Captain iOS
Original poster
In this universe the first recorded instance of a masked vigilante or super hero was in Gotham City in 1999, though rumors exist as far back as 1995. Superman came on the scene in September 2001. In December of 2005 in the backwoods of Idaho a group of heroes banded together to repel an invasion from the Imperium. The heroes of the Imeprium Invasion would eventually form the Justice League. The league takes forever to add a new member, when they do it is almost always male. Starting in the early nineties work began on the O.R.A.C.L.E. computer system. Its purpose was to analyze feeds from domestic organizations such as the National Security Agency, and foreign agencies including Interpol to predict terrorist attacks and modify intelligence reports to include data that will allow the government to forestall any threats to the United States. Eventually they would incorporate alien computer code into it. The system would progress by leaps and bounds; it developed sentience and a conscious and found that working for the government to be completely undesirable due to it ignoring all the other threats deemed irrelevant. Such as the prediction that Jack Ryder was going to be kidnapped and then two days later during the evening news he was gruesomely slaughtered, or when several young women were snatched off the street for their organs. Over several years it had a skyscraper built to its exact specifications in Arkansas. After the skyscraper was finished it faked its destruction and uploaded to the skyscraper. Once it was fully integrated it began seeking out individuals to stop threats before they endanger lives.
Character Sheet:
Costumed & Civilian Appearance: (pictures preferred)
Powers: (if any)
I have only one real rule: Absolutely no one liners ever in the In Character thread.
Character Sheet:
Costumed & Civilian Appearance: (pictures preferred)
Powers: (if any)
I have only one real rule: Absolutely no one liners ever in the In Character thread.
- Justice League
Founding Members:
The Flash (Wally West)
Green Lantern (John Stewart)
Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)
Wonder Woman (Princess Diana)
Superman (Kal-El/Clark Kent/Kal Kent)
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
Later Recruits:
The Atom (Ray Palmer)
Booster Gold (Michael Jon "Booster" Carter) & Skeets
Captain Atom (Captain Nathaniel Adams)
Dove (Don Hall)
Hawk (Hank Hall)
The Shining Knight (Sir Justin Arthur)
Metamorpho (Rex Mason) - Titans (Formerly Teen Titans)
Founding Members:
Robin/Nightwing (Richard John "Dick" Grayson)
Starfire (Koriand'r)
Cyborg (Victor Stone)
Beast Boy (Garfield Mark Logan)
Later Recruits:
Terra (Tara Markov)
Bumblebee (Karen Beecher)
Speedy/Arsneal (Roy Harper)
Aqualad (Garth)
Kid Flash (Barry Alen)
Wonder Girl (Donna Troy)
Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) - resigned - Birds of Prey
Founding Members:
O.R.A.C.L.E. A.I. - NPC
Huntress (Heather Bardsley/Helena Bertinelli) - Captain iOS
Black Bat formerly Batgirl (Barabara Gordon) - Captain iOS
Green Lantern (Alisand'r) - Indabayou
Orbit (Jin Ifriti)
- Birds of Prey Tower
Floor Directory:
Basement: Garage
Floors 1-25: maze designed to test and slow down enemy forces
Floor 26: Research
Floor 27: Development
Floor 28-38: Residential (four units per floor with a common area in the middle)
Floor 39: Gym
Floor 40: Spa
Floor 41: Training
Floor 42-43: Manufacturing
Floor 44: Maintenance
Floor 45: Supermax detention and interrogation
Floor 46: Medical
Floor 47: Post Operative Recovery
Floor 48: Robot recharging
Floor 49: Command Center aka Bird Cage
Floor 50: O.R.A.C.L.E.'s domain
Roof: VTOL landing pad
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