
Zerdu kept ripping apart the steak and had gotten about halfway with it, before he noticed there were some potatoes on the plate as well. He took one of them with his one hand and put it in his mouth, swallowing it hole.
He finally got done eating, and grabbed his napkin from his table and wiped his mouth, and the area around it, before leaning back in his seat. "You know how to choose a restaurant!" He said after a few moment.
"I've been on the planet Earth for little over six thousand years, I know some very nice spots. I never even have to pay here, they give me meals free in exchange for keeping the water here in town clean. I don't even have to do it anymore though." She laughed good naturedly and stood from the table and gave the waiter a nod. He rushed forward and took away the plates and returned with a small paper sack and handed it to Adaire who then exited with the bag. Being sure to wait on Zerdu.
Zerdu remained seated for a bit, simply staring at Adaire. He shook his head, got up and followed her outside again. "You're over six thousand years old?" He asked, almost in shock, but quickly added "You don't look a decade over two thousand. But damn, you've been gone from home a lot longer than I had thought. How old can you angels get anyways? Ten? Or aren't you affected by time at all?" For the moment, Zerdu ignored the paper bag for the moment, having become rather distracted by the very old woman next to him.
"Time doesn't affect me. Angels are quite immortal and therefore time is irrelevant. I didn't have any contact with anyone for nearly two thousand years when I was first cast out." She fidgeted nervously with her dress and looked down. "You don't have to look at me like that. I'm no different than I was before."
"Hey..." Zerdu put his arm around her. "As I said, you don't look a decade over two thousand. Or much over your twenties, really. But hey, it's not everyday one meets someone immortal, now is it? I gotta be allowed to crack a joke or two." He kissed her cheek. "And hey, at least I'll know you wont change a whole lot. And if we end up keeping together for a while, I can still say I have a perfect lady at my side."
Adaire smiled largely and blushed slightly as he kissed her cheek. "I have a surprise for you." She dumped the contents of the bag into her hand, revealing ten large jewels, they didn't all fit in her hand so she merely showed the contents of the bag. "I didn't know how many you needed so I pulled a few strings to get them for you. I've been around long enough that a few people owed me... You can go home now."
Zerdu just stared at the jewels with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open. After taking in the vision for a few moments, he closed his mouth and blinked a few times. "H-h-h... I... I..." He grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss. After almost a full minute, he pulled back, still holding her in his arms. "How can I be so lucky as to have met you?" He gave her another quick peck on the lips. "I can never repay you for what you have done for me. But I will damn well try. If there's anything I can do, ANYTHING, just ask. And please, do ask for something, sometime. It's too much for me to not ever do anything for you."
Adaire smiled and replaced the jewels in the bag. "It's enough to see you go home Zerdu. I will be happy to know that you have returned to your home and your people... And maybe perhaps you would take me with you?" She asked almost as though waiting for a rejection.
"If you're willing to come with me, I'd be more than happy to bring you! How could I not? You're beautiful. You're smart and funny. And you produce gold. I wouldn't leave you unless you absolutely refused." He kissed her deeply again. "And of course, I might have started having some feelings for you. More than just gratitude, that is."
Adaire blushed darkly again and pushed her hair back. "Just lead the way, I can fly us or we could walk a ways. I might have wanted to come with you because I feel more than responsibility towards you." Slowly Adaire kissed him, putting her arms around his shoulders. It was a sweet kiss, but held a hidden heat behind it.
Zerdu returned the kiss, draping his arms around her waist. He could still hardly believe that he would be able to go home, all thanks to the woman in his arms. He broke the kiss, impatient to finally go home again. He looked into her eyes and said "We could fly some of the distance, but I wish to be able to feel the soft ground of my home under my feet when we get there."
"Then we had better fly fast." She got a devilish gleam in her eye as she grabbed him and took to the skies. It took only a few flaps to send them high into the sky and then they began to soar through the sky at an amazing rate.

It didn't take long before the land began to get swampy beneath them and Adaire flew low to the ground and dropped Zerdu from about three feet up. She herself remained in the air and hovered there with a slow flapping of her wings keeping her airborne.
Once more, Zerdu was being carried through the air by his angel. He felt safe in her arms, yet he was still uncomfortable being so far off the ground.

Zerdu couldn't help but to smile as he started smelling and seeing smells and sights he hadn't seen in far too long. He was rather shocked for a moment as he was dropped, yet he managed to to land fine. He slowly stood, feeling the soft ground under his feet. He let out a loud hiss of happiness, being so close to home again. He started walking deeper into the swamp slowly. He was still in the outskirts, where the trees were tiny compared to what was further in. He looked over shoulder at Adaire. "Come now, we're not there yet!"
Adaire delicately landed on the wet and soggy ground. She was quickly thankful that she weighed next to nothing. She had a feeling if she were much heavier that she would sink into the swampy ground. Slowly she picked her way after Zerdu and grabbed his hand. "This place is very unfamiliar..." Honestly she was a bit uncomfortable in a new place, but it was so pretty here and she could appreciate the variety of plant life.
"To you maybe! To me... It's so close to home... So many familiar plants and smells and animals and bugs and..." He trailed off as he kept leading Adaire deeper into the swamps, where he thought he heard something familiar. He stopped and sniffed the air, hoping to smell something familiar. He grinned widely, knowing what was about to happen. And before he could say anything, the sound of many legs trampling towards them, only moments before a large spider came through the undergrowth. Zerdu let go of Adaire's hand and lept towards it, grabbing it around the throat and jumping onto it. "Azyandra! Zheah'le haraz!" He yelled, his voice filled with happiness.
Adaire leapt backwards and flapped her wings once, sending her high into the air. "What the hell is that thing? Thats the biggest spider I've ever seen!" Adaire stared wide eyed at the giant spider below her and to Zerdu on it's back. She was obviously startled by the giant spiders appearance.
"This little thing here," Zerdu said, stroking the spider's head, making it emit a little squeal of joy. "is Azyandra! My spider, who has been waiting for me the whole time I've been gone!" He kept petting the spider, who in return wriggled in delight at him finally returning. "And I see father has kept you well fed as well! Or is it just that you haven't been getting all your exercise with me gone?" He asked, with the spiders squealing in return.
"Little?!" Adaire scoffed and landed quite a few feet away. She was very wary of the giant spider. "So what exactly do you do with that? Is it like a pet?"
"A pet. A mount. A friend. And truly, she is small compared to some of the ones we use." He kept petting her. "Yes you are! Just a little one!" He patted the large back of the spider behind him and smiled at Adaire. "Come! Ride with me! You've flown me all the way here! Allow me and Azy to carry you further!"
Adaire stared bewildered at him. "You want me to get on a spider? Up there? Um... I've never even ridden a horse let alone a giant spider!" Adaire approached slowly and stared up at him. "I don't know if I can..."