Desperation and hunger

Katy spun around in a full circle for a minute. "Uhhhh..." Despite being a vampire, she had the worst sense of direction ever! She had a sad tendency of getting lost if she didn't have a human scent to lock on to. And this was one of those times. "Well, I have no idea where we are at the moment so..." She frowned and then pointed in a random direction. "Let's go that way."
"I would ask if you were sure," Drake said. "But then again, you just said you have no idea. Of course since I cant really remember anything that happened, I guess it's the best we got."
"Yes, and hopefully we can find somewhere. I'd like to clean up. I don't really feel like camping in the woods." She wrinkled her nose at the thought and started walking in the direction she pointed.
"Whats wrong with the woods?" Drake asked. "It's peaceful, clean, plenty of open space, AND... there's plenty of food."
"It's dirty and gross and there's nothing for me to eat." She made a face. "Except for animals but they are disgusting. And I can't compel them to do what I want." She smirked; she always used humans to get what she wanted. The last thing she really wanted was to camp out in the woods.
"Fine... But if we get lost and cant find our way back, don't be surprised if I disappear in to go hunt."
"Fine be that way." She snapped, getting annoyed at him. "But if you do that, don't expect to ever see me again."
"Hey, why so touchy?" Drake asked. "I didn't mean to offend you, though I'm not sure how I did."
Katy didn't answer. she was hungry and irritated.
Drake followed in silence. How in the world did I end up with a vamp? ​He thought.
She walked silently, still irritated. She was beginning to think that she would just ditch the wolf and go back to living by herself. It seemed to be less complicated that way.
Drake suddenly stopped. "Hold on... There's a town that way." He pointed off into the forest.
"Are you sure about that?" She sounded like she didn't believe him.
Drake rolled his eyes. "Unless I had my nose in a can of gas, then I'm pretty sure I can smell cars off that way."
Katy snorted. "No need for that comment." She started walking, still a little annoyed.
Drake rolled his eyes. "Well, since we are going to be walking for a while, why don't you tell me a bout yourself."
"What do you want to know?" Her voice was still thick with annoyance.
"I just want to know a little bit about you," He said, "Since it seams we'll be together for a while."
"There's nothing interesting about me." Something that seemed like rage was boiling underneath the annoyance. For some unknown reason, she thought she might scream.
"Aw come on. There has to be something interesting about you. I mean, you've been alive for hundreds of year I bet... I mean dead, right?"