
  • Thread starter Karsikan the Berzerker
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Karsikan the Berzerker

Original poster
I'm just checking to see who wants to Attempt Role-playing in the Grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, Only this time we will not be serving the Left Hand, But the Deathwatch.
FUCK YEAR. either heavy bolter bro or templar "imokayjustdontputanypsykersnearme"/" COME AT ME BRO" will rise.
I figured you'd be down, I'll see about trying to make up some of the un-mentioned chapters, at least until the Deathwatch supplements come out.
So we have four including myself in the span of a couple of hours, I'll let this go till saturday then see what we have player wise.
Just started playing Deathwatch and Dark Heresy.

Grimdark is dark indeed.
Just started playing Deathwatch and Dark Heresy.

Grimdark is dark indeed.
Isn't this game the same shit as Dark Heresy but without the ability to make interesting characters?
And the same lame group who can't stay active.
Well see how it goes with Spess Mehreens, Though if you want to bring in an Inquisitor Vates, Asmo. I could find a place for that.