, which includes fairies, nymphs, and elementals such as herself, although before her time, the leader of this group has been looked to as the Protector, and therefore honorary speaker, for all magical beings in the territory.​
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ROGAN HALFORD half giant
AGE: 34

HEIGHT: 6'-9"




Rogan's one constant companion is a small faerie by the name of Asteria, who is only five inches tall - ironic when compared to her friend. Not too many years ago, she almost had her wings clipped as punishment for crimes she committed against the Fae. She ran away before they could and cannot go back. She does not like to speak of it. Asteria is a wicked little thing. She likes things her way and doesn't apologize when she should, but Rogan watches after her all the same. The poor thing would be found either by humans or Fae alone and her company has grown on him. She lives with him and goes with him on his ventures into the forest, but hiding away so long between those trips grows difficult.​

Two generations before Rogan, an outcast giant from a mountain tribe stole a young woman who had charmed him without ever needing to know of his existence. Frightened at first, but entirely stubborn and equally kind, the woman allowed a friendship to form. She came to love him and raised four of his boys, all of whom towered over herself. However, being half-human they weren't quite as tall as their father. One of those boys is Rogan's grandfather. Since then the line of men has gotten considerably shorter in height, leading to himself, who is only what must be half the height of his forefathers.

Rogan is quite the cynic, always doubting the best in anything and anyone; most anyone anyway. He has very few close friends and finds himself constantly criticizing how little he socializes beyond business. He works in the city as a carpenter and naturally receives comments on his height by almost every newcomer to his shop. So far none have guessed the true origins of his endowment. He's known all his life about magic and the creatures who wield it, the world humans don't know about. Giants have been dying out for centuries, it's very difficult for large tribes to settle all together or even for small tribes to settle at all. Many have done as Rogan's forefather and bred with humans so that their line may continue, tainted as it is. Those that have chosen not to have found their prospect of a future growing dimmer by the year. The halfbloods have only to thank their lucky stars their forefathers had the sense to downsize their genes. Many live successfully in human communities, masquerading or entirely forgetting their ancestry.

Rogan however, despite his small carpentry business, has been found to be of use to the Fae. He has several friends with whom he visits regularly, perhaps sparking some interest to short disappearances throughout the year, but nothing suspicious, and also functions as a liaison, a spy of sorts. This is a rather new development, he's not sure if he likes it. It feels slimy to a man who has always made an honest living (despite the oversight on his own species), but he did not wish that his friends or kind be endangered. When one hides amongst humans all his life, he feels certainly that all Fae are family and he knows what sorts of terrors humans are capable of. Simply put, he is happy to help.

Despite Rogan's considerable height and size, his movements are gentle and slow, as are his words. He says only what he means to and tries not to tell more than is asked, though he isn't cold about it. His nature emits a warm silence and he does his best to maintain a calm air. Of course, every man has his temper, but his only comes out when truly called for.
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AGE: 28

HEIGHT: 5'-6"


Milena's father provided well enough for his family, she did not want for any necessity. It occurred to her that there were nicer parts of the city where the rich or important lived. Milena asked her father once if they could live in one of the tall stone houses inside the walls. He avoided the question by asking the young girl if she wouldn't miss her friends and she squealed to make sure everyone within range knew that she loved her friends very very much. The truth was they could have afforded one of the tall stone houses, but a smart thief, or at least an honorable one, did not live amongst his targets. And anyway, the outer city life treated them just fine.

Her mother was a frail woman, at least what Milena remembers of her, and she was hardly a woman flowered when she saw her last. Frail of mind would be more specific. She remembers the dark-haired woman sitting at the window for long days, forgetting that it was cold and she needed a blanket, forgetting stew in the pot. Given that and the amount of time Milena spent running around outside the humble home, there's not much else to recall. Once, or maybe twice, she told the girl she would have to be very good because she was going to need to take care of a baby brother soon. But Milena never did get a brother. She remained an only child.

There eventually came the time when she began to understand what exactly her father did for a living. He stole. He stole from the people in the tall stone houses and he stole from places far away when he was gone for days and sometimes weeks. These were called jobs, heists, plots, grand schemes. And Milena knew that if an adult got caught stealing, his chastisement was a lot worse than it was for she and her friends. She asked him after his friends left, if he ever got scared or sometimes even if he missed them when he had to be gone for awhile. He liked to ask questions back instead of answering a lot of times. The points he made were always confusing at the time.

A few years after that started one of her father's friends, one that visited quite frequently, made an appearance while her father was gone. Lexas Barrow took her away and she doesn't remember now how he managed to convince her to leave her poor mother. Milena accused him when she was older of kidnapping, but he explained what her young self had always suspected, that something was wrong in her mother. She couldn't take care of a young girl by herself, he claimed, and her father was not coming back. He was dead, of course. Caught and executed someplace that was not home. Lexas had promised that if anything happened to his friend, he would take care of his daughter, and the only way he felt he could do that was by arming her. Arming her with the skills to get by in the world the only way he had known, the same skills her father had lived by himself.

The second half of her childhood was dominated by the guild. Lexas spent a lot of time with other members when he wasn't fulfilling contracts. Whether it was at the inn or a home or someplace else more secret and he often took Milena along. Some members came to enjoy her presence, others claimed it was no place for a child, let alone a girl. Either way, many skills she acquired came not just from Lexas, but from them, whether they liked her or not. But even the ones who viewed her as their sort of shared daughter were not immediately prepared to back her when she wanted to truly join the Guild. That was necessary. Someone couldn't just walk in and attempt to join. There were tests of skill, a proof of loyalty and understanding, and most of all, the recommendations of current members. It took almost two years, but she finally got her supporters when she was 22.

A man grown could join the Guild, it was not uncommon for 17 year olds to waltz in and pledge their hearts and sticky fingers. They would have laughed at her if she had tried much earlier, and they laughed at her when she did, but not mostly because she was a woman. There had been women in the past, but as it had been described to her by naysayers, those women knew what they were doing and they weren't messing around. They were the kind of women who could not be confused. After telling her this, one man offered to marry her, saying she could whelp a few children and that would give her something better to do. She refused. Milena's character offered a more innocent outlook, a friendly one, cheerful, even, but she was also determined and she had always admired her father. Her mother had been no role model.

She did everything right, though there was still hesitance to allow her membership, but despite that, they let her in. She had been very proud and remembers wanting to give all those who'd had their doubts a smirk, but stayed quiet. That was six years ago, and since then Milena has matured into a quieter, independent sort. Actually being a part of the Guild, she became aware of true motives and character. There were many scoundrels crawling underfoot. Not everyone was honorable or brave or anything she'd come to think about her father or even Lexas Barrow when she was a girl. She learned to guard herself and not to put faith always, even in friends.

A short time ago, nearing the end of a complicated strife with the second man who raised her, it was revealed to her that she failed. Lexas and she had been turning in different directions, nurturing different views on the Guild, the city, and everything. He was the only one she loved and fully trusted, but he admitted to her that her father had wanted to leave the Guild. That he had never wished for his daughter to grow up in any part of it. Which meant her goal since he died of being like him and making his memory proud was all wrong. Their argument ended when Lexas met his own demise. And now there's only the girl.​
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EDDIE LEWITT the alibi man
AGE: 27

HEIGHT: 5'-8"



Edward Lewitt is an unassuming person. If you saw him on the subway, you wouldn't remember seeing him. Look, he's charming enough, he just doesn't make the first move at parties. You get him started and he might ramble on awkwardly about things you can't keep track of. You're probably drunk. You probably thought he was kinda cute, you guess. You're not really paying attention to the man.

If you saw him the next day, the next week even, in your favorite coffee shop, you might not even remember him.
How crushing for Eddie Lewitt.

Of course, forget-ability is a flaw when considering romance, but a plus when you consider his profession.

You see, Eddie has the unique ability to take on the appearance of others. Impersonation is an art. It's in your stance, your clothing, your oral posture, your mannerisms... You do that much and be surprised how easy it is with a wig and some creative thinking to take on the identity of another - real and fake. Eddie's talent in impersonation, however, is supernatural.

He can literally morph his features to become another. He started off messing with people... Okay, he was conning them. He got quite good at it. Being able to change your face makes tricking people a lot easier and getting caught a lot more difficult. Buying things, returning them minutes later, hassling people in the subway - small game, really. Then he started paying more attention - studying specific targets. Becoming them, using them to access information. It's information, after all, that makes the world go round.

Eddie worked with hackers mostly - people who needed him to exploit the common grunt for the right passwords, code-names, security protocols - to get physical access to high security locations which could then be infiltrated in cyberspace. Eddie did his best not to reveal his charms. He played it up as though he was simply unafraid of stealing an ID badge. As though he was the sweetest talker around any front doorman. His employers wouldn't ever know he got through security checkpoints with faces.

One day, of course, a larger fish caught on to his game. A man familiar with special skills. The man told him they needed someone like him to do a job.

A man with no legitimate profession is always in need of that. Eddie received several packets of information over the next few weeks. Tapes and photographs of the same man. All he had to do was study his mannerisms and wear his face. Have dinner with that man's wife. Become him - undeniably. He was the alibi.

From then on the stakes were raised.​
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CAIN WILKES mutant division agent
AGE: 28

HEIGHT: 5'-11"



Cain started participating in a medical study when he was 10 years old – young and pliable. His mother was told she had a gifted son and the immigrant woman praised her family's luck. She took him gladly once a week to a health facility where he would more or less play games with a researcher.

It was all very mundane.

These games, however, were intended to bring out certain traits in him. His mother thought this was all due to his achievement in school, but truthfully his blood had been tested along with thousands of other children across the globe and found to be carrying certain mutations. Of course, locating a mutation in a sample of cells was much less useful than identifying and utilizing said mutation.

Lots of children participated in these studies; various guessing games, puzzles, and physical tests. Some children could hold fire in their hands or levitate. Other children had strength and agility. Still others had less obvious traits. They may have been given up on if times were different and the researchers less eager and hopeful and new.

Cain was one of these. At that time, the children weren't aware of one another. It's easy to tell ten year olds they're the only special ones in the world. Later in his adolescence, when the community had grown, Cain would become frustrated by his own ability's lack of flair. Others could climb walls or lift ten times their own weight. He could only…locate things, and later people and later he could prevent those things or people from being found, infiltrated, empathized with.

The benefit of the less obvious superhuman skills is that he has never been considered a threat and that the corporation began to see a potential use that had less potential to burn them back.

Shortly after high school, an offer was made: the government would pay for his college (provided he choose from a list of pre-approved majors) and ensure a job afterwards. This all for his work in finding things and people.

This was at a time when the future for mutants still seemed bright and innocent. The public was divided in controversy, which meant that as far as the law went, mutants were just like everyone else. Then came the threat level categories and their associated restrictions, which began to pile on en masse.

Luckily Cain was a minimal threat and so his job and his future were safe. He was of the mind that there were scary people out there abusing their gifts. Powers are like any weapon…by this logic, human beings were objects to be feared and contained, but Cain wouldn't hear it phrased that way for a long time yet.

His job was originally to locate things, many things over the years, sometimes a person. By contrast, it's mostly people he searches for now. And as the country's questions about mutants has morphed over the years into fear and hatred, so, too, have his own insights on the world and his place in it.​
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DESMOND FINCH pirate shipwright
AGE: 30

HEIGHT: 6'-0"


Desmond Finch lived the entirety of his childhood on the southern coast of Spain. His father was an Englishman, but Desmond resembles him very little. Instead he takes on the features of his Spanish mother's uncle and in more ways than appearances. He was the firstborn child, a son, which pleased his father. From the time he could use the saw, Desmond worked with his father to build all manner of things. Sometimes furniture and other times fences or various items. What he liked most were the boats. Desmond's first rowboat wasn't pretty, but it didn't sink, either.

Their pockets never overflowed with coin, but Desmond had a decent childhood. Unfortunately, the family fell on difficult times. His father made the difficult choice to leave for England with the intention of procuring the funds promised to him by his inheritance. He was not seen again. Rumors flew back that he was murdered by highwaymen, others that he had simply chosen to remain in England and luxury. The family did not have the resources to find out.

They lived alright, made do with Desmond being old enough to work and his uncle sharing his own catch of fish for food when they had none. Of course, his uncle had always been a strange one. He had 'good times' and 'bad times'. Episodes, his mother called them. He would become unable to work, paranoid that someone was out to get him. He said things that didn't make sense, spoke to people who weren't there. The man was sick, but no local doctor knew what to make of it and that was only if the man agreed to go in the first place. He refused to eat sometimes, claiming someone might have poisoned it. He wasted away like that, eventually dying simply because of weakness. Of course, this was years after Desmond left, but he'd been around to see the symptoms.

He left at the age of twenty, after the loss of his youngest brother to fever, for the Caribbean, having heard there was good work available. He established himself specializing in the carpentry of ships with the plans of amounting a wealth to bring home and support his family. It wasn't long before he discovered that piracy paid better and he eventually ended up in a crew for good.

Since leaving home, however, Desmond has noticed startling changes in his mental health. He started hearing voices, voices calling from the sea like haunted memories. But what moved him most was always the feeling that he heard his father calling him from the waves. What he said, Desmond could never hear. Not long after that started he would wake up in fits, claiming to himself that he'd heard someone calling him or shaking him awake.

He saw mermaids in the water, beautiful girls with shining hair right there!, but no others could ever find the place he was looking. It would be a few weeks or months between, but he began having episodes that kept him from normalcy. He'd stay in the bunks below the deck, trying to sleep away the hallucinations and delusions. It got him stranded in Tortuga by his first Captain. Since then he's made a conscious effort to suppress the hallucinations or at least attempt to seem unaffected by them. He still has conversations with his brother when he's alone. The young boy appears as healthy as he did before the fever - but this is why he knows the boy can't be true. He's dead; Desmond watched the last breath escape from his lips with his own eyes, and yet with his own eyes he still sees him.

He's done well so far, concealing these hallucinations from the current crew. Even through a few years and plenty of episodes. Luckily, he has the ability to work relatively solo, being the ship's carpenter and general maintenance.​
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AGE: 24

HEIGHT: 5'-6"
WEIGHT: 140lbs

FORAGING // Nona has a keen eye. She's become rather good at hunting for mushrooms, plants, small animal enclaves, and, when necessary, items and supplies from Before.

TRAPPING // Though reliable with a bow, she isn't much of a hunter. Her main contribution to the Settlement comes by managing a myriad of traps set for small mammals and fish, which she is also skilled in making.

MAPPING // Her brain thinks of the world in aerial view. She keeps track of where to find things on maps, which she obsessively keeps, but this mindset also makes for a good scout and a strategic mind.



PERSONALITY At first glance, Nona is unobtrusive - not quite a wallflower, but measured and reserved. She's often quiet, observant, or maybe indifferent sometimes, her mind off on other adventures, but truthfully she's simply not wired to jabber on about things she knows nothing about. This silence can come off as coldness, and it is what it is, but she's cheerful enough around those few people with whom she feels comfortable.

She will often second-guess what she has to offer a conversation, hanging silently on that question of relevance even while bigger idiots drag out their worst ideas for all to admire. This is a learned behavior from years of having holes shot through her ideas. Be assured, however, that when she does pipe up, her words are well thought through.

Nona can be highly optimistic when facing challenges or even when estimating the time it will take to do something, but she prefers to hope for the best even while steeling herself against the potential worst. She can't help it, perhaps its the naivete of a safe life in what should be a harsh world, but even while one plan starts to fail, she's flexible enough to shift that optimism to plan B.

Unlike her mother, ambitious and objective even when it would make enemies, Nona wants nothing other than to be helpful. She has goals, but she's willing to bend towards the group's best interests, which, she thinks, doesn't have to mean crushing your friendly opposition.

BIOGRAPHY Ramona's mother, Gen, might possibly be the most intimidating woman in the settlement. Always serious and single-minded in her ambitions, she expects no less from her daughter and is often disappointed.

Her parents' relationship would be considered odd in the Before times. Gen and Lenny were a short fling that no one understood (leastnot Gen and Lenny) that resulted in Ramona. Gen never wanted to make a real go of things and Lenny was too afraid to push the issue - so Gen would say she raised Ramona single-handedly. Lenny was always around, of course - everyone is always around in a community of less than a hundred - but he never handled the real parenting, discipline and the hard lessons. Gen pushed her daughter to excel in every area possible. Anything less was death - which Nona always thought a bit of an exaggeration.

It was her dad who brought Nona small presents from time to time, little things he'd picked up scavenging outside the Settlement. Maybe a sad, sun-dried salamander caught in the sun or a rock with a face - and one time a map, the outside flap of the thing long faded in the sun, but the material in better condition than most papers, because it had been pressed with a glossy plastic. He thought it mildly interesting, beautiful and colorful, but Nona was fascinated by the information. She'd never seen a map before - not that they didn't have them, but she had never thought about her world from top down at that young age. She has since made many maps of her own, scribbling on crude parchment, marking out little things she'd found and eventually resources the Settlement would benefit from. A patch of wild blueberries, the best place to catch bass in the river, and so forth, secret tunnels, hidden places...

Gen fell in with another man while her daughter was still young, though old enough to know what was going on. He's a well-respected member of the settlement - smarter than Lenny, superior her mother would say - and together they, purposefully this time, conceived a child. A snot-nosed little boy in Nona's eyes. He thinks he's so smart... As long as there is humanity in the world, there's sibling rivalry. Her brother's father has, too, been nothing but kind towards Nona over the years, but he never exactly won her affections.

Even as an adult, too much of her life is led by her mother's actions and wishes. Too many people she's required to like, too many "one day, you'll have to make hard decisions," but never being allowed to make them. Nona, quiet as she is, is just as willful as her mother and as the Settlement started making plans to release a crop of its youth into the world, she made sure she had a spot in the group. She just wishes it didn't make her mother so damn proud. At least she hates her new hair cut.

PROMPT: Nona wakes up to find herself in the Before times - as in, before the apocalypse.

Nona made it home, or at least, where home should be. The sign was there, NEPONSET RIVER RESERVATION, but a less worn version of it. Past a useless looking fence, there was a loop of pavement around a field where there should have been houses and the Gathering Hall. There were benches along the path and a wispy old woman sat placidly on one, but Nona took a wide berth to avoid the little black dog who barked long after she'd passed. This was Home - the grasses, the trees, the bridges crossing the river - but something was very wrong about it all.

She sat down on one of the benches, pulling her knees up into her arms and gnawing on her thumbnail as she recounted that day's journey thus far. She'd woken up in a strange room. No dust motes hung in the sunlight streaming through the windows. Not having touched anything, she found herself in the lobby, sheepishly talking to a man behind a large desk who clearly had better things to do. The tile floor was pristine. He told her she was at BEST WESTERN, YOUR BEST BET, HOTELS WITH PERSONALITY. She had no idea what any of that meant, so she blurted, "How far is Neponset River?"

"Uhhh," he dragged the syllable on, his mouth hanging lazily ajar, "Well, the park is on the other side of the bridge, if you exit this door...." She practically ran out of the building when he'd given her enough to go on.

And now she was here. Home. The word echoed in a hollow, tinny kind of way in her thoughts.

"Hey lady," a voice from behind startled her and she planted her feet and looked back into a bright light that made her hold a hand up to her face. It had grown very dark in the hours she'd sat immobile on the bench. The light flicked off abruptly. "Hey, the park's closed. Can't stay here."

Nona hesitated, "I- I don't know where to go."

The guy shrugged unapologetically, his thumbs wriggled into his belt, which hung below a rotund stomach. "Home? McDonalds? I don't know either lady, but you can't stay here," he said sarcastically.

Home didn't mean anything anymore. MCDONALDS never meant anything to her. They stared at one another for a long moment. "Okay," she said when he started impatiently shifting on his feet. Why can't people just read the signs. There are SIGNS, he thought. She stood up and walked past him to leave the park, him shaking his head all the while.

Now Nona cocked her head, wide-eyed and standing stock still on the safe triangle of raised pavement as traffic breezed by on all sides in all directions. Traffic, a word which means a sea of cars long rusted out, arranged in endless aisles on the road with which they'd become one. But it didn't mean that Before. She stared at the traffic light, which was, in fact, a light. It blinked back at her, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6…

In her memory, the light-box hung limply from its post by the wires. But this one...worked.

Was this Before?

The light blinked again and showed the silver man walking. She had watched this cycle once already and this time she was ready to step out into the traffic, which stopped just for her. The streets had gotten progressively busier, both with cars and people. The buildings huddled close together, some of them had lines of young people waiting. A man and a cart that read HOT DOGS took up a lot of the sidewalk and he yelled at people who passed by. Some of them stopped and traded him paper (money? She was starting to remember her lessons about Before) for food she didn't recognize.

But it sure did smell amazing.

"Buzz off if you're just gonna stand there salivating," the man said without looking at her, but she was the only one just standing there. "The University's got a food pantry that'll do you better." He eyed her from under a heavy brow without lifting his head, "If that's your problem."

Nona looked away as if she hadn't heard. Another man walked up during this interaction and seemed to consider her as he dug into his pants pocket. He rolled his head over to one shoulder as he pulled out his wallet and sighed, "I- I got hers." He sounded somewhat regretful, but held a paper-wrapped HOT DOG out to her and shook it when she didn't react immediately. "It's fine, just take it."

He smiled when she took it, so she walked with him. He didn't seem to be a threat. "So, like, are you a student or…" He went on talking, but Nona opened her mouth wide and ate the warm food the way she saw him do it and she wasn't paying attention, because it was, in fact, amazing.
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AGE: 35

HEIGHT: 5'-10"
WEIGHT: 180lbs

UNCLE DADE CONNELLY, retired police officer

Thomas 270x550.jpg

Thomas is tall, but not remarkably so, and thin - wiry some would say, or as his aunt is fond: like a beanpole and he would add, exasperated, a sort of muscular beanpole! His skin is fair, eyes a pale, watery blue under straw-colored eyelashes and hair. He normally keeps his hair longer on top than the sides, but all around short enough for police regulation. His face is long, features soft with only good intentions in the form of dimples and deep cheek lines. Generally clean shaven or stubbly, his beard grows in much darker than on top.

Thomas has always been concerned with fairness. Whenever it was in his control to do so, he would make sure everyone got their half, so to speak. Were it up to him, everyone would be happy always. He has, of course, found it difficult to make this happen in real life under less ideal circumstances. For this goal he is self-sacrificing in the worst ways.

Off the job, he's easy-going, even charming at times, in a quiet way. More reserved, he's likely to be discussing the party from the edges with one other person rather than entertaining for the night, but he's quick to laugh in the day to day and amiable, good to everyone he meets. He doesn't have enemies of any reasonable people, but he's also a far cry from world's most interesting man; most people you ask would say simply, "Yeah, he's a nice guy."

BIOGRAPHY Thomas was raised by his mother - never met his father and didn't think about him much. She could be erratic and went on a long time with undiagnosed mental issues. They lived a lot of different places around the city, but he spent a number of periods of varying length living with his mother's sister and her family. These were good times, though always in the shadow of his mother, who no one seemed to be able to help. This side of his family has done well enough in the city, however - true examples in Tom's eyes of what hard work can earn.

He's still close with his Aunt and Uncle, the latter of whom was a police officer until retirement and the main reason he considered applying to the academy after a number of failed attempts at other ventures. From early on in his career, he was dismayed by the calls he answered which often went only so far as protecting those that were left. He passed the detective exam six years ago and since then his work has truly been his life, for better or worse, sometimes even at the expense of personal relationships.

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