Destiel RP (Angelfire1 and k-michelle412)

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Dean rolled his eyes. "We're not kids! I'm 18!" Sam nodded from the other room. He was eating a sandwich. "You're not that much older than me and we've been hunting since we were little!" Dean made an almost pouty face. "Are you even a hunter? Who are you?"
Castiel slunk back into the coach. He hated yelling. It was loud and made his heart pound anxiously, like something bad was going to happen.
"Sorry." Castiel nearly whimpered looking like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He slowly sat up straight. "Uh, I'm actually older than you think." Castiel muttered rubbing his neck shyly. Could he trust them? He sighed and told them the truth. "I'm an Angel...."
Dean's eyes widened. This guy had to be joking. "No way." He didn't believe in Angels and God and that stuff. He crossed his arms. "How come you don't have any wings? And you're dressed like an accountant that got caught in a rain storm for god's sake!" He snorted. Sure, he was being a bit rude, but this guy just came here asking for their dad for some crazy reason and calling them kids.
"That's cus their hidden right now." Castiel mumbled. He wasn't even going to comment on the insult to his wardrobe. He hadn't thought it was too bad. It's not like he came to earth all too often.
"How would you like me to prove it?" Castiel could show them his wings but he hated showing humans. It was weird for him. They always tried to touch them and Castiel hated that the most. Wings were sensitive and it just...he didn't like it.
"I don't know. Turn water into wine or somethin'! Do something Angel-y!" He smirked. He wanted to see what Castiel would do. He half hoped that he would admit he was lying.
"Jesus turned water into wine actually." Castiel said matter-of-factly. He blinked up at Dean and tilted his head. Something Angel-y, was that even proper grammar? "Do you have a scar or something?" Castiel asked.
"A scar?" He thought for a moment. He did have a scar from a cut he got while fighting a vamp. He nodded and awkwardly lifted up his shirt, revealing a long scar that went down his stomach. He had been lucky that it wasn't too deep.
Castiel took a deep breath and successfully kept his eyes from lingering anywhere too long. "Alright." His voice even came out much more confident than he felt.
Castiel reached out, eyes flickering to Dean's. His fingertips ghosted over the scar revealing smooth, untouched skin in its wake.
When Castiel finished his hand lingered for just a moment before he stuffed his hands in his pocket, scar vanished. "Angel-y enough for you?"
Dean looked at it with wide eyes. " I hate to admit this, but that was awesome!" He smiled for a moment at Castiel before he realized his stomach was still exposed. He pulled down his shirt and cleared his throat. "Anyway, you've proven you're an Angel. I guess." There could be some other things that could do that, somewhere.
Castiel felt his face heat up. He shrugged with a soft smile kind of pleased with himself for impressing Dean. "That was sort of the point." Castiel blinked and looked around the small room. "So , what do we do now?" Castiel had never really spoken to hunters directly. He was new to this whole process.
"well, what do you want us to do?" Sam had joined them in the room and sat down next to Castiel. Dean nodded and sat on the other side of Castiel.
"Uh...." Castiel glanced at both Winchesters. "Well, Lilith was rumored to have been seen in a small town in Montana. We...could start there?" Castiel shrugged. He wasn't a hunter. He just healed people and guided souls to heaven if needed. He was totally out of his element here.
"More like, how do we kill this bitch? before we start huntin' her." Dean said. He realized he was being mean again. "But, thanks for that info."

Sam raised an eyebrow at Dean. He was so weird.
"Uh....that's not really....I don't actually know." Castiel admitted lamely. He sent both boys puppy dog eyes that could soften up the toughest war veteran.
Dean opened up his mouth to say something rude, but instead he closed it. The look on Castiel's face made him feel weird. He wasn't sure what the feeling was... sympathy? He didn't know.
"Hey, Cas, it's okay. We'll figure it out somehow." He looked away.

Sam was astonished. Dean had never been this nice to a stranger who was getting into hunter business.
Cas smiled happily. At least they weren't mad at him for being clueless. He was a little confused by the look in Sam's face but didn't say anything.
"Do we go now? I've really never had to contact hunters before but no one else in heaven seems worried and God is....somewhere..."
"Yeah...somewhere..." Dean mumbled. He looked back at Cas and tried to smile. "I think we should try to contact Dad, if we're working with demons, I think it would be best if he's there."
Castiel nodded. He sat patiently on the couch while the brothers contacted their father. He picked up the remote and passed it from hand to hand. He pressed the big red button at the top. He watched amazed as the television went blank. He looked from the piece of plastic to the television and pressed it again. The television flickered on and Castiel smiled. "Cool." He breathed and began playing with the television to entertain himself. "Human stuff is cool!"
Dean was in the kitchen, talking to his dad. Sam only heard Dean's half of the conversation, but it didn't sound good. He sat down at the table and waited patiently. Dean slammed down the cell phone after hanging up and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Ugh!" Sam jumped.

"What did Dad say?"

"He can't come, and we can't go find Lilith. Apparently, she's too dangerous for us to fight on our own." Dean scowled.
Castiel poked his head into the kitchen when he heard Sam and Dean conversing. He assumed Dean was finished with his phone call. "What's wrong?" Dean didn't look happy at all and Sam looked disappointed. Castiel blinked looked at the brothers.
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