Dark Wysteria: Chakra Dovazs

  • Thread starter Canticle Van Darq
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Canticle Van Darq

Original poster
[ OOC This One-On-One is for @ChakraD ]

It's been a nightmare -- this past day. You lay in your bed trying to calm down. Trying to focus... to achieve balance. Jacq and Dora Waydottir are dead. DEAD. After countless decades of faithful service to Lady Wyst and Dark Wysteria, they are dead. Dead by the hand of the treacherous Dark Poppins, along with at least one Dark Mime sentinel and an innocent homeless man who evidently just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Another Dark Mime lays in a bed dying.

The Estate has been secured. Security increased. You are safe with the Vengeful Spirit of the Duchess literally sitting in your suite, guarding you. You are exhausted, but you cannot sleep.

You have always been proud of your skills in tarot reading. You've been extremely blessed with your supernatural ability to talk to spirits and guide them into the afterlife. You're immersion into the Beyond has enabled you to help countless souls find their path.

But right now, your concerns are more with the living. Without goblin fruit, the Dark Mime sentinel will most assuredly die. A war has begin. No, two wars. The Mage War are ramping up. And now the Dark Poppins brings a war with the evil taint of Autumn. On this side of the "Divide" you feel helpless. You need to seek help. And there is only one place where you feel you can find it.

You get up and get dressed. The Duchess, of course, is horrified. Certainly you must stay here where she can protect you! You explain to her the pain in your soul, and she understands. She is all too familiar with such pain. A little before midnight, you walk down to the foyer and encounter Pat Cortez. On a whim, you ask her if she would drive you to your family. Seeing that you are obviously upset about something, she agrees. In fact, she whistles up Jiffandra and they both take you.

As you pile into the car and roll out of the Estate through newly-set iron gates, you give them directions on where to take you. Your destination is the only place you feel you can go for spiritual guidance: the heart of your family in Southwest Clover -- to Margariti Kozca, the wise and beloved Gypsy Matriarch. And even though it is now well past midnight, you didn't even need to tell anyone you were coming. Mother Kozca is ALWAYS available for her "children".

Within a few minutes of arriving, you are settled in the Mother's parlor sipping hot tea. Pat and Jiffandra are being entertained by some of the Kozca boys. You know they will behave. Since you are family, it means that Pat and Jiffandra are "family" also.

Mother Kozca moves closer on the settee to you and squeezes your hand. "Now, dearest Chakra... tell me. What is troubling my little one so gravely."

Dark Wysteria
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The words come haltingly at first and then tumble out faster and faster. I try to explain the happenings of the last day, the attack, the deaths, the Dark Poppins and my emptiness to Mother Kozca. None of it seems to phase her. Either she is well aware of the goings on at Dark Wysteria or simply accepts even the most fantastical stories as fact.
"How is it that I didn't see this coming? That's my job, my purpose, my reason for existence. They weren't supposed to die. I should have known, should have warned them, should have saved them… should have known…. " drawing a ragged breath.
"The cards spoke of change, but no hint that it was to be so devastating. What did I miss? I have failed them. Failed them all. How can I be of help if I miss something this important? What else have I missed? How do I go on? How… how…. How can I even trust what I see anymore?" finally sinking into silent sobs.
Mother Kozca grasps your hand tightly, "Oh dear sweet child. We are not gods. We are not even the Fates. We are diviners of things that have happened, things that are happening, and things that are to come. Yet, the knowledge we gleam from the myriad streams of the many aspects of the Great All do not come to us printed in big friendly print with numerous footnotes." She chuckles lovingly, "No. It comes from symbols and shapes and shadows. It comes from feelings, expectations, and fears. It is generated from mysteries and often leaves more questions than answers."

She waves her hand in the air in a sort of dismissive gesture. "We are used to reading the cards for various patrons, giving them a bit of friendly advice and guidance, and then sending them on their way to make of it what they will... to do with it what they will..."

She stops briefly and pushes the untouched cup of tea she had poured for you and indicates to you that she wants you to drink and to become calm. "Chakra, we are at war. You are no longer a mere Spiritualist. You are now a Spiritual Warrior. Your sub-consciousness understands this, but your consciousness looks elsewhere. That is why the conflict. That is why the feeling of failure and helplessness. Chakra, no longer can you read the cards and say to others 'Here is what you might do'. Now you must read the cards and say to yourself, 'This is what ***I*** must do."

She takes a sip of her own cup of tea, strokes her chin a bit, all the while watching your reactions. Then she says, "Tell me child. When you read your cards, do you only read cards? Or do you also fathom the bottom of your cup? Or cast the runes? Or ask your Dreams to verify what you have seen in the cards?"

Dark Wysteria