First crush/love thing - Second grade.
Little Staci in pigtails in her catholic school dress jumper thing, high socks and black mary jane shoes, walks upto Little David, with his messy blonde hair, blue eyes, and little catholic school boy outfit. He sits in his desk, it is the night of the Christmas play, the second grade is chilling and watching movies in the classroom until our cue to go downstairs and on stage.
Little David and Little Staci were best pals. They would call each other and play Pokemon Stadium from their houses, pick the same Pokemon, do everything the same at the same time. They laughed, they smiled, they enjoyed being awesome pals and friends.
Little Staci really liked Little David, and wrote in her diary about wanting to marry him and have a Pokemon wedding.
Little David was shorter than Super Tall Little Staci, but that was okay. She drew him on a pedestal in her diary so he was taller than she.
Little David smiles at Little Staci as she sits opposite him at his desk, pulling up a chair. They talk of Pokemon, and Digimon, and SpongeBob.
And then Little Staci looked around, turned bright red, and decided to do it.
While fidgeting in her lap, Little Staci fumbled over her soft words, but forced them out with the courage within her soul.
"David.. David, I.. I really..I really like you. Like..Like you."
Little David looks up, startled. His mouth drops open, he stammers, he looks around.
Then he hits his head down against his desk, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to emit a soft thud-thud-thud.
He looks up, Little David winces and smiles kind of awkwardly.
"Let's just stay PokePals."
Little Staci felt little heartbreak for the first little time.
{true story}