Deeper Than Mutual Understanding

"Alois, where's your cardigan? I liked that one..."

Alois shrugged plainly "I gave it to someone who needs it more, I'm a nice guy dad. I just like making enemies..." he stood up, tossing the controller to Lawrence and stretched "You can go play, I'm a little tired now...I have school tomorrow." he yawned as he lazily headed towards the stairs, and slowly pulled his legs to make them walk up the steps. At the background, he heard his father playing a co-op battle with a random stranger from PSN, and the sound of guns echoed from the speakers as he made his way into his room and slammed it shut.

He looked over to his table and grabbed his math book, stuffing it into his bag. After he took it off from the desk, the picture he snuck away from the box yesterday lay flat on his table. It was him and Farrah, one of their best shots together. She was beautiful, she looked like an angel. He remembered whenever he stared at her, it felt like he was staring at himself - and bet without all that make-up, it still would be like that.

He grabbed the photo and lay on his bed, staring at it fondly as a flood of memories came into his brain like a tidal wave. "Listen you." he told the Farrah in the picture as he stared at it "I will always be your hero, got it? Always. But for now I'll lay low, because it seemed like you don't appreciate my efforts - I'll be looking forward to what kind of feat your hobo hero has come up with." and with that he tucked the photo inside his bedside drawer and stared at the ceiling for the rest of the night.
"Wait, WHAT?" Cole said waking u from his hangover, drake had been waiting for him to do so, he smirked getting the reaction he wanted out of the boy. "Yeaa she said you were doped up on spmething and here comes Captain Queer to the rescue... and she seemed pretty happy about it too he sad staring at him in mock concern. The boy went to the mirror plugging up the flatiron to straighten hus hair... today was Monday and he had no time to go up to her school and confront her about it because he was late as it was. "Yea? She was happy huh?" He said trying to act as nonchalant about the situation as possible but inside his insides were ripping apart. "He things he can just come save her? Save her from what? She wasn't in any danger.. I was keeping an eye on her" he mumbled knowng it was a lie. Drake smirked and eaned forward in his chair "soo what are you gonna do about it?" drake said eyeing the boy "what can I do about it" he mumbled getting angry at the question. "Don't tell me your going queer to" drake said sitting back. Cole slammed the fat iron down when his hair was descent "don't worry I got it under control" he mumbled walking out the door
"...I have never heard of a young lady, but people say she is accomplished."

Alois sat on a chair, pretending to write a letter for so it was instructed in his script. This morning was another day of his early rehearsals, and then again he was dressed in his costume of expensive Victorian Era clothing which suited him very well - more than his normal clothing. His drama teacher even told him that, that he looked good in 18th century clothing - for it suited his manners, attitude and personality. Hence, he became the school's prince. "The word is indeed applied too liberally. I cannot boast boast of knowing more than half a dozen women, in all my acquaintance..." he trailed, memorizing his lines as if it were his favourite song and spoke them with an arrogant facade "...that are truly accomplished."

"Nor I, to be sure!" chimed in his fellow actor, a woman named Reese who took the role of Caroline Bingley in the play.

"Goodness!" piped in Victoria, who took the role of Elizabeth - the leading lady of the play. She was Alois' partner in the story, for he and her was meant to be together in the story. She was certainly a brilliant actress, the way she acted so naturally made even their drama teacher amazed. She stood up, snapping her book shut and looked at Alois with disbelief "You must comprehend a great deal in the idea! I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women, I rather wonder now at your knowing any..."

Alois raised a brow, looking up from the table and stared at Victoria "I do." he said bluntly, and he tilted his head slightly "Are you so severe on your own sex, Ms. Elizabeth?"

"Alright, enough! Good rehearsal everyone, we are already halfway the script - we'll be able to do full play rehearsals around next week! Brilliant job, Victoria, Jared and Alois...keep it up." their drama teacher yelled from below the stage, a happy expression was embarked on her face. She was so proud of her drama club, everyone was so skilled. Now she wondered what will become of her after they all graduate. "Hurry up in changing! Classes start in half an hour!"

"Umm...Alois?" Victoria said as she approached the blonde boy, who was taking off his coat and proceeded to loosen his tie. The blonde glanced at the woman, whose hands were together as she looked down - a blush crept on her face. "You were really good at the rehearsal today..."

"Thanks, Victoria." he said in gratitude, and much to his surprise the girl turned completely red and she quickly excused herself from him and ran backstage, her hands covering her blushing face. Alois was left in confusion, what had he done? Did he do anything wrong? "...That girl." he muttered.

"...I think she digs you, bro." Jared whispered, appearing out of thin air beside him - unbuttoning his coat as he whispered at the blonde, eyeing Victoria who was still embarassed backstage "You're good looking, that's why."

"Jared....are you gay?"

"I'm just being honest, hurry up so we can get out of here! Classes start in a few."
[ o.0 ]

Farrah couldn't find her hair spray so she was forced to wear her hair in a pony tail out of her face, along with little mascara she looked like an ordinary human being today. Her mother smiled at her daughter as if she had just seen her for the first time "baby you look..." farrah grabbed a apple and head out the door "I don't wanna hear it" she called out the door asshe made her exit to that god damned forsaken school
(Alois was rehearsing at the school auditorium first thing in the morning, and it's hinted one of his fellow drama club members Victoria, likes him)

"We have math again...right? First class?" Jared said as he flipped open his schedule and looked through the timetables as he and Alois made their way out of the auditorium and walked along the hallways. The hallways were busy as usual and everything seemed perfectly normal - for most people anyways.

Alois shook his head as he flattened his school uniform after buttoning it neatly "We are already about a month in the school year, and you still have no clue about our school schedule? You're more shameful than the new girl who came last week, she's new but she knows her classes - you don't know your schedules but you go here." the blonde muttered as he dug a hand in his pocket.

I bet that gotchic nuisance will show up again...

Alois scanned the entrance in search of his sister, it seemed that she wasn't here yet. He cursed under his breath, he was going against his word - but he couldn't help it. Jared looked at him curiously as they stopped by the entrance "Prince Blondie, are you waiting for someone?"

"Waiting? Certainly not. Move along Jared, don't stop in hallways." the blonde denied as he pushed the other boy, that ended up making Jared stumble forward, but resumed his walking.
(Oh I know it was the gay thing lol)

Farrah couldn't find her eyeliner, she couldnt find her hair spray either, she looked for everything but it seemed everything was out of place... So she settled with a pony tail and applied just a hint of mascara, she left her contacts out too revealing her green eyes..

she was a twin again.. all besides her hair which was still jet black. She smiled.. she almost felt comfortable..

Her mother and Drake gazed at her as she grabbed an apple off the table. "Wheres my daughter?" Drake said in a semi disgusted tone. Farrah laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "Sweety you look absolutely stunning without all that crap weighing down on your face" Her mother said looking at the daughter she once knew a long time ago.. "Whatever" she muttered heading out the door.

Even though she had to admit she did like the attention.
Where is she?

He told himself to not think of his sister anymore, but the thing was the she was his twin. No matter what he did, there something like an invisible string linking him to her no matter how much he tried to ignore this fact. He could almost feel her sometimes, maybe that was something you feel when you have a twin. He shook off his thoughts as he slowly bended down for his bag and pulled out his math book, scanning through the pages of today's lessons.

"What do you think of Victoria, Alois?" Jared asked him out of nowhere, tapping the blonde's shoulder from behind him. Alois turned to meet his friend's curious and questioning face.

"She's...nice I guess."

"You mean you don't like her?!" Jared said in bewilderment, but in a hushed tone to prevent attention. He was extremely shocked of what he had heard, it was so obvious that Victoria liked the blonde from the way she complimented his acting earlier. Jared saw it all, and it was so obvious - the pretty Victoria likes Alois - who seemed to be so oblivious about it. "Princey, maybe those eyeliner owl guys (Cole, Damien and Jake) are right. Are you queer?"

Alois scowled "No Jared, I am not queer. Can you please shut up about that word, it's annoying." he snapped at the boy in irritation as he turned away from his friend. He hated that word, queer. He was certainly not queer. If there was a person who fit that description, it would certainly be that emo hobo Cole - who looked extremely like it. "Victoria's okay, but I'm not interested in anyone..."

"You never were interested in anyone," Jared sighed as he sat back down from his bending postion and pulled on his dark hair, as if in a deep problematic state because his bestfriend was certainly out in the romance section of life "But I remember that everytime you did something remarkable, you always looked so dazed. It's like as if you're dedicating everything to someone special --- Princey, is there something you're not telling me?"

"Special? I have no one special...unlike you, who likes to...please a lot of women."

"Hey! I'm not a womanizer, Alois!"

"I did not say that, but since you said it yourself - I guess that could work."

Before Jared could retort, the teacher silenced the talking class as he started doing the attendance.
5 Minutes late with no pass, Farrah walked in the door, voices were silenced and conversations over when she did this. The teacher looked at her up and down "No pass?" He said bluntly. She shook her head about to walk out of class, thinking he would send her out.

"No, no... thats quite alright Farrah,, you actually look normal today... as fair as your name is feminine" he said looking near excited at her present

She felt naked with out her make up and teased hair but if it got her out of getting sent to the office she had to appreciate it. She sat down in her normal seat in the back, but not before giving her twin a faint smile, she blushed and looked down thinking about the night before.. how stupid she mustve looked in front of him

not that she cared what he thought...


she thought to herself taking her seat and putting hear head down like always.

But i do..
What in the world...

Farrah looked so normal, that it was almost so foreign. With the tone down of make-up, she began to slowly resemble her old self - his sister. The Farrah that he knew, trusted, and loved. Alois found himself gaping at her, which was something he didn't normally do. He wasn't the type to do such actions toward someone - he would never stare, it was rude. But this was a different case - he had every right to stare.

"Princey, you're eyes will fall off if you keep that up." Jared noted, peering his eyes at the blonde. He was astonished at his reaction, for he did not expect something such as that would come from someone like Alois - it was so out of character. "You're eyeing the new girl like a zoo animal."

Alois frowned, "No." and with that he turned his gaze back at the board and tried keeping it there, even though he couldn't help stealing glances at his twin sister. At the back of his mind he was worried, his sister looked like herself today - which meant she had her old angelice appearance, only with black hair. He was worried that someone would take advantage of this and do something bad to her, it was a school after all. Not everyone was the nicest.

But there was happiness dancing in his head, happiness to see that face he hadn't seen for so long - even though it still had a bit of make up.
When the bell rang Farrah was the last to walk out, she made her way to her locker and opened it thinking about the way she looked.. feeling.. naked.

She felt like the ugliest creature in the world even though she knew she wasnt... Boys were actually noticing her.. Prep boys, Like the ones she dated last year,

Now that her emo face was gone, and the Cheerleader face that was hiding under it could finally surface, people were actually beginning to notice her.. but not in the freaked out way they used to..

she hated it...

....a little.

She put her science books away and stared at the mirror hanging from her lockers door, she smiled in it trying to make the best of the situation and then she slammed it shut moving on to her next class.
Alois followed his sister with his gaze as he headed out of his class, probably because of his "brotherly senses" he could feel that she was catching the attention of men more that she had last week. Last week, it was the resident goths, emos, and enthusiasts of the subculture - now she was making the heads of men - normal men, turn to her way.

He doesn't know why, but he felt awfully uncomfortable and uneasy - he never felt that when she was all wild and untamed last week, but now he felt she was vulenrable and with those stares the boys had - he had an uneasy feeling about it. An extremely uneasy feeling. Especially because 17 year old high school men have a crazy sex drive. He looked at his sister once more, before turning away and proceeded to his next class.

....should I really leave her alone?
Just as She was about to enter her next class she was snatched out and put up against a wall,

It was Cole, he stood there with a nonchalant expression, sipping his starbucks Mocha frapp and looking at her. "Cole.." she said suprised he was here, let alone at any school on a monday, this was normally his I-Need-To-sober-Up-Before-I-Even-Think-About-Thinking day.

"Farrah," he said obviously trying to shake last nights drug anonymous drug of choice off of him. "Why do you look like that?" He said glaring at her as he held her from going in class.. he kind of had her cornered in a corner next to the door, His arm on one side and the wall on the other.. but of course she didnt feel trapped this was cole, her best friend.

Farrah shrugged "I dont know... i just.. i didnt have time today to get ready?"

Cole tried to give her a chance to explain herself why Alois had taken her away from the party, but she didnt, which made him angrier "Is that right?... no time huh?" he said taking her pony tail holder from out of her hair, letting it fall on her face and taking out eyeliner he kept on him to wipe under her eyes but she pushed him

"Whats wrong with you!!" she said putting her hair up "its one f*cking day you act like its going to kill me!" she said as she rapped the pony tail holder around her hair

"Its not something you can put off when you want FARRAH its a WAY OF LIFE" he nearly screamed at her. "Your changing... that F*CKING QUEER.. is changing you" he continued.

Farrah looked down, she was upset at this point, her eyes began to puff up a little as he screamed at her

Now... she felt trapped. He stared at her in disgust a few seconds before taking his hand off the wall "Get the hell out of here" he said looking away, a sick and tired look on his face as if she was the problem, She slipped away and ran not to the classrooom but to the nearest bathroom.

He had never screamed at her like that.. And it hurt, whispers filled the halls as Cole exited the property "THATS RIGHT WHISPER YOU LITTLE BASTARDS" he said flicking off everyone as he hopped in his jaguar in the front of the school, where Damien and Jake were waiting, he sped off. Relieved he got his point across.
His mind was occupied.

It was history class, but Alois' mind was off into the present. The teacher's voice drowned to nothingness as it reached his ears, he was so deep in thought that he could not be kept still. He didn't know why he felt this way, he felt so uneasy about something - was it Farrah? Was seeing her more than often somehow re-established the connection they shared as twins? The connection that kept them together when they were younger? But why now, of all times? Was she in trouble?

It bothered him.

He couldn't even sit still, or write his notes. After a moment of decision, he stood up and excused himself from class - lying to the teacher that he neeed a bathroom break, when all he needed was some air and a good walk around the halls. As he went out of the classroom, the thought of his sister overwhelmed him, he sensed there was something wrong and he didn't know why. He looked around the empty hall, it was too quiet. And as Alois started to walk, he began to feel something bad was going to happen any moment from now...

Am I sensing a premonition?
Just as Alois was coming around the corner Farrah came out of the bathroom, sniffling and wiping her eyes...

She had been in there a good 20 minutes crying.. not just crying because of what had just happened, But crying because of the fact that she felt a piece of her was missing.

"Alois..." She had whispered to herself as she cried hard in the bathroom

This time wont you save me?

She had just looked up when she saw him there... as she exited the bathroom. She gazed at him a long time before she dropped her bag on the floor..

She began to walk towards him.. in that long hallway..
He heard a noise coming from in front of him, and his thought stopped wandering as he saw his sister in front of him. She was looking at him with puffy tear-drenched eye; her nose was red from crying. From the looks of it, she had been crying for a long time and Alois felt that he was stabbed in the heart horribly. This situation was just like before when people would tease her a lot, she would walk to him like this with that very same saddened look - and it made him angry, because this time - he did not know who did it.

All the knew that his sister needed him, he felt it - he sensed it.

They met at the center of the hallway, and Alois took a good quick scan of her. He took a hand out of his pockets and wiped a tear from her cheek using his hand "Where's your hero, huh? He should be here right now, since he liked playing that role." he said in a sarcastic manner as he shook his head, he knew it - that guy can never be her hero. Never. He felt a need to start the conversation this way, he had to.
Farrah sniffled again she she wanted to leaned into him, all she wanted to do was feel is touch...

Of course .. He was her hero.

"Cole.. he yelled at me for a stupid reason and i just feel soo.. useless... he made me feel like im nothing"

she felt bad, like she was telling on Cole or something, as if her brother could do anything about it... as if he would do anything..

she leaned against the wall instead just in case he didnt want to be touched by her... She felt so impossibly alone.. even at that second with her twin

he probably hated her

She thought about what he said about being a hero, now she remembered... way back when he would always call himself that.. and she gladly let him be her hero..

after all what are twin big brothers for?

"You were always my hero" she said softly as her head hung.. she felt worthless. Disconnected from her twin.
"I know I am." Alois said nonchalantly, shrugging. He looked down the the floor, his blonde hair hung over his eyes as he repeated her words in his head. Of course he was her hero, and he always will be. Everything about this conversation felt so normal, he never thought he could talk to his sister like this anymore. But here was a chance blessed to him, and it felt wonderful. "I am always going to be your hero, but I gave your best friend a chance to be - but instead here you are crying...."

He watched her lifeless face drown in deep thought as she sulked in her own darkness, still maintaining his straight face - he reached out his hand to her wrapped his arm around Farrah, pulling her close to his chest; he felt his skin burn as soon as they had contact, it was probably because they haven't been this close in a long time. Again, he went against his word. "Come, I'll take you home." he said as he rubbed her arm and started walking her to the parking lot, luckily - he had his keys and cellphone in his pockets, and he could just tell Jared to drop his bag off at home.

He lead her to his black Mercedes, and opened the passenger seat door "Get in."
When Farrah's twin pulled her in for a hug, it felt like nothing else mattered but them.. and she fed off his energy, sort of like getting a charge from him as if her battery was running low..

Maybe that was a twin thing...

She felt better already, and tears that were ready to resurface disappeared as she got inside Alois's car. It smelled like him... warm fuzzy..

It made her feel like she was at home, just in his car. She couldn't help but give off a faint smile as they drove away from that school,

she hated that school and everything about it inside and out.. but now that her and her brother were back on talking terms.. it a little brighter as she stared at it from the review miror.

She sniffled a little and her flushed cheeks began to brighten a little more, she was returning to the old Farrah, as she took it all in.

"Your house or mine?"
"Now that you said, I guess we can kill some time in my house - I think you're not in the mood to see any of your...ghastly relatives. So, in your 'way of life' terms, I'll expose you to some of my...prep ways." Alois smirked as he took a left on at the next street and entered a subdivision. Before they knew it, they found themselves arriving at his father's house. It was a quick drive, the school wasn't really as far as it seemed - more like a mere 20 minute walk from the house.

As soon as the car's front came in close contact at the garage door, he stopped the engine from running and took out the keys "What do you want? I'll cook." he asked as he took the house keys from the compartment and stepped out of the car. He looked up at the house before pacing towards the door, his father wasn't at the house today - he had an important meeting, so they basically had the house all to themselves. As soon as he opened the door, he looked back to his sister who was still by the car "Are you just going to stand there or what? Don't worry, no jocks in here."
Farrah stepped out of the car smiling a little at her brothers statement

"I'm not scared of jocks.. this year they were scared of me" she said proudly as they went inside.

"Wow... your house is so.. bright.." she laughed a little. "Ever since my step dad moved in.. I haven't see this much light in my house. Not that I mind it either way" Farrah said shrugging

it never bothered her that he came in and changed the whole mood of her house... Surprisingly It was more lively in the dark with all the Gothic/punk people running in and out then when it was bright... after Their real mom and dad split it was so quiet in the house... She guessed the reason she got used to her step dads way of life was because it kept her bust and gave her something to do other than sit and be sad about the situation.. and she guessed that's why mom put up with it as well.

"I didn't know you cook Alois.. Remember when we were little and you tried to make me waffles.. you burnt them because you couldn't reach the counter to get them out" she said giggling to herself...

She couldn't believe she was sitting here reminiscing with her brother... just a few days ago they couldn't stand each other.

.. Or so they said they didn't..