Diana, your parents were right about you.

Humans still pay for porn? And all those pirated XXXTubes for no reason....
We can fix this by making the characters reploids and giving them stupid helmets and names.

like so.

I liked this Iwaku better.

Why don't you invite these curious matureship to an Iwaku-"con" to their liking. As mentioned before, since they enjoy incest, they can invite their brothers and sisters too! ^_^; Desudesunekoyareyarehai! WE'LL REACH 300 LOGINS PER DAY! SQUEE- SQUEE-
Don't worry, New Iwaku has this.

Humans still pay for porn? And all those pirated XXXTubes for no reason....

It's not their fault for not knowing of the divine strength of the machine god.
no but for some reason talking about porn reminds me of the times me and my friends had porn fights
which was just nothing more than sending each other via email porn pictures and then seeing who would give in first...i usually won because i have no problem with most things i mean two girls are hot two guys are hot and well my friends arent that open and i usually won with something along the lines of furry...than one way or the other it always ends with all of us talking about how we knew to look some of this crap up....i have to blame 1000 ways to die for teaching me about furries because without them i wouldnt have thought of looking it up and sometimes i wish i was still in the dark about it XD
. . . I want to say TMI.