In light of Screwattacks most recent Death Battle titled "Superman vs Goku 2" I was left with a desire to play these characters, but not like that.
Thanks to DC villain, Darksied, a multiverse ripping Convergence takes place that merges the worlds of Dragon Ball: Earth and Pre-Crisis: Earth. Thanks to the initial panic of the convergence, a small war takes place until the doubles of Earths Greatest Heroes meet up and stop the fighting. Goku and Superman calm their fellow fighters.
Would a RP like this interest anyone?
Thanks to DC villain, Darksied, a multiverse ripping Convergence takes place that merges the worlds of Dragon Ball: Earth and Pre-Crisis: Earth. Thanks to the initial panic of the convergence, a small war takes place until the doubles of Earths Greatest Heroes meet up and stop the fighting. Goku and Superman calm their fellow fighters.
Would a RP like this interest anyone?