Devilman Crybaby: Sailor Moon Crybaby!



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An intensely gory, vicious mix of the legendary Go Nagai franchise; and it's most recent release Devilman: Crybaby along with the ever classic magical girl franchise Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon aka Skye Tsukino/Sukai is a mostly innocent magical girl, superheroine (female superhero) who is slowly but surely falling in love with a new friend of hers named Darien. Things get complicated, however when one night after they finish battling evil; she discovers the Birth of Devilman aka Akira Fudo! To further complicate things, Akira's mysterious and slightly rude friend Ryo Asuka is beginning to stalk her. She wants to know why. Does Sailor Moon have the potential to be the next Devil Lady? Will Darien be able to keep Sukai away from this darkness? And most importantly, can they all work together to save the world from the evils coming at them? Please PM me, if you're interested in RPing this with me. Thank you for reading this!