Demonically Innocent Cont.

Mia was very much relieved when it seemed everything was back normal - well, not normal but at least calm. She let herself be embraced by her boyfriend and smiled up to him "Yeah, much better" she murmured back, looking on to her brother who kissed Ariela's forehead once she wrapped her arm around his waist "We have obviously been out of the loop for a while now.. I didnt even know Ariela and Thai were getting really serious like that.. its not like my brother to date girls like Ariela at all.. " she said hesitantly and with a chuckle - knowing that all the girls he 'dated' were normally girls who had no morals, and little respect for themselves -not classy at all.

Once they were inside, Mia did not hesitate to go right to the kitchen -she was starving! all the stress had warn her out and all she wanted to do was eat and then rest a bit like his mother had suggested, before going to her house to tell her own parents. The food was beyond delicious, and it was hard for Mia to stop herself from just digging in. She took her time, sitting right next to De and her brother -on the other side of him was Ariela. Everything was peaceful.. quiet.. that is -until Thai's phone vibrated. He looked at the caller I.D and his eyes widened a little, he then cleared his throat, forwarding the call and going back to eating -that didn't stop his phone form vibrating once more. "What the hell.." he mumbled very low before lifting his head and smiling at everyone "Excuse me" he said under his breath before getting up from the table and taking the call "Hello?.. what do you mean you're outside.." he seethed, going to the front door and hesitantly opening it and closing it behind him.

Just then a small pink car he knew anywhere pulled up and his stomach turned - in fact it started doing flips. The car was full of a clique he knew too well, Melanie Fiona blasting from their speakers. The driver stepped out, an Asian girl who was fairly tall -but that could have just been the heels she was wearing. She had long brown hair and a fierce smokey eye, her lips nude -she looked upset, but not as upset as Thai was. "How the hell.. did you find me here Carmen?" he asked between gritted teeth. Carmen only smirked, crossing her arms and coming closer to him "Is that how you say hi nowadays Thai? come on you know me better than that.. wheres my hug?" she asked, flipping her hair over her shoulder and looking at the house he had come out of. Thai also looked back at the house, before giving her a half ass hug, Carmen was barely even paying attention to it enough to care that it was half ass, too busy still staring at the house "So then its true.. you're dating a wolf demon?" she asked with a raise of her eyebrow. Thai only rolled his eyes "What are you doing here? and how did you know I was here?" Thai asked, avoiding her question. "Your homeboys told me where I could find you.. and what do you mean why am I here? a girl cant miss her ex?" she asked, leaning on the side of her car and biting her lip as she looked Thai up and down "Yeah thats cool and all but.. nah... thats disrespectful Carmen.. if you missed me or just wanted to say hi all you had to do was text me.. you dont show up to my girlfriends house" he cut her off, Carmen glared at the house then..

"So it is true .. you're really dating a wolf demon.. " she murmured lowly, chewing her gum slowly. Thai let the silence speak for itself, putting his hands in his pockets and looking around before his eyes landed back on her. She nodded, understanding him clearly. "Low Thai. Very low." She stated, peeling herself from her car and leaning in to kiss his cheek " Thats dangerous and you now it.. Now watch me walk away and take a moment to recognize that this could still be yours" She whispered against his ear, smirking and then getting back inside her car "Its over between us Carmen" he called out to her, she simply put on her shades and turned on her car "No. It was never over Thai.. it was 'to be continued' you know that, so do I.. and so will she" she threatened, smiling and showing off her fangs before zooming off down the street. Thai let out a sigh, he had been holding his breath the whole time she was there. Carmen and him had been together a year and a half before he got with Ariela - he was messing around with other girls while dating her, and she was messing around too -it was a mutual understanding.. they had been taking a break when he met Ariela, but he had fallen in love with her and totally cut Carmen off.. now here she was back to claim what she thought was hers. Thai wasn't having that though -he knew where home was.

He stood there for a few seconds before coming back in the house, trying not to look too troubled.
Sorry it's so short. I had no idea what to write. D:
Demetri walked with Mia back into this house, his brothers were still in the same spot as before. Typical behavior. He then chuckled softly at her comment of being out of the loop. "We were too busy with each other," he murmured into her ear softly with a small smile growing on her lips as he thought of everything he's done since he's met her. All of the things they did. Which made his eyes gleam, as he helped serve her food. She quickly began to eat, and he laughed a little at her reaction to all of the food. "Baby, don't rush it. You'll just heave it all back up," he explained to her carefully as he noticed her fighting within herself from inhaling all of the food. "Looks like the baby has my apeitite," he joked lightly to her as he munched on a few pieces of bacon and whatnot. He heard the vibration of Thai's phone, and looked over to see him freeze as he scanned the caller ID. Drama already? They literally just got over some dumb shit, and Demetri could tell from Thai's face there was bound to be more. He kept it to himself, not wanting anything to be ruined. After a while, Thai excused himself from the table and walked outside. Demetri followed him with his eyes, waiting until he was out of the room to eat again.

Ariela looked over at Mia with a soft smile. "Can I help with the baby?" she asked her with a twinkle in her eyes. Of course it was a dumb question, but Ariela didn't want to push herself onto Mia if she didn't even want her to help. What if Mia wanted to do this all on her own? Ariela wasn't sure, so she decided to play it safe. It irked Demetri to see that she wasn't fazed by Thai going off onto his own out of nowhere once a phone call came in. Maybe it was normal? Demetri shook it off, having a feeling that he was suddenly becoming over protective about anything. This must be how it feels to know you're becoming a dad. Ariela noticed the tension in Demetri's shoulders, and eyed him curiously. "You okay there buddy?" she asked him with a raised eyebrow. "Ah shit, who invited the Asian barbie?" Remy--one of the many brothers called out from the living room. Remy was looking through the window stealthily, wondering who the hot asian was. She hugged Thai, and his jaw dropped. "Ah, shit," he breathed. Remy could tell right away they used to be something, or a half-assed something. Remy kept it to himself, as Ariela came into the room. "What are you talking about?" Ariela asked him with a raised eyebrow. Remy uttered nothing, not knowing what to say. Then Thai came back into the house, and Remy cleared his throat. "I was talking about Mia, uh...I heard she's like really pretty and perfect. I didn't get to see her yet. So I uh...yeah," Remy got up and jogged up the steps. That was awkward.
Ariela looked up at De from her food and giggled with a blush "I-I know its just your mom is an excellent cook..." she explained, beaming at Vivah "My parents.. they cook much differently.. in my house we eat only healthy foods.. for example - for breakfast we eat fruits and ice tea.. we never eat pancakes or.. eggs - well eggs sometimes but never ever bacon .. my dad believes pork is vile, so we dont eat it.. its nice to be somewhere where I can actually just dig into some real food" she admits, leaning her head on her boyfriends shoulder a few moments before sipping her drink "Yeah, the baby MUST have your appetite.. I normally dont eat this much" she went along with his joke, before nodding and remembering to eat her food slowly so not to upset her stomach. She then turned to smile at Ariela "Of course you can help with the baby! I told your mom earlier I wanted to take you with me shopping when it comes to clothes.. seems we have a lot in common" she complimented, before sipping her orange juice.


Thai came inside and looked at Remy strangely - he knew a lie when he heard one, and he had obviously been looking out the window by his stance as well which means he was probably trying to cover for what he saw. "Yeah, sorry about that yall.. I had to go handle something" he said bluntly, smiling at Ariela as if she was a breath of fresh air and taking a few steps towards her "What do you want to do today?" he murmured in her ear as he twirled his finger around a few strands of her hair. His face then turned to a frown and he groaned, pulling her closer and leaning his head into the crook of her neck "Fuuuck.. how did I let myself forget I have to tell my parents about everything.. can we just pretend like I already did?" he chuckled out, knowing the answer was an inevitable.. No.
"Well, with me as your cook you'll be eating much better from now on," he advised her with a light chuckle. "We need to keep that baby full and happy," he murmured with a wink her way. "Ariela will be perfect to help pick out clothes. Please...don't spoil Mia, it's my job," he quickly noted to Ariela. Ariela rolled her eyes, murmuring an 'I'll try', and got up once she heard Remy's voice. Once the two were alone, Demetri kissed Mia's forehead lovingly with a smile on his lips. "What do you want to do now sweetheart?" He asked her softly. Demetri didn't want to rush just yet into telling her parents about the two of them. He could only imagine how crazy it would turn out once they told her parents. He leaned back into his chair as he waited for her to answer. Vivah walked into the room with a soft smile, hoping she wasn't interrupting anything important. "I see you conquered your appeitite," Vivah chuckled as she noticed the empty plate before the two. "Just to let you know there will be days were you cannot sleep, and others were that's all you want to do," she informed her.


Ariela looked at Thai oddly as he bluntly stated that he had to go handle something. She then was about to speak, but he realized what they were meant to do today. "I wish we could ignore it...but we said last night that we would talk to them," she murmured to him softly. She let her hand swim into his hair, and gave his forehead a soft kiss. "C'mon, let's get it over with," she suggested as she pulled away from him to go to her room. She stopped while standing in the middle of the stair way. "What do I wear when I meet parents for the first time?" She asked him with a quirked eyebrow. At the moment she was wearing a hoodie and shorts. Her hair was placed in a messy bun, which wasn't a hair style to wear when meeting Thai's parents and family.
Mia smiled at his statement about keeping the baby healthy - all of this positive energy was just making her feel so much better about being pregnant - she almost couldn't wait for the baby to get here. She thought about what Demetri asked, and she had no idea as of right now what she wanted to do, she was in no rush to tell her parents even though she knew sooner or later it had to get done -- today. "Whatever you want to do babe.. my grand mother doesn't live far from here.. she predicted what that I would be a girl before my mother had me.. she also did so with my aunts -she has never been wrong and I have a big family.. if you want to, we can take a drive down there and see what she says about everything you know? shes really wise.. plus I haven't seen her in a while and I was planning to visit her anyways.. we can do that, then meet up at my house later to discuss things with my parents if you're down?" she asked softly, kissing his lips and smiling before looking up at Vivah and the words of advice she had given them. "Thanks Mrs Vivah" she replied sweetly.


Thai had never been so nervous in his whole life up until this point. -Secretly, he had hoped that she would want to wait, or stall a while but it seemed like Ariela was ready now. He sighed, following her to the stairway and raising an eyebrow as he looked her over and licked his lips. "You can wear that in front of my all day and I'll be just fine" he admitted with a chuckle -he loved it when she looked dressed down just as much as when she looked dressed up. In his eyes she was sexy either way. "Come on lets go see.." he murmured, taking her hand and leading her the rest of the way into the room then closing the door behind them. Immediately he collapsed on her bed, looking up at her and sighing "Why can we just.. stay here, in your room forever? just us 2" he asked rhetorically with a chuckle -- he wished, he wished they could leave all the bullshit outside and just escape for a while.
Demetri thought it would be a good idea to see her grandmother first. Mia urged to see her, and it would ease Demetri's nerves if they tried telling someone else other than her parents. They were the big problem that the two had to conquer. He didn't want to see them first because he knew Ariela and Thai were going as well. "Let's go see her. Older women seem to like me," he shrugged with a chuckle as he got up from his seat. He brushed off his shirt the crumbs from the food he inhaled like every usual Sunday breakfast. Once he was up he helped Mia out of her seat and kissed his mother on the cheek for a goodbye. "Wish me luck, huh?" he joked softly, truth visible in his words. Vivah gave him an empathetic smile, knowing what he was going through. "You're father was lucky, he only had one person to go through. You have a whole family," she teased him, which didn't help Demetri's nerves at all. Demetri grabbed his keys, and walked with Mia. "Missing anything?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow.


Ariela rolled her eyes playfully at his silly comment. "I need to dress to impress," she sang softly as the two jogged to her room. Once they were there, Thai made a comment that made Ariela sigh softly. "I wish we could, but then you're parents would eventually come looking for you...which makes it even harder for me to impress them," she murmured to him as she nudged his knee. She stripped off her hoodie, and walked right into her closet as she began to search for a decent out fit. She thought of just jeans and a t-shirt, but thought going to casual would seem original. They would probably hate how...boring she was. So, that was out of the question. She then wondered if she should wear something fancy, then decided not to for it would seem she was trying too hard. Then, she found two outfits that she liked. "Which one?" she asked him with a raised eyebrow as she showed him the two. One was a dress with gold loops on the chest, with brown heels and the other was ripped jeans with a white shirt.
"Yeah let me just go change real quick" she tells her boyfriend, as she heads upstairs and brushed her teeth then washed her face before she searched his drawers until she finds a pair of comfy looking sweatpants. Of course they are baggy on her but thats how she likes them anyways. Mia then reaches in her bag and pulled out hot pink tank top which she threw on, taking her hair down to brush it and then put it back up into a high Kardashian pony tail, Applied just a little mascara and then came back downstairs. She wanted to look and be comfortable because after all, this was just her grandmothers house. "Now Im ready" she announced to him, taking his hand and pulling him along to the door "See you later Mrs. V" she called behind her before the door closed behind them. "She lives only about 15 minutes from here out on Madeira Beach" she instructs him, remembering her car is either with Yuii or still back at the restaurant.. but more than likely, Yuii.

Her grandmother owned a very beautiful house right near the beach, she was outside gardening when they pulled up and immediately Mia jumped out and rushed over to her grandmother, hugging her tightly. To the untrained eye, she looked like just a very beautiful older woman, but to someone who knew the immortal world, she was the spitting image of a gracefully aging vampire -and had been around a long, long time. Her hair was pitch black, laced with silver strings all tied back in a long french braid, her eyes were sky blue, big and glass like, and though wrinkled her skin still glowed with radiance despite the paleness of it. They spoke for a few moments in Japanese before the woman turned to Demetri and looked him over. "So.. you're the boy who has stolen my Mia's heart.. and contributed to creating this?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and rubbing Mia's stomach, Mia's eyes widened "How do you know baa-chan?" (affectionate term for grandmother in Jap) her grandmother only rolled her eyes "I know everything.. anyways.. I am Aiko -you can call me baa-chan, granny, nani, abuelita - I can tell you're Spanish.. or just Ms A.. doesn't matter to me" she informs Demetri in her thick but understandable Japanese accent, she then got up from the flowers and took Mias hand "Lets go in.. I will make tea and we can talk it all out hm?.. you two have really gotten yourself in a mess with this.. your brother too.. lucky for you, your Baa-chan was a rebel herself.. always getting into things I shouldn't" she informed Mia with a sweet smile. Mia smiled back, gesturing for him to follow inside. "So tell me... what your name boy, and also what your plan?" she asks, before Mia can even introduce him.


Thai watched as his girlfriend went through her stuff to find something to wear and smirked, he could tell that she was really, really wanting to impress them.. he was just sad that it might all be for nothing -no matter how perfect she was, once his parents found out exactly what she was.. they would probably never accept her. "Hmm.. I like both outfits but I think the jeans with the shirt and stuff is better.. casual but still it looks classy and nice.. if I brought you in that dress they would probably think I was proposing or something.." he joked with a chuckle, laying back on her bed and thinking of all the possible outcomes, knowing the bad outweighed the good in this case, and fully understanding the consequences he was going to face for everything. He cleared his throat, looking over to her and fixing his hat. "Look, no matter what happens.. or what they say.. just know that if they don't accept us, I don't have any fucks to give about what they think.. and at the end of the day you're still gonna be my girl" he assured her, preparing her for what his parents would probably not hold back on saying.
At the sight of Aiko, Demetri knew right away where Mia received her gorgeous genes. This was only her grandmother, he could only imagine her mother. He also noticed the special bond the two had. It was something he knew well, even though he had no grandparents. His dad's father didn't accept his choice in marrying Vivah, and Demetri knew nothing good of him. Demetri only knew how ruthless and judgmental he was to his own son. Josiah promised to both Vivah and himself to never treat their children like his father did. Josiah's mother had died giving birth to him. While Josiah's life was hard, so was Vivah's. She didn't even know her parents. She was taken in by a fellow demon and he raised her as if she was his own daughter. All of them grew to love him and Demetri considered him his grandfather.

Demetri smiled fondly as the two spoke in their native language. Then, his smile dropped without a trace as Aiko rubbed Mia's stomach. His cheeks grew a dark red of embarrassment, waiting for the scolding of his lifetime. He was then surprised by her reaction--she rolled her eyes. He nodded silently, his throat dry that he couldn't speak. Demetri followed silently, a chuckle finally falling off his lips at Aiko's comment on her rebellion years. He then wondered what she was like back in the old days. As the two walked off to the entrance he was asked for his name. He cleared his voice before speaking, trying to find his voice. "I'm Demetri," he murmured, placing his hand out for the two to shake hands. Once they did, he somewhat took ease of the tension in his shoulders.

"My plan? I am going to protect my family from all the trouble I have and will soon cause because of my feelings for Mia. I love her, all of her, and everything she had made me. And I know that our current position is going to take a toll on not just us, but everyone around us. That doesn't mean I'm leaving, I'm a man that had no regrets," Demetri spoke smoothly, meaning every word that fell off his lips. He looked at Mia with a gleam in his eyes. He admired so much about her. Her beauty, the ability she had to make his day bright without even trying, and the way she loved him. As if it was her profession. He knew so much would happen simply because of their unborn child, and he was willing to take this so called blame.

Ariela playfully rolled her eyes. "So this promise ring doesn't have any possibility to freak them out into thinking you already proposed?" She spoke sarcastically. She placed the dress back on the rack, and began to strip off her shorts in front of Thai. Ariela began to think about possibly being married to Thai, and it made her blush. She hoped it didn't show, and if so that he thought it was only that she was getting naked in front of him. Once down to her undergarments, she danced into her jeans and fixed her hair up into a high ponytail. Once that was done, she shrugged on her shirt and blazer. Finally done with that, she only placed chapstick and got into her heels to add height to her small frame. She looked over at Thai as he apologized for what was to happen. "Thai, don't make me any more nervous than I already am," she chewed her bottom lip, before giving him a soft kiss on his cheek. "Let's go before I suddenly change my mind," she told him with a nervous laugh.
"Ah.. you don't regret anything huh? well you shouldn't.. everything happens for a reason -everything, and I like your plan, your plan might work... you aren't like these other young boys around here who leave like cowards or don't understand the severity of the situation.. you seem very aware of what you both have done.. and now you are going to take responsibility." Aiko praised Demetri, in which Mia smiled at her boyfriend also, leaning over to kiss his cheek softly as her grandmother moved to the table, with the tea, gesturing them to follow.

"Listen to me.. this is important.. you aren't just baring any child Mia.. you are baring a demon, angel, and also werewolf, vampire child... this pregnancy will be one for the books.. I don't think I have ever in my life heard of such a child, I know many women who die giving birth to a child with 2 immortal blood lines running through their veins let alone 4.. but you are strong.. with the help of every one around you -especially Demetri.. it can be done.. it WILL be done.. but it will not be easy and you must have the child in a home not a hospital, you have no pulse there is no way the humans can help you." She informed Mia who looked even paler than her fair skin already was, yet she nodded and continued to listen to her grandmothers wise words. "Now then.. " her grandmother continued, clearing her throat and bringing out a piece of white construction paper, ink and a pen. She began to write in Japanese 4 different symbols. "Demon.. Angel... Vampire... and Werewolf... these 4 things cannot exist together, much like fire water earth and wind.. you never see these elements all at once.. now you may see 2 out of the 4 together, but never all 4... same goes for you two and this baby.. werewolf and vampire can exist together.. but demon angel? never its either light or dark, black or white.. yin or yang. Baby will be one or the other.. and on its 21st birthday it will transform to the other trait.. so if it is werewolf angel vampire.. he will switch to werewolf demon vampire.. the baby will always be werewolf and vampire... its just the demon and angel genes that will change you understand yes?" she asked blinking and looking up to them, Mia immediately nodded. She knew everything her grandmother said was true, her grandmother was very wise -especially when it came to immortals. "Just in case you are wondering how I know these things and that Im not just some crazy old lady.. its because I was a member of the vampire council.. I left because there was too much hate for other immortals there.. I have never hated any other being ... thats why I have no problem with you two being together.. now your father.. thats different story, he go by the book much like your grandfather." She explained with a hopeless sigh.

"Baa-chan... can I ask you about gender?" Mia asked anxiously, her grandmother chuckled then, looking to Demetri "I can sense the gender already.. but I will only tell you if both of you want to know" Aiko announced. Mia then looked to her boyfriend with a smile "Do you want to know Demetri?"


Thai chuckled, looking over at the promise ring before standing to his feet and hugging his girlfriend tightly as she told him how he was making her nervous. "I didn't mean to baby... I know you wanna go and get this over with but please just.. bare with me okay? my parents are NOTHING like yours." he murmured, taking her hand in his and then exiting her room. "See you guys later, we are outta here" he called behind him to Arielas family as he squeezed her hand, and made his way out of the house with his girlfriend.

Thai would normally race down the roads in his car, but this time he went the normal speed limit, really dreading how he knew this would go. He felt weak, like a little boy and that bothered him -his stomach turning and almost nauseous, hopefully his girlfriend wasn't aware and he was hiding it well. However sooner than he thought, they were at the house, he had been lost in his thoughts and began driving at his normal fast rate on accident. As they pulled in to the drive way Thai looked over to Ariela, smiling to hide his nervousness as he turned off his engine. "Well.. here we are.." he told her quietly as the front door opened and his mother emerged as if she had been waiting for him to return, an apron around her waist, her arms crossed. Thai swallowed hard, getting out of the car and then walking over to open Ariela's door, once she was out he shut and locked the car , only then did he look up to acknowledge his mothers cold stare. "C'mon.." he said softly to Ariela, taking her hand and moving up the driveway. "Where have you been? you haven't returned any of my texts or calls and I haven't seen you in what seems like 2 days!" his mother exclaimed, looking over Ariela and then down to their joined hands. "Who is this?" she asked, staring at Ariela a long time - knowing she was immortal, and knowing she wasn't a vampire. "Mom.. this is... Ariela. Shes my girlfriend." he told her in a cracked voice. "Excuse me?" His mother asked, stepping forward and looking as if some one had slapped her. "Yeah mom.. shes my girlfriend." He continued. His mother stepped closer then, peering her eyes into Ariela's for a few long moments, in which Thai squeezed her hand to let her know he was there with her. "She's no vampire." His mother concluded -as if Thai didn't know that. "I couldn't care less." was Thai's only nonchalant reply in which his mother looked to him in shock. "You could care less huh? explain that to your father.. he should be pulling up any minute from the store" She seethed, before going back inside and leaving the door open for them to follow. Thai took a deep breath -his father was the core of his problems right now, but he had to be strong for his girlfriend. "You ready beautiful?" he asked before kissing her hand softly and going forward, pulling her gently along with him.

Their house was very neat and clean. One could tell just by the decor that this family was used to tradition and order. All of the books were alphabetized, the family pictures went from Mia and Demetri as babies, to toddlers, to kids, to preteens, to teenagers and so on. Many beautiful oriental paintings and such hung on the walls. There was a nice smell wafting from the kitchen, which was green tea that his mother made every day for herself and Mia when she was home. Thai almost wished she was, like back when they were kids and if he got in trouble, he would pull her down with him. Thai's mother sat on the couch and continued to stare at Ariela as if she was ready for the girl to attack her at any moment, and she continued to stare even after Thai led her to the couch across from his mother. It was quiet for a few moments before she cleared her throat to speak "So, what are you exactly? you aren't human.. and you aren't a vampire.. you smell like something I have never smelled before.. like a mixture of things.. so what is it?" Thai sighed, looking to his girlfriend with soft eyes, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.. but in the back of his mind he knew it was all too late for that.
Any tension left in Demetri's body quickly washed away with Aiko's soothing words. A soft smile grew on his lips; then it grew better after Mia kissed him with praise. He blushed, not knowing wanting to disrespect Aiko in any way for kissing her granddaughter directly in front of her. The two followed Aiko to the table, sitting down with the two of them. He made sure to keep Mia close to his side, wanting her for his own comfort and for hers as well. "Thank you for the praise, it means a lot to know that at least we have some people on our side," he thanked her with a half-smile.

Demetri quieted once Aiko began to explain something to them which would be very vital to them.
He then heard every minor detail, his eyes widening at the realization that their child was to be of all four immortal beings. Their child would be a vampire, werewolf, AND a demon or angel. He listened intently, wondering what it'd be like to have an Angelic baby. Would the baby truly be all good? Then during its adulthood, would the baby's entire personality change? He was afraid for that, and mentally vowed to himself that their child would grow up in the most loving and accepting home. Their daughter or son would fit in, by standing out.
Demetri was a bit nervous to bring his child into the world, with all honesty. Though, he knew that no matter what he could sacrifice his own safety and happiness to give it to his child, and to Mia. To his family. Hearing how Mia's father went by the book, he scoffed quietly. "I'm not even ready to go down that road yet, but I have to," he commented quietly.

Demetri's ears perked up at the sound of Aiko already knowing the gender, this woman was intriguing, he knew that much. Mia's face had brightened then, able to know the gender of the baby. She looked at him, asking if he wanted to know. He truly didn't care, and the surprise would be something special to him. However, he knew that Mia would be more excited to know now rather than later. "Whatever you want, querida," he spoke proudly as he looked at his beloved.

Ariela felt the butterflies fly heavily, their weight heavy as elephants as they stomped around in her stomach. She chewed on her quivering bottom lip, while the two walked up the porch. Ariela found herself fighting within, wanting to pull back and scurry into the car once the door was thrown open to see a petite woman with a set scorn on her face. Ariela felt as if she was being sized up, and she tried her best not to show how nervous she was. Ariela felt her muscles suddenly lose strength, squeezing Thai's hand to keep steady. If she hadn't had Thai's hand to hold, Ariela was sure she would have fallen to the floor in utter embarrassment. Ariela was honestly waiting for a ruthless wrath from his mother, saying she was some sort of 'loose' girl or something. Even though that hadn't happened, Ariela was still nervous.

Thai calling her beautiful caused a faint smile to grow onto her lips, and she nodded hesitantly as they walked into his home. As she looked around as the home, she was in awe at how beautifully in order it was. She took her shoes off, knowing that it was bad manners to walk any further in an oriental home with shoes. "Your house is beautiful," she murmured aloud, not sure who she meant to hear it. The two sat down, across from Thai's mother and Ariela soon regretted another action she did within a short time frame. Thai's mother stared at her, as if waiting for her to do something monstrous. Hearing the question Thai's mom asked, she cleared her throat before speaking. "I'm a werewolf, ma'am," Ariela responded politely. Ariela wasn't ready to explain just yet that she was also demonic, knowing it would cause great havoc.
Mia was immediately excited to know that Demetri wanted whatever she wanted and she turned to her grandmother who peered into his eyes as if she was looking through his very soul -her grandmother had strange gift, she was wise in ways humans could never be, she wasn't 100% psychic, but she was to a certain degree, she had the gift of knowing, being an angel gave her that gift, only a handful of angels received the gift. "You know what? I think it would be better to wait my love" she explained to Mia who immediately looked upset, like a kid who wasn't getting her way "What? why? I.. what about shopping? how will I know whether to buy pink or blue if I don't know the gender?" she whined, Aiko simply smiled and tilted her head "Get neutral colors.. greens, yellows, baby blues" she explained before making eye contact with Demetri and winking at him when Mia wasn't looking -she could tell that it would be special for him to know when the baby came and not before hand.. you cant hide much from an angel. "Yes well... what do you two plan on doing as far as living arrangements?" Aiko asked with a raised eyebrow "Well... we had not really thought that through yet but, I think we are going to get our own place, in fact we should start looking soon Demetri" she said matter-of-factly, nudging her boyfriend with a smile.


"Thank you.. it took lots of time to rebuild this house and get it just the way we wanted it" Thai's mother answered the girl as she complimented the house, no matter how much his mother might hate the situation, she loved when people complimented the house because it was all in her design. She continued however to coldly stare at Ariela, even after she took off her shoes as a sign of respect which tie smiled and thanked her for, he was happy he didnt have to inform her on that. Once Ariela explained what she was Thai's mother sat back, relaxing a little obviously feeling a bit more comfortable as if she was explecting Ariela to be some sort of beast. "Werewolf huh?... I havent spoken to or seen a Werewolf in over 20 years.. last time I did so I was attacked" she informed the girl, her green eyes staring into Ariela's - there was an awkward silence before the door was heard opening, Thai immediately stood up, however once he heard the voices he knew it wasnt his father -and sure enough into the living room emerged Trigger and Money -whose real names were Li and Andy but everyone knew Andy as money because thats all he invested his time into, and Li was known as Trigger because he had a bad temper, anything could trigger it, their pictures werent on the walls because their mother took them down when they both decided to drop out of high school. "Whoa.. whats going on in here? feels like I walked into a fucked up atmosphere" Money announced as soon as they entered the living room.

"This is Thai's girlfriend.. shes.. a werewolf" Their mother murmured, "What? No.." Money said softly with disappointed eyes. However their mother nodded, confirming the truth, Trigger simply raised an eyebrow at the girl then sat down by his mother "Does dad know?" he said bluntly, their mother simply shook her head. "I don't know why its such a big deal! shes better than Carmen! not a whore, or stuck up, or - " before he could finish Trigger shot him a glare "But shes a VAMPIRE... just because one girl was a complete mistake you decided to go out with a werewolf? that's cool." He finished sarcastically and with a nod. "Its not like I went out and just said 'Oh man I think I wanna date a werewolf today' it just happened" Thai explained as they all heard a car pull up and Thai's heart began to race. "Well.. explain that to him" Trigger replied, pointing out the window towards their dads car.

All was quiet once his dad walked in, he hung his coat on the wall and then walked into the living room, looking over everyone's faces -especially Ariela's, his features were those of a handsome older vampire, he had pitch black hair and cold grey eyes - the way the silence hit the air one could tell he was the man of the house.. He swept his eyes across the room before clearing his voice to speak. "My wife... My 3 sons.. and... who would might you be?"
Demetri noticed the disappointment quickly shown in her eyes, feeling bad that she didn't get to know. However, the feeling was exchanged for happiness. It must be her mood swings, switching from emotion to emotion ever so feverishly. The subject was fluidly changed, and agreed with Mia. "Yes…yeah, we need to look at housing soon. I have a couple thousands saved up from my photo gallery, so that could help," he advised the both of them. "I think it'd be best if we get a house, don't you?" he asked her, not wanting to make any decisions without contemplating them with his beloved. He could already see the two of them, in the kitchen of their cozy home laughing away as they made cookies just for the hell of it. His smile grew a bit at the image, not able to contain his feelings for their future he prayed desperately to have with her.

"Aiko, would it be possible to have our baby…go off to school and do normal things?" he asked her, thinking of their child's future. He only wanted their child to grow up in a loving home and be happy. However, their child would need to have a great education as well, but how would their child prosper being all of those immortal beings at once?
Ariela's stomach was at ease once she heard the thanking slip off of her lips. Maybe if she said more things about the house and such…would she then get on his mother's good side? Ariela then remembered what that was called—kissing ass. She decided against it, though knowing how tempting it was at the moment. A bite of her lip was the response for his mother's remark about being attacked by a werewolf over twenty something years ago. "I apologize for that, some can't wrap their head around the mere fact that we can all live at peace," she spoke quietly though loud enough for the two to hear her. The sound of another car rolling up brought the unease at her stomach once more, and she saw Thai stand up. Was she to stand up too? Before doing anything, two men came into the room that looked just like Thai only a tad older. They were his brothers, she guessed? The one's face was showered in disappointment, and she suddenly felt a bit embarrassed. It was ridiculous, for she wasn't dating him but dating their brother.

Hearing about another girl named Carmen peaked her interest, and she made a mental note to ask Thai who she was. To be honest, jealousy surged through her veins at the mere mention of another girl that was once with Thai. She had no time to dwell on the thought, as the entire room got tense at the sound of Thai's dad coming into the house. She swallowed audibly, not knowing what to do with herself she sat there as the man came in. Right away, Ariela could see where Thai retrieved his good looks along with his brothers. "I'm…A-ariela," she murmured quietly as she stood up. She dusted off her legs, smoothing out her pants as she gave him a nervous, half-smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir," she added with some confidence.
Once Demetri mentioned his photo gallery, Mimi immediately frowned - how could she have forgotten all about that? it was his dream.. he loved photography and now she felt as if she would be taking that away from him . "I think a house sounds awesome... but De.. now that I think about it.. how are you going to run your gallery if we .." she didnt want to say 'Run Away' but she was sure that he got the picture, she felt worried now.. she felt like a deterrent.

"Baby come before everything.. Im sure he can run the gallery and be a good daddy too right Demetri? now to answer your question.. absolutely.. your baby is not.. not some virus or.. sick baby.. the baby will be absolutely fine, it will just be a very, very special baby.. send the baby to a regular school, let the baby make regular friends.. the baby can prosper.. it will just need love, and support.. thats all" Aiko informed them softly, and with a smile "It will be up to him/her to find themselves.. this can be a wonderful thing.. if him/her uses his powers to his advantage.. he/her could be one of the greatest immortals.."

"Ever?" Mia asked curiously, in which her grandmother chuckled "Yes.. ever"


"Ariela.... okay, nice to meet you.. so why is everyone so quiet?" he murmured, looking around the room. Money simply cleared his throat looking at Thai, and Thai shot him back a glare. "No reason dad" Thai growled between gritted teeth -he knew money was doing it on purpose, all of them loved to see each other in trouble, it was a sibling thing. "If it was nothing I wouldnt be able to cut the tension in here with a knife.." Their dad went on, eyeing everyone in the room, especially Ariela and Thai.

"Thats because Thai and Ariela are together sweety" His mother chimed in, looking at the two of them, her body frozen in place as if she was afraid to move. Money and Trigger looked anxious, as if they were just waiting for the yelling match to begin that was definitely coming. "Together? ah, whats wrong with that? I dont care that Thai has a girlfriend.. Thai has had many girlfriends.. not if you would have brought Carmen back in here, then we would have a problem.. I never knew about another vampire family living around here though.. or Im sorry, are you an angel?" Their father asked Ariela, totally oblivious to everything.

Thai was more upset that they kept bringing up Carmen than anything else.. he knew that later he would have to explain to his girlfriend exactly who she was.
Demetri understood what she was trying to say, he was about to dismiss her worries until Aiko took the words out of his mouth. He let his hands cover hers, rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand. It brushed over her knuckles, as he tried to calm her while Aiko calmed her with her words. He nodded his head with a soft smile, agreeing that he can do multiple things at once. He could be a father and take care of his business all at once, anything for Mimi and the baby. He felt guilt as Aiko explained that their child wouldn't be a virus or anything of the sort. "Sorry, I…just don't want our baby to have any problems growing up, though I know I can't protect our child from everything," he agreed with her quietly. He smiled as Mia ended the sentence for her grandmother.

Now that he had some idea of what would become of their child he was more at ease. It gave him great joy, knowing that their kid would be memorial and some one who would go down in history. "Thank you, so much, Aiko. It really means a lot to know that we have another wonderful person on our side to help us," he thanked Aiko with a sincere smile.
Ariela watched as everything unfolded in front of her, she didn't speak a word. Afraid she'd ruin everything, they all seemed okay to the fact she was a werewolf. How would they feel if they knew she was a Demon as well? Ariela was taken aback once more as they mentioned the girl named Carmen again. What was so wrong about her? Also, the jealousy flaming within her wasn't helping the situation either. She couldn't just ignore it, and hoped Thai would tackle the situation before she did, and it wouldn't be pretty.

Time froze, or at least for Ariela it did, once Thai's father asked if she was just an Angel. She shook her head, "No, no I'm a Werewolf," she murmured softly. Chewing her lip, she sighed heavily. "Okay, I apologize I feel like I'm lying to you all," she breathed. Ariela raked her hair, and let her clasped, shaky hands sit behind her back as she had all of their eyes on her. "I'm also partial Demon," she spoke quietly. All hell was officially about to break off.
Mia stared at Demetri as he complimented her grandmother, and treated her so kindly, all she could do was smile and squeeze his hand as he caressed hers. "Thank you, but you dont have to thank me really.. Its my job to help people.. comes with this gift I have" she chuckled out with a roll of her eyes as if the gift she had annoyed her, however Mimi knew that her grandmother loved her gift, she simply wouldnt be the same without it.

"So you guys are going to get a house.. well I think its time you start looking, 7 months will go by faster than you think! 2 went by and you didnt even know you were pregnant, so from here on out you guys have to think like parents, because thats what youre going to be soon, and after this hopefully you will learn to use condoms.." she joked, rubbing her grand daughters stomach, Mimi blushed fiercely at her grandmothers comment, however she only bit her bottom lip and tried not to giggle too much, because even though half of her wished they would have, the other half was starting to see this as a blessing in disguise, it was of course a speed bump in both of their lives, but they would get through it together. "I love him.. and when you love someone.. sometimes things like that slip your mind.." she murmured, glancing up at Demetri.

"So, you have a big family?" Aiko asked Demetri curiously.


"Okay, I apologize I feel like I'm lying to you all,"

As soon as this sentence left her mouth, Thai new all hell was going to break lose, and the sentence that followed was exactly what he thought it would be. Thai felt humiliated -not because of what Ariela was, or what they would think of him.. but more so the thought that he didn't do what he was supposed to and come out and say it when he had the chance to, that way they would come at him with the shouting and not her.. he was supposed to be protecting her, not the other way around -he felt less than a man.

"A what? and a what?!" Thais father exclaimed, piercing her eyes with his for a moment, his dark orbs glaring into her own eyes as she tried to connect all the dots. "So you're telling me.. that you are a demon and a werewolf.. and you are dating my vampire/angel son? you guys better be joking.." he said with a small chuckle though his face contained the same seriousness somehow. "Yeah dad. No. This is some real shit" Trigger mumbled, his father shot him a glare for cursing, but he had bigger fish to fry now.

"You know Thai, you are always striving to be different than everyone else, and you know I have never had a problem with that... but when you go out and do this? this is ridiculous -and against everything I have ever taught you about what to look for in a woman"

Thai then stood quickly, seeing as this was a good time as any to finally stand up for his girlfriend. "What are you trying to say dad? she is everything you taught me to look for in a girl.. shes sweet, shes beautiful, shes smart... "

"She is ALSO .. a werewolf and a vampire.. I cant believe you would go behind my back and do something like this.. knowing of course that our family is in favor with the vampire council... you are going to ruin our reputation.!!"

"FUCK OUR REPUTATION DAD! I am DONE trying to please everyone else! its time for me to live my life how I want to live it so thats exactly what Im going to do" Thai seethed, stepping up to his father who only glared back in return. Trigger went to grab Thai's arm and pull him back however Thai snatched away "No dont TOUCH me..." he yelled back as his mother stood, thinking he would take a shot at his dad -Thai wasnt that stupid though, his father was a ridiculously strong vampire. "Dont test me. " Was all his father warned him with, however Thai continued forward until they were only an inch or so apart "Look. That girl over there? thats my girlfriend.. shes been my girlfriend now for at least 2 months and she is going to continue to be my girlfriend -why? because that's my business and I am an young ADULT.. so its time to start treating me like one.. or you will lose me." He warned his father, taking Ariela's hand and leaving the house swiftly. As soon as they were outside Thai ran his fingers through his hair stressful "FUCK!" He yelled, wanting to control his anger around Ariela, but it was so hard right now. "Sorry about what happened back there.." he mumbled , hoping his fathers words didn't cut too deep -that was the first time Thai had ever stood up to him.
Demetri laughed along with Aiko, loving her personality. He came to a conclusion that Mia spent much of her time with Aiko way before Demetri stepped into the picture. The two were so much alike, it was cute to see.

Demetri coughed shamefully, as Aiko commented on using condoms next time which only made me nervously laugh once I had air back into my lungs. "Hm, my fault," he shamefully muttered with a faint smile. Once the awkward layer of their conversation was peeled, Demetri heard Aiko ask about his big family. He nodded quickly. "Yeah. I'm the oldest of ten. It's hard to keep up with where they are and what they're doing. I don't know how my parents do it," Demetri shrugged as he held Mia's hand close to his body. Usually Demetri would have arms around her and nuzzling his face into her neck or doing something of the sort. Though, he didn't want to be disrespectful to her grandmother at a time like this. The two of them needed as many allies once their baby was discovered.
Ariela knew how wrong it was to spit it out, but it would have been known sooner or later. Guilt washed over her for being what she was, as Thai's father demeanor changed drastically. Hearing his father say how wrong of a choice he made only had Ariela feeling worse. Through all of the shouting and the thick air, she could still feel her heart slowly ripping piece by piece. Ariela tried her best not to hear every insulting thing that was being flown across the room, but once Thai started to yell it was hard not to listen. She then noticed how close the two were becoming, and wasn't sure what to do. Luckily, his mother did and she tried to snatch him back. Ariela flinched at how menacing Thai looked at this very moment.

Within moments, Ariela and Thai were both outside. Him yelling only caused her knees to shake, though she tried her best to keep a cool composure. His apology only helped a tad, but it was better than nothing. "Not your fault, all mine," she cracked quietly with a shake of her head.
"Its not your fault babe.. it takes two" Mia whispered into her boyfriends ear before turning back to her grandmother with a smile "His family is big ... but they are so loving.. of course at first their was uncertainty.. and hurt.. and tension in the air, but quickly they accepted the fact that.. regardless of our differences.. their is a baby on the way.. and we have to prepare, together, all of us because the truth is that me and Demetri could do it on our own but.. we dont want to -we want everyone to be apart of our lives as we go through these changes" she spoke softly, squeezing Demetri's hand and listening to the lull of his heart beat as he held her hand close to his body. Aiko only smiled back, nodding in understanding "Well you have me.. you have Demetri's family apparently.. and you have your mother no matter how upset she is right now.. hopefully your father will come around too.. he is very stubborn as I've said before.. he believes in order.. and to him this is very much out of order" she explained "Dont mind him for now though.. as Ive said before Mia all you need to worry about is Demetri and taking care of yourself.. your body is going to be very fragile for your pregnancy term.. its very easy to lose the life in your stomach.. after all you yourself.. are dead in a way, you need to keep your blood thirst quenched.. you need to not get into any altercations if you can avoid them.. and you must keep your stress levels down or else risk straining the baby" she informed the two. Mia sighed, nodding and then looking back up to Demetri "Im starting to think a house is definitely the right answer.. somewhere secluded and safe for our baby, I have some money saved up too, I think we will be just fine in the end.. I dont think we should avoid my parents much longer" she said softly. Aiko nodded in agreement "Hell is going to be raised, but the longer you wait the more angry they will be when you tell them"


Thai was angrier than he had been in a long time, however when Ariela expressed how she felt about the situation, his eyes softened, and it was as if his anger did too. He turned to her with empathy in his eyes and pulled her into him, hugging her tightly and kissing her forehead. "No.. Ariela NONE of this is your fault you hear me? don't ever think that! .. you cant help who you fall for.. you cant help who you love.. its their fault for not accepting the fact that.. yes we are from different species.. and yeah we know its looked down upon.. but we don't care, we want to be together and we are going to stay together no matter what.. my parents are such hypocrites.. its not like they are from the same background either... I don't give a damn what they think.. you are here in my life to stay.. and thats that" he seethed, loosening his grip on her and glaring back towards the house. "Come on.. lets get out of here before I go back in there and do something I might regret" he muttered, taking her hand and opening the passenger door for her, and then closing it once she was securely inside before heading to the drivers side. "Hey! wait a minute.." he heard a voice call out, he turned around quickly and defensively, something close to hate in his eyes which subsided quickly when he realized it was just Trigger. "Are you okay? you need to calm down before getting on the road" Trigger instructed his brother who scowled "I know how to drive thanks. Last time I checked I got my license before you could" he said coldly, his brother growled a little "Im not talking about your driving skills.. Im saying dont walk away from this situation without resolving it- " however before he could finish Thai interrupted "Theres no way to resolve things in this family! its either dads way or no way! everyone in that house is a hypocrite! last time I checked we weren't 100% Vampire and we aren't 100% angel either.. so what makes this so much worse!?" he yelled. "Vampires and Werewolves are two things that should never mix and you know that.. do you two understand the war you guys are starting? you are going to regret this" Trigger continued. Thai glared at his brother a few moments before shaking his head and opening the car door. "Thank you for the warning.. but no thanks" he growled, before getting inside his car and speeding off, leaving his brother standing there. "Where do you wanna go?" he asked Ariela, glancing at her and then putting one of his hands on her thighs, squeezing it lovingly.
I'll reply soon, when I get time thursday night or Friday afternoon (:
We need to talk about where this is going, I'm afraid it might get boring for the both of us.