Dead for Dead

"Yep," She said placing it all on two plates before setting them aside to move the pot into the sink, wrapping her arms around her middle as she turned to smile at him. As she looked around her as she fought not to shiver, "Thanks for all this." She said looking down with a small smile, "It's been a while since I've had any sense of normally." She said smirking to herself at the thought of any kind of normalcy.
Todd smiled softly as he looked down to her, " No promlem sonya, Ive always been a bit soft hearted, but I can see it has brought me some good. ", he smiled as he said this then grabbed a couple glasses and poured them both some orange juice, he then took the plates and placed them on the table next to the silverware, after they both sat he rose his glass to her. " Cheers ", he said as he looked across the table smiling.
She smiled weakly tapping her glass against his, "Cheers" She said as she took a tiny sip. Setting the glass down, she looked down at the food her stomach in knots, she was hungry but she wasn't used to all this and it did make her nervous. Glancing out the window she smiled slightly to herself the rain always had calmed her and it was just barely a drizzle now.
Todd on the other hand was starved, but he didn't show it. He returned her smile and and went to his meal. The food was absolutely delicious, as it always was. He then realized that she wasn't really paying any attention to her food, " You know, you should probably eat. It would help you relaxe a bit and it's the key to a decent nights sleep. ", he said this with a light chuckle, he was simply attempting to lighten the mood, try to help her relaxe a bit. She might actually sleep if she relaxed, he then grabbed a piece of toast and piled some eggs and bacon on top of it, he then folded the bread in on itself making kind of a sandwich. He took a bit, wiped his mouth with his napkin, and set the food down.
"Oh right, sorry I'm not used to eating this much." She said with a small laugh, taking a small bite. As she closed her eyes swallowing, "You've outdown yourself I haven't had real food in months this is perfect." Sonya smiled winking across the table at him as she continued taking small bites, her eyes lingering out the window on to the street below.
He smiled softly as he listened to her talk, eating while she did. After he finished his plate he took it up to the sink and began to wash it. " I lived like that for a while when me and my family weren't on very good terms. Then I finally decided to come crawling back because I got sick of it, and ofcourse I started to run out of places to stay. ", He said this and almost instantly memories of him and his friends running the streets floated into his mind. Looking back towards her with a smile he simply asked, " So is there anything imperticular you wanna talk about? Don't mind me though, im not trying to pry. Just simply trying to make conversation. " He said this with light chuckle as he cleaned his plate.
Sonya stood slowly, walking back over with her plate half full she blushed. "Sorry I'm not used to eating much, uh talk about? Well what do you do for a living?" She asked setting her plate down as she sipped her orange juice, setting it down beside the plate grabbing a towel drying the clean dishes as he washed.
Todd smiled softly as he took the plate from her, he emptied the remaining food into the trash and then placed the plate in his sink. " Umm, well I guess you could say I'm a clean up guy for my father. I take care of the situations he doesn't want to get his hands dirty with. ", after he said this he began to wash the dishes from there light dinner. " But, I guess you could say it's a bit more than that. To tell you the truth i'm kind of a body gaurd for him, he lives in the building next to this one. ", after he said this he placed the clean dishes in the drainer to dry. " It's damn good pay, and no one ever really crosses me, well no one crossed me before I was employed by him either, just makes my life a little easier. ", he said this with a smile, too bad he didn't share the dark side of his job.
Sonya only nodded her head, "My fathers business was like that, unfortunately he crossed the wrong man and well we're no longer in the family business I guess you could say." She said with a shrug as she turned leaning back against the counter. Looking around the apartment a thoughtful look crossing her face as she turned offering him a genuine smile. "Thank you." She said softly, a blush creeping up her cheeks.
He smiled as he looked over, seeing the thought in her face. She was truly opening up to him, and it seemed she was warming up a bit as well. Not physically mind you, but mentally and spritually she was finally opening up. His smile continued as he returned her thanks, he had no idea why. But, he figured it was simply for the kindness he had shown her. " But, please, dont let all this talk of business get you down. Umm, I have netflix. Anything impaticular that you like to watch? Im usually quite a night owl, so I decided to get it one night, and it hasn't steered me wrong yet. ", he said this with a playful chuckle, it was true. He was starting to get a bit of interest in this "japanese anime" that was all the rage with the teenagers. He finally finished cleaning the kitchen, then wandered over to the couch and offered her a seat.