Desperation and hunger

She gave him a cold hard glare. "Do you know when to shut the he** up?!" She started stomping, showing her displeasure.
Drake backed off. "Hey hey hey, I didn't mean to offend you. I just trying to make friendly conversation to pass the time."
"Well you need to learn how to shut your freaking trap before I shut it for you." She was pissed.
She didn't answer, but she fumed silently. If she had to deal with this stupid chatty mutt there was a slight chance she'd rip his head off. She took a deep breath, and kept walking.
Drake walked quietly for a minute. "...You vampires can be so sensitive sometimes."
She gave him a nasty glare. "SHUT UP!!" In a blur of speed, she was right behind him, and she snapped his arm. "Piss me off again, and I'm going to rip your head off." She walked away from him to cool down from her temper tantrum.
"AAggghh! S**** that hurt!" Drake cradled his broken arm. "Was that really necessary?"
"Yes it was! Hopefully I got my point across through that thick skull of yours." She snapped at him, still trying to cool off. She was struggling to and it didn't help that he was questioning her.
Drake quietly growled. "I still think that was uncalled for." He muttered.
"Keep talking and I'll break your other arm and leave you here alone." She growled at him as she walked, slowly getting farther ahead of him. She wanted her space, but at the same time didn't want to be alone anymore. Although she might prefer that to
Drake quietly followed, keeping his eyes down. So touchy. He thought. Still, he wanted someone to be with, anyone.
She was mumbling incoherently to herself, slowly beginning to cool off. She knew what she'd done was uncalled for, but she tended to act on impulse and breaking his arm happened to be on impulse. She growled at herself but continued walking.
Soon Drake began to hear cars. He didn't say anything though. Just kept walking.
Katy stopped at the sound of the cars, and suddenly leaped into a tree, and climbed to the top to assess exactly where she was. She could see a stretch of road.Perfect. This makes hunting so much simplier.She thought as she climbed back down the tree as fast as she had gone up.
Drake watched her come down, still holding his arm. "Lunch time?" He asked.
"Yes. No idea how you're going to eat. Have fun figuring that out." She slowly began approaching the road, a plan already formulating in her mind as to how she'd get one of those cars to stop for her. She could tell that they were few and far between so she had to get one to stop pretty quick.
"Maybe you could wave them down and I could fake having a broken arm." He said sarcastically.
"Oh don't be pathetic." Katy growled at him as she continued walking. "You lure them over her by waving your good arm so I can hide. If you can get them out of the car, I can take care of the rest. And then I'll drive you to a hospital if you really want me to." She rolled her eyes.
"And how do I wave and hold my broken arm... You know what, fine." He walked to the edge of the road. As a car came, he began waving, wincing as he let his arm down.