Describing the Scene: Create a disease

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Diseases are everywhere on Earth, but the ones that we can cook up in our minds for fantasy lore. So, your challenge is to create a disease that explains the picture below and fill out this form for it.

Name of Disease:
Scientific Name:
Discovered when:
Deadly or Treatable:
Side Effects:
Treatment if any:
Where did it originate?
Who does it effect most:
What can get it (animals, humans, etc)

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That was fun to write.

Name of Disease: Miasma

Scientific Name: Somnia Febris

Discovered when: 7312

Symptoms: Afflicted begins to experience constant drowsiness. Complaints about being tired are common, along with sleeping for longer periods of time. During the late stages of the disease many complain about vivid hallucinations. A spidery film begins to spread across their eyes. Once their eyes are completely covered over, they fall victim to a deep sleep where they are unable to be woken up. It is thought that the webbing in their eyes are a physical representation of their dreams.

Deadly or Treatable: Untreatable, but it does not directly kill its host.

Side Effects: More sleep, hallucinations,vegetative state or death.

Treatment if any: None, though those afflicted can be cared for by others. (vegetative state)

Where did it originate?: Asteroid B612

Who does it effect most: Humans.

What can get it (animals, humans, etc) Humans.
Name of Disease: S.E.S. (Swirl Eye Syndrome) (those afflicted are commonly referred to as Swirlies)

Scientific Name: Gurges Proluit

Discovered when: First official documentation was in 3041 though rumor and legend place this disease far earlier in history.
Symptoms: While a milky swirl of unknown materials cover the eye, causing blankets of darkness to cover sight, other senses seem to become more and more active. Hearing, especially, becomes far more keen in most cases. Many of the diseased experience frequent headaches, almost always leading up to a heavy migraine during which they may experience spastic fits and episodes of hysteria. Some claim the screams are just a different language but there is no scientific base for this. Eventually, the eyes become completely covered, effectively blinding the patient. What is curious, however, is that these patients develop a different sense based off of hearing, not unlike bats in their application of sound bouncing off of objects to "see". The fits and hysteria do persist, however, even in these final stages of the disease, leaving the patient immobile for days on end; sometimes bleeding from their eyes and ears.

Deadly or Treatable: Non-treatable and thus far, not deadly, though freak cases have been documented. It seems young children who contract this disease cannot cope with the sudden changes their body experiences and become brain dead. Once the first fit then starts, the body shuts down and dies.

Side Effects: A curious side effect in the final stage is a glow surrounding the film covering the eye. There seems to be a white hue coming from it and the patients seem to have become extremely calm and perceptive of those around them.

Treatment if any: None.

Where did it originate?: It is unknown.

Who does it effect most: Humans aged between 3 years of age and 30 years of age, mainly boys and, the higher in years, women.

What can get it (animals, humans, etc): Humans are most commonly afflicted but large mammals have been seen with similar afflictions to their eyes though, strangely, they seem less immobilized by it.
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Name of Disease: Tiara

Scientific Name: Idio-Rachi-Paresis

Discovered when: 2017

Symptoms: The sudden and extreme lack of feeling due to an infected nervous system which results in sporadic movement, sometimes leading to total paralysis if not death. Minor internal bleeding of capillaries surrounding spinal cord, hemorrhaging of spinal fluid from spinal canal due to an unusual swelling of spinal tissues. In almost all cases subjects bleed from ruptured capillaries from the scalp due to intense spikes in blood pressure.

Deadly or Treatable: 80% mortality rate, no effective treatment found. In the other 20% of cases subjects have a full recovery at the loss of feeling in phalanges or other members such as the genitals, nose and tongue.

Side Effects: Dizziness, vomiting, increased non-fatal body temperature, rapid heart rate & high blood pressure, extreme pain in muscles surrounding spinal column, neck and scalp, loss of motor coordination, loss of basic senses such as touch, smell and hearing and death.

Treatment if any: The only known temporary treatments to bring peace to those afflicted are the use of cryo-chambers to give some relief from the excruciating pain. Otherwise extensive and powerful painkillers are put to work.

Where did it originate: Believed to be a viral infection, the first cases were reported in out of a small town in Southern Belgium, but due to the rapid spread of the virus it has been difficult to determine its exact origins.

Who does it effect most: In ration, three females to one male have been infected with the virus, it is believe the virus is discriminate toward sex. Otherwise the elderly (aged fifty on average and up) are also particularly open to the virus.

What can get it (animals, humans, etc): The virus strictly effects mammals, sex being a factor still. Though the mortality rate of most farm animals is a near 95% which led to a massive outlook on genetic modification to battle the Tiara virus.
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This ended up...ah...different?

Name of Disease: "The Haunt"
Scientific Name: The people who named it are not savvy when it comes to science
Discovered when: 1200s
Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, dizziness, delirium, slight fever (usually from the wound becoming infected if improperly treated).
Deadly or Treatable: The Haunt is not terminal, but it is a permanent affliction. You are more likely to die from your wounds than you are the actual ailment. If you haven't inferred, The Haunt is transferred via wound.
Side Effects: Victims report having strange, vivid dreams, and the brave claim that some are even prophetic. It is also confirmed that survivors of attacks gain keener senses over time, including weak night vision. Dulled emotions.
Treatment if any: The only thing about The Haunt that can be treated is the wound by which the disease was passed. These wounds are like any other, though healers have noted that they fester much quicker than regular cuts and gashes.
Where did it originate? When horrible, malignant creatures began spawning in the forests. At first, villagers dismissed sightings as nothing more than lies. Any child who claimed to spot one was reprimanded; any adult branded mad. However, as these creatures became more aggressive, villages across the country were forced to accept reality for what it was.
Who does it effect most: Hunters, lumberjacks, children...people who spent a lot of time in the forest.
What can get it?: Whether or not animals can be afflicted remains undetermined; most are too small and fragile to survive an attack.
NAME OF DISEASE: Arachnidia (Those infected are called Shells)
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Arachnidium Phillumia

Stages have a 2 month stretch between each other.

Iris whitens & Eye Color turns slightly into dull purple.
Eye Pains

Eye Color is dull purple, Iris drips of dark liquid substance.
Intense Eye Pains
Weaker Vision
Loss of Leg Control
Level 1 Madness
Stage 1 Symptoms.

Small Webs start to form at the end of the Eye.
Intense Eye Pains
Level 2 Madbess
Intense Headaches (Mostly in the back of the head)
Stage 2 Symptoms.

More Webs start to Cloud the Eyes.
Spiders can be seen walking in the eyeballs.
Cries blood
Level 3 Madness
Eye Cancer
Loss of Arm Control
Irregular Breathing
Regurgitates Blood
Stage 3 Symptoms

Eyes are completely shrouded with Webs/
More Spiders & Spider Eggs can be seen.
Holes can be seen in the Body, crawling with Spiders.

In other words, the Body became a giant hotel for Spiders.

DEADLY OR TREATABLE: Deadly. Can only be treated at Stage 1.
SIDE EFFECTS: Includes the loss of genital control. & numbness of the Eyes, the Tongue, & the Ears.

TREATMENTS IF ANY: Extensive Eye Surgery, Painkillers, Anesthetics, & Chemical Free Pesticides (Can only be cured during Stage 1 only)
WHERE DID IT ORIGINATE: From a new Spider Species called: "Red Bellied Spider"
WHO DOES IT EFFECT MOST: Live & Dead Animals, although Humans living near Forest Biomes are also included. Dead Bodies are also included.
WHAT CAN GET IT: Any Living Species that can fit a large Spider Family.
Name of Disease: Arachna's Spawn
Scientific Name: Arachna Medulla
Discovered when: 20th August, 1952

Stage 1:

- High Fever
- Stomatological, bleeding ulceration

Stage 2:
-Night Blindness
-Memory Loss
-Muscle Cramps
- Dermatological Ulceration
- Extreme Metbolic Increase

Stage Three:
-Total Blindness
-Metabolic overload; stomach explodes and releases spiders in a rain of blood.

Deadly or Treatable: Deadly.
Side Effects: Spiders will explode out of the stomach, vitalised after feeding on the blood and sugars of the human they grew in. This instantly kills their host, as the host is effectively in a symbiotic relationship with creatures who devour organs to feed whilst in an incubatory stage.
Treatment if any: If at Stage 1, request a caesarean section.
Where did it originate?: New Guinea.
Who does it effect most: Humans, and primates.
What can get it (animals, humans, etc) Humans, primates and large air, sea and landborne animals.
Name of Disease: Doppelganger Syndrome
Scientific Name: Xeno-Contagium Centauri
Discovered when: 3521

Stage I: Dizziness, headaches, gradually worsening sensitivity to stimuli such as light and sound, paranoia and a tingling or crawling sensation under the skin, primarily of the scalp and face.

Stage II: Irritability, mood swings, increased paranoia, migraines, gradual loss of hearing and sight, insomnia, loss of appetite, hallucinations (typically exacerbated by the lack of nutrients and sleep). At this stage, the infected patient's eyes form temporary cataracts; in about half of the documented cases, this is also the point where the signature filament-like structures in the eye begin to form.

Stage III: Sudden decrease in speech, movement and response to stimuli. Patient's eyes seal shut, unable to be opened unless surgery is performed. Eventually, a coma-like state falls over the patient. Heart rate and breathing slow, and body mass rapidly decreases. Any efforts to introduce liquids, nutrients or oxygen are rejected by the body. This is commonly known as the incubation stage.

Stage IV: After roughly three months, the patient wakens. They move in a mechanical manner, ignoring any and all stimuli until the eyes open, revealing the full infestation. Over a few days, the fully infected patient seems to"experiment", testing their dexterity, strength, facial expressions and vocal capabilities. This typically leads to mimicry of any people withing their range of sight or hearing. Attempts to contain the infected become increasingly difficult, as they move from a slow, docile demeanor to an moderately aggressive one as they attempt to escape. Should they manage to do so, they seek out the most densely populated area near their point of origin. Once there, they attempt to blend in with uninfected humans, returning to a docile nature. Despite this, at this stage they can be considered dangerous, as they display higher brain function; they are known to steal, lie and effectively evade any search forces. If not detained, they will expire within a year, the corpse then releasing thousands of Xeno-Contagium Centurai bacteria into the surrounding area.

Deadly or Treatable: Treatable within the first two stages.
Treatment if any: If caught early, radiation can be used to slow the spread of the infection. Surgery of the brain and eyes can remove the clusters of infectious material. Further treatment of radiation can eliminate any regrowth.
Where did it originate? The Alpha Centauri system. Men and women traveling from this system were the first to exhibit symptoms.
Who does it effect most: Adult men and women. Twenty to thirty is the prime age, however rare cases of children and older adults have been documented. Animals in close proximity to humans are known to become infected.
What can get it (animals, humans, etc): Mammals
Name of Disease: AngelPuppet Syndrom

Scientific Name: Beatusmonochromia ( derived from the latin word from happy 'Beatus' and 'mono' meaning one and 'chromia' derived from Chromosome)

Discovered when: 2317


Mild tiredness
mild headaches

stomach aches
Loss of vison briefly

Crying blood
sever pain
unexplainable cuts appearing beside the shoulderblades
colour changing in irises, becoming paler

the eyes will start too seem like there are a film over them that appers almost like a spider web
uncontrolable laughing fits
constant grins

sudden stop of movement besides laughing and grining.
bones have started to sprout out of cuts beside of the shoulder blades
spider web flims over eyes thicken

wings grown from shoulder blade cuts
movement increasses
grin becomes twisted
insanity sets in

The spider webs have become thick and eyelids have been forced open.
Mental state gets worse.

Deadly or Treatable: Its not deadly, but its not treatable either

Side Effects:
self harm by patients
mental insanity
constant euphoria

Treatment if any: Termination.

Where did it originate? Germany

Who does it effect most: Children of either gender from ages 5-12, reported cases up untill age 22 in males, and 25 in females

What can get it (animals, humans, etc): Humans
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