Dark Flowers

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Aiden had arrived home within a few minutes, nearly being pulled over twice for reckless driving, he was on a street bike, there was hardly any reckless driving going on except for Aiden going twenty miles over the speed limit past a school zone. School was still in so no little bastards were trying to cross the street on his way to collect his bastard. He had gotten home with the worry that Jax had been taunted into the shadows again and was gone, until he opened the garage and sitting in the middle of it, was Jax. The lights shining on every inch of the space, illuminating the pale boy, sitting cross legged as if it was the first time Aiden had met him. He must have calmed down enough to be sitting in such a relaxed manner. His Emerald eyes lifted and upon seeing Aiden taking off is helmet, Jax gave a big sigh of relief but refused to move for some time.

Aiden set his helmet on the floor and took a spot on the floor in front of Jax, his voice cracking as he tried to explain. Sounding more like a father than a friend "Jax, Allen killed Sarah. They will be looking for you soon once someone claims that they saw you before the lights went out. I promised I would always be here for you, and this time I'm not asking...I'm telling. Allen is too dangerous to be out in public, she's killing people Jax. Innocent people. You need to come with me to my work. She needs to be contained" He had tried so hard to find a home for Jax, figuring that a new safe environment would keep Allen at bay. When Aiden first met Jax, he was homeless and on the run from himself. Aiden didn't have a home fit for the boy so he found one. He found Sarah and for years he didn't hear from Jax figuring that Sarah brought the safe home environment that would keep Allen happy. Perhaps it was the wrong thing. Aiden gave a sigh and looked to boy over, he was a cute kid, a rather handsome kid. And Aiden feared that with Allen, Jax wouldn't be able to live normally, wouldn't find love... it would crush him to see that happen. Perhaps if Jax was at the lab, he could find proper friends and find a safe home, maybe even a relationship.

His eyes fell on the boys cuts, like fresh claws hidden by his shirt, this cuts were from Allen. Jax could keep her contained for a while with his mind, but Allen used physical pain to escape when Jax denied her. She clawed him from the inside out, and one day he could push her too far and she could kill him. Aiden didn't ask, before lifting up the boys shirt, and Jax straightened out to let him.
"I take it you tried to stop her?" He asked, knowing already what the answer was. Lowering the bloodied grey shirt.

Jax only nodded, knowing if he denied Aiden would know instantly that he was. He knew he had to go to the lab, Allen was too dangerous and not even Aiden was safe from her.
"I'll go with you this time... if you let me drive..." That wasn't a bad offer right? He'd get to drive the bike and Allen wouldn't be deadly in a lab full of light. Aiden nodded and Jax jumped up with excitement, skipping to the bike and jacking Aiden's helmet from the seat and putting it on. "Can you fix me up when we get there?" Jax had to ask. Hoping someone could. A nurse or whomever. "There is a boy in the lab who can heal you. I can ask.."


"This is my office, you can stay here for a while. Leave the lights on as much as you want, I dont pay the power bill, later today I'll talk to corporate about giving you a room"
Aiden nodded, slipping off his helmet off Jax's head, making a mumble of 'mine'. He gave Jax a look over, they had to stop and buy more clothes for the boy. Even a few band aids so he wouldn't bleed out. Jax's torso was wrapped in Gauze, but he had a new shirt to cover it. And new clothes, Aiden insisted that Jax buy converse, that it would 'make him more popular' however Jax knew it was only because Converse were Aiden's favorite brand of shoe. Jax zipped up his new sweater and used a comb he carried to brush his hair, luckily no blood got on it. The bright blue and orange streaks still shined with vibrant color. Aiden gave Jax the bag of gummy worms and slipped out of the room, closing the door to keep the boy hidden. He needed to find Tristan, he knew of the boys healing capabilities but didn't know if he should ask something like that.

But he found Tristan, with a few others. Yuu and Lucien sitting together at Aiden's table, giving the boys demented looks. Aiden shrugged, what else was new. Aiden walked over to them and took a seat at one of the free seats, leaning in to speak to them where no one else would hear. His voice was low enough but it could still be heared.
"Hello boys, I'm sorry to bug you but, I have one of my friends, his cut up really bad and I just need some help to get him healed before he gets a room here. I'll help you in return I promise. You don't have to, I'm not forcing you to, but it would be greatly appreciated." Aiden said calmly, if Tristan could help it would allow him and Jax to meet and that would be another step for Jax to be comfortable here. Aiden could only hope.

Tristan's attention was drawn from Issac and his food by the swift approach of Aiden, and his first reaction wasn't to worry about himself but the others around him and he tensed when the doctor sat down in the empty seat next to Rein. His bi-colored eyes flickered from the intruding doctor to the other boy and then back again. He didn't bother to hide the look on confusion on his face as Aiden started to talking to them about why he was there, more to the point, he was telling Tristan why he was there. Though he seemed calm, Tristan could hear a small hint of of worry and panic in his voice. Tristan scooted his chair back and stood slowly, nodding his head, trying to keep his face as blank as possible. It was clear that Aiden didn't want the others around to hear what he was saying so he didn't want to give anything away by his expression or body language. It didn't matter to Tristan that the doctor had offered to help him if he helped his friend or that he was being asked to help not told, though he did appreciate that bit. Someone needed his help, and if it was within his power to help, then he would at least try. He grabbed his tray and took it over to the nearest garbage can then waited for Aiden to lead the way.

Aiden gave a sigh of relief, thank the heavens. His heart was beating so fast with the fear that Tristan would have said no, but now that he did it was a huge relief. Aiden sat up straight and looked to Issac and Rein "He should be back shortly. Sorry to bug you" He was sorry, after he made a scene running in a hurry to get to Jax and then showing up only to take Tristan away from them. Knowing he may have attracted the attention of the other scientists. And right now Jax did not need that type of attention. Specially not from Lucien and Yuu. Aiden stood up and made his way towards Tristan and out the door, not making eye contact. He could lie through his teeth if he needed to, that was not the problem. The problem was fixing up Jax. Aiden slowed down in the halls so Tristan could catch up, realizing that he was walking too fast. Clearing his throat once Tristan was within ear shot, Aiden spoke "Thank you for doing this.. I didnt mean to take you from lunch or your friends, I'll get you guys something better to eat next time." Aiden turned right into the hall, only one door was presented, and that was his office. "Jax has a lot of scars. I'm not concerned about those, he has new cuts and I tried what i could to stop the bleeding but they are bleeding through the gauze." Aiden fished in his pocket for his keys, he usually never locked his office door during the work day, but with Jax not well inside, Aiden had to take precaution.


Jax gave a sigh, placing the last gummy worm on his tongue and retracting it. Sucking on the sour powder it held, his jade eyes scanning over the walls and the pictures. Aiden had a lot of pictures of his sister, Jax had stared at them for a long time, what seemed like hours. Jax knew her nickname must have been Bumble-Bee, only from the tattoo behind Aiden's ear. Jax had been an only child, or wouldn't have been if he wasn't given away at such a young age. He thought long and hard about where he would have been if Allen hadn't killed. He would have been starving or possibly dead. Jax never chose cannibalism as a method of feeding himself, not even Aiden knew about that. But when he was hungry, when night hit it was always Allen who kept him alive. He owed her so much. Jax stared at Aiden's high school graduation photo and wondered what it would have been like to have someone who was human take care of you. Someone who lived like normal, and didnt need to live in darkness to survive.

Jax heard the door jiggle, like a key was being entered into it, and his heart skipped beats. His hand reached into his back pocket and slowly pulled out a small switchblade. Just in case it wasn't Aiden. Jax's eyes lit up and his body shifted into a high crouch, striking stance. He waited. The door opened and Aiden's wide eyed look gave Jax relief. The boy retracted his blade and gave a shy smile once he noticed a boy behind Aiden. Jax cleared his throat, not noticing that his right arm was caked with dried and wet blood. He had taken off his sweater, it now rested on top of the horse blanket.
"Umm, Hello.. I'm Jax. Niice to meet you" was that being polite enough? Jax couldn't remember if it was, it had been a long time since he was able to speak like a human. His voice was soft, yet rough from the screaming of pain he had done in the past. But he tried to make his voice sound as nice as possible. If that boy was going to heal him, he better be nice.
~Yuu Nozomu~
@Leucothea @WitchesRayvyn @Karo @Lucian Ravenscar

Yuu watched the unfolding events with intense eyes. His food had gone basically uneaten, but he had done a good bit of dissection starting with the cake. He had managed to cleanly remove all of it's frosting without causing a single rip or tear. The bits of fruit no longer had their skins, which he removed with the same precision as any proper surgeon would. His eyes never left the boy's table, however. He did not even seem to register that Dr.Lucien was sitting with him still. His eyes flicked to Isaac when he saw his powers go into affect and the fear subside. He gave a small flick of his tongue and stabbed his cake with the plastic fork, his smile disappearing slightly.

His eyes flicked to Tristian then and he saw the amount of fear rising up in him. It almost made Yuu laugh that just his eyes could instill horror. He had never even touched these boys, and yet they cowarded away from him as if he was their alcoholic father. He grinned at that thought, and spooned a bit of ice cream, bringing it up to his lips, but was just about to bite down when something caught his attention.

Aiden came running back in, no composure as he sat down at the boys' table. His massive form leaned against it as he address one child in particular...Tristian. A twinge of jealousy suddenly rose up in Yuu. He had claimed Tristian, well with his eyes. And in his mind Aiden was partially his property too. Why would his property communicate without his eyes. He let a small growl escape his lips as the jealousy rose. Why was he jealous though? Aiden was his own man, and Tristian was not assigned to a doctor, yet. Yuu had no right to claim people...did he?

Yuu grumbled and let the malicious anger cross his face as the two rose and left. His eyes darkened then and he let out a small hiss, but quickly composed himself as he brushed a bit of hair from his face and put his focus back on Dr.Lucien, waiting for him to speak. After a couple of seconds, however, the jealousy was unrelenting and almost torturous as he stayed where he was seated, waiting at least until Lucien was finished before he would leave to fullfil his curiousity. His eyes locked on Dr.Lucien as he watched him, then. Ingoring the rest of the cafeteria. He was possibly hoping by staring the man down, it would get him to finish his meal so Yuu could leave and find out what Aiden was hiding.
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Reactions: Leucothea
@Leucothea @Lucian Ravenscar @WitchesRayvyn

Rein was taken aback by the sudden approach of Dr. Aiden, blinking in surprise and discomfort as the man sat down in the seat next to him. From the way he spoke he didn't seem panicked, but Rein had spent enough time decoding the mannerisms of those around him to know he was far from calm. Rein watched him curiously as he spoke to Tristan, wondering who exactly he was talking about. It didn't surprise him when the older boy agreed, throwing his tray away and following behind the doctor. Rein sat there for a moment, confused by everything that had happened around him. Slowly he looked to Isaac, then to the cafeteria exit and stood. He wasn't fond of getting in the middle of particularly stressful situations, but he had to know what had happened to trouble the doctor enough to ask for Tristan's help. Quickly he pushed his chair out, not bothering to dispose of his tray, and followed behind the boy and the doctor as quickly as he could.

Rein had only rounded the corner when he stopped. His lungs burnt from walking so fast, he wasn't used to breathing so heavily. He slammed his arm into the wall beside him, using it to support himself as he gasped for air. He was fine… He assured himself, wrapping his other arm around his ribcage. He just went too fast, pushed his lungs a little too far... He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to calm down and breath. It was when he realized that the pain wasn't subsiding and the oxygen wasn't reaching his lungs that he began to panic. He slid down the wall, his few successful breaths short and sporadic, his mind screaming at his lungs to inflate.
@Leucothea @DoomyCakez

Tristan gave the others at the table a small smile as if to tell them not to worry before following after Aiden. His eyes flickered over to the table where Yuu and Lucien were sitting but quickly averted his eyes when he saw the anger in Yuu's eyes. He might not have cared before if Aiden had promised to do him a favor later, but he did now. What he wanted most in the world right now was to never be left alone with the purple hair man, and maybe Aiden could do that for him. He jogged after the taller man until he slowed and spoke once he was sure no one but Tristan would hear him. Tristan studied the man walking hurridly beside him and he wondered who this friend was that had the usually calm and collected doctor to act so out of character. He shook his head and gave a small smile, though there was no real joy in it. "Don't promise things you might not be able to deliver, but you're welcome anyway. I would have agreed to heal...Jax was it... even if you hadn't offered anything in return. Anything you might have done that would stop the bleeding will just make my job easier."

When Aiden opened the door and stepped in Tristan was surprised to see a boy around his own age, if not a little older, seated on a couch, his chest bare aside from the gauze bandages that were wrapped around his waist. A quick flash of reflected light flickered across his vision, and he had just enough time to see the blade of a small knife disappear before the boy cleared his throat and introduced himself. His bi-colored eyes did a quick sweep over Jax's body before gently pushing his way between the doctor and the door frame and into the room. He gave the other boy a friendly smile before coming to stand in front of him. "I'm Tristan, it's nice to meet you too Jax." he crouched down so that he was able to get a better look at the small wounds the covered the boys arms and chest before turning his attention to the blood soaked gauze.

He turned his head to look up at Aiden and nodded to the door "You might want to close that. The healing isn't always painless and I'm sure this isn't something you want the others to know about."

That said he turned his attention back to Jax and stood. "Do you have any injuries on your back? I'm only asking because it's usually easier to do this if the person I'm healing is laying flat." as he spoke he undid the buttons of his own shirt and slid it off his shoulders and place it over the back of what he assumed was Aiden's chair. Sometimes the healing caused a bit more blood to flow and he didn't want to get his nice shirt dirty if he could help it. While he was near the mans desk, he picked up a pair of scissors and brought them back with him to the couch. It would be easier and quicker if he just cut the bandages off once Jax was laying down. He knelt on the floor next to the couch and rubbed his hands together to warm them. "I'm ready when you are..." he tried to give Jax his best reassuring smile to help the boy relax. He'd been doing this to himself and others for nearly his entire life, he knew exactly what he was doing.
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Lucien watched curiously as Aiden came in and sat at the table of the three boys. He wondered what business the doctor had with them, particularly the boy with the healing ability, Tristan. He smirked as he watched the two leave, the younger one, Rein, following behind shortly after. "Interesting… What do you suppose that was about?" He tilted his head towards Yuu, pausing as he saw the dark expression on his face, replaced quickly by a more collected one. Lucien chuckled, completely unfazed by his stare. "Dr. Yuu, I'm not going to drink my coffee any faster with you staring at me like that. If you must go satisfy your curiosities, go on ahead. I'd rather you do that than maintain such reluctant courtesies."
~Yuu Nozomu~


Yuu felt heat reach his cheeks as a slight blush formed on his pale skin. He felt suddenly foolish, almost stupid for having suddenly acted so childishly. He disliked this way of acting and nodded his head apologetically to Dr.Lucien. He did not grace is comment with an answer, instead he poked at his cake silently with his fork and gave a small stir to his melted ice cream. He watched where Aiden disappeared for only a moment before rising with his tray, turning slighly to Lucien with an odd smile. He really did like the doctor, much more than some of the others. Hell, he ALMOST saw the man as an equal in mind. Yuu gave a slight nod of his head to Lucien then, turning slightly towards the entrance.
"It is rather, peculiar...is it not? I may just go check it out myself..." With that he gave Lucien a slight wave and put his tray away, walking rather robotically towards the entrance of the cafeteria.

Once he was through, he quickly started making his way down the hall, slipping his hands in his pocket as he started to hum the undertaker tune.
"dum...dum...dumdum...dum...dumdum dumdum dumdum..." His voice was rather monotone as he rounded a corner, but came to a stop at a rather odd sight. One of the boys was resting against the wall, gasping for air as they clutched their chest. The boy's eyes were closed as by his frantic breathing, Yuu guessed that he had over exherted himself. Yuu knew many of the issues with the boys here. This one was Rein. He had an acute case of what Yuu liked to call "Old man lungs." The boy could barely walk a lap around the outside track without falling over dead. Yuu simply watched him, his expression blank, but his eyes suddenly filled with the sadistic gayiety that other people's suffering always brought him.

He started walking towards the boy then, as he continued the undertaker tune.
"Dum....dum...dumdum...dum dumdum dumdum dumdum..." He stopped just infront of Rein and knelt down so they were eye level, an malicious grin slowly crossing his features as he simply watched the agony sweeping over the boy's face. His cold blue eyes narrowed as he leaned closer, his voice no more that a whisper as he spoke. "Does it hurt? So weak...are you going to let it take you so quickly, filth? It's almost...delicious watching the pain on your face...those tears...they rather look like the melted ice cream I just tossed out in the cafeteria...that is what you are, Rein...rejected, melted ice cream...Now breathe, filth. You are not dead...yet." He rose then and simply stared down at the boy, waiting. He would not help those who could not help themselves. His malicious stare and he loomed over him was almost too much, but he knew the drill. If he wanted to live, the boy would have to fight, just like Yuu had fought. None of these boys deserved special treatment. He never got it, so he would be damned if he gave it to any of them.
@WitchesRayvyn @Karo

Jax breathed in deeply, feeling the sharp sting in his lungs but also something he dealt with very often. Giving Aiden a quick eye, Jax focused on the boy in front of him, listening very carefully at what he said. He would need to listen anyways. The door to Aiden's office shut and so Aiden was gone, which did more to relax Jax. He laid down as purposefully told and shook his head when he was asked if he had any cuts on his back. Allen liked to go for the most sensitive spots.
Jax held his breath for a short time and stared at the light on the ceiling, glad that it was there because it was the only thing keeping Allen at bay. Jax closed his eyes, he wasn't a social kid, never have been. But it might have been better to start a conversation so Jax didn't have to focus on the assumed pain of healing. "I- uh... thank you for helping me."


Aiden wasn't up for leaving Jax alone at all, it only seemed fair that he stay to ensure that the lights stayed on while Tristan worked. However that would have made the situation awkward so it was best if Aiden left and stay out of Tristan's way. The man nodded and gave Jax a little childish thumbs up, after all, he had managed to sneak him into his office get Tristan to heal him and it seemed to be going good so far. Aiden's worried expression now the calm and relaxed one it usually is. He stepped out and closed the door behind him, not wanting to be in the room if Jax started to bleed once again. Blood and Aiden were not the best of friends. And Hemophilia was genetic in Aiden's family, luckily he never caught it. His eyes drifted around the halls, the walls and the floors whatever he could. The first to last sight was Rein, slumped over himself against the wall. Aiden was confused, but figured it would be best to check up on the boy and make sure he was alright.

As he got closer he noticed what was wrong. Now Aiden had naver talked to this boy before, even in the lunch room it had been very awkward and even more awkward when Aiden was walking towards the boy like a stranger and not a friend like he approached most. He glared at Yuu's presence, knowing fully well the man was pulling every 'you are filth and weak and i am above you' talk. Aiden couldn't stand it, his arms crossed and his own eyes glared daggers. Yuu was following them, butting into his own business just like Rein, Aiden knew what was going on and the fact that Rein was hurt and trying to breathe only put the anger on Yuu. Of course it was a bad idea to butt in anyways but Aiden couldn't help it. His fists where going white. "Yuu, Enough. Leave the kid alone" his voice slightly boomed in the hallway, and once again he felt the disconnection between his mind and his anger. Aiden had always been fit physically, he never had any heart problems or anything like that, so seeing Rein kinda put him in the same shoes as Yuu, he wasn't pleased about the boy being so helpless when he wasn't ever at that age. And yet, he felt sympathy and that could only bring him down under Yuu's level. Kneeling down Aiden put his hand gently on Rein's shoulder, feeling it slightly shifted from where it was supposed to be in the human body. He must have snapped it out of its socket. He could fix it, but it wouldn't feel good. "You alright, Rein?"
Isaac paused mid bite as Dr. Aiden came back into the cafeteria, watching as the man made a beeline towards their table. The logic in his mind went spinning down paths of deduction. Why was he coming over to them? Had they done something to interest, or worse, anger the man? He appeared calm enough, but looks were often deceiving. The blue light crept down from his eyes into his fingers, cold and tingling against his skin, itching to be thrown at the perceived threat. The temptation was great, but held in check behind the logic running through him. Not only did he not know the man's intentions, it was never wise to lash out at the scientists. At best, he could hope to be severely punished for such an act. At worst? He'd likely be sent down to Yuu's lab, to join in with all the screaming death that pooled in a rotten pile. Instead, the light was discreetly thrown as small darts into the floor, cutting through the tile with ease, before disintegrating into dust, the residue faintly smelling of salt and seawater. They left perfectly touch holes in their absence. The young man brought his arms up to rest his elbows again on the table, creating a bridge with his hands to cradle his chin, watching with intensity as Aiden sat with them.

The news he brought was strange, and somewhat unbelievable. He had brought another boy in, and they were injured? It sounded like a lie, a trap to lure Tristan, the healer, away from their group. Though, as a scientist, Dr. Aiden really didn't need to use a story like this. He could simply ask for the boy to come with him, and that would be that. Was this a test, then? To see how they would react? If it was, Tristan's reaction was a given, agreeing readily to follow and help this new boy. Moving without waiting for a response or reaction from the others at the table, Tristan was lead away by the Doctor. A seed of worry began growing in Isaac's stomach, twirling his spoon between his fingers. Should he follow? What would he be walking into? If Dr. Aiden had been honest, there really wasn't a whole lot he would be able to do anyway. If anything, he'd cause more harm than good being there. Besides, Yuu had left to follow them, and he wanted no part of that man. It surprised him slightly when Rein took off after the duo, watching as the boy disappeared down the hall. The worry twisting in his stomach grew, knowing full well that Rein should definitely not be running. In all the time he'd known the boy, physical exertion had spelled disaster. He was debating on following when he realized who he was now left alone with.

He eyed the man over, pressing back in his seat in an attempt to make himself less noticeable. With any luck, Dr. Lucien would be more interested in Dr. Aiden's behaviour, and leave.
Zaide had gotten a little worked up with the voice that it made him stop in the middle of the hallway. The cafeteria could wait, the voice was beginning to bother him. Not that it was working up any anxiety, it was just being annoying. The purple haired man resisted smacking his head to make the voice go away. He would be labeled as mentally insane. Labeled as mentally insane could have even more dire consequences than just being here. He was absolutely not eager to find that out.

'If I go to the cafeteria with them they will try to convince me to eat... "You're so skinny Zaide!" "You need to eat Zaide!" They will poison my food and I'll be foolish enough to eat it... Maybe after I eat that God forsaken food the scientists will open my body up and discover what causes my telekinetic abilities. They'll dissect me like some goddamn frog in school! And it'll all start with the food! Or maybe they're all waiting in there for me, with needles and scalpels ready to take me apart limb from limb. Maybe my "friends" will join them in draining my blood..'

He shook his head briefly, why was this voice so annoying? Why couldn't it leave him alone for just one day? He was about to make a turn when he immediately halted, overhearing some commotion going on around the corner. His purple eyes stole a small peek, only to see that the other purple haired man in the facility picking on the one who he believed to be named as "Rein". He brought himself back around the corner and remained hidden, hoping both the scientist and the boy didn't notice him. The purple haired man was by no means a coward, but he wasn't stupid enough to blindly step up against a scientist and appear threatening. Especially one who appeared to have the same devilish look as the one who prefers to be called "God".


Cohen had to report to the bathroom immediately after he felt the familiar dripping of blood coming out of his eyes and his heart pounding. This was his second persona's attempt to take over his body for the day. Unfortunately, this happened more than he liked to admit. Would he tell the scientists about this? Hell no. Would his second persona tell them? Yes, but just to rub it in their faces that he knew something they didn't. Just like the power he possessed. Only he knew about it and the scientists didn't, which was what made him especially special. That, and because said persona was the biggest asshole to both scientists and the boys. He was someone who awaited to be dominated. Cohen hated that, but his persona didn't. He would abuse his body to its limit whenever the chance was given. The snow white haired man could feel his body spasm lightly, the pounding of his heart banged roughly like a drum in his ears. He quickly rushed towards the bathroom and opened the faucet water, quickly closing his eyes and beginning to wash off the blood. He didn't dare open his eyes, not yet. He couldn't risk seeing the blood.
@Leucothea @DoomyCakez
Rein tensed as he heard the voice of Dr. Yuu and began to try to inch away, not wanting the sadistic man anywhere near him. It was futile though, and he could soon feel the doctor in front of him, his stare seeming to burn holes in Rein's skin. Reluctantly he opened his eyes, forcing himself to stare back at the doctor, despite the chill his icy blue eyes sent through him. "I'm… not weak." He whispered as strongly as he could, trying to match the man's coldness with his own. He couldn't let this man faze him. He had to calm down and breathe. He gasped, his vision pulsing. He needed to get up. He couldn't let anyone see him so weak, especially not this man. This evil, predator of a doctor. He reminded him of the boys who occupied his nightmares, preying on his weaknesses like they had before he was taken here. Letting him win meant letting them win yet again, like they had so many times before, leaving him in the same state, on the floor and fighting for air. So breathe Rein… He drew in a shuddery breath, longer than his more frantic ones before. He looked away from Yuu, instead focusing on his feet as he sucked in yet another breath. Yes… he could do this. It was just breathing. He had recovered from these fits before, in worse conditions, he was sure he could do it now. He just needed to find something to calm himself. But the doctor's presence was overbearing. Even if Rein regained his breath, would the man leave him alone? Surely he wouldn't forget about such a show of weakness. Even if Rein could walk away right now, before anyone else saw him this way, the others would find out somehow. Find out how behind his stony expression and distant demeanor, he was just a pathetic boy, unable to defend himself from those around him. With these thoughts he began to panic, completely losing himself to his fears as he began to hyperventilate, the sounds and objects around him merging into one big blur.

It was the feeling of a hand on his shoulder that pulled him from his petrified state. He hadn't noticed the pain in his shoulder until now and he pulled away slightly, the pressure of the hand sending a sharp burst of pain through his arm. His vision focusing, he slowly looked up the eyes of Dr. Aiden, locking in on them in an attempt to forget that the other doctor was still there, staring at him. They were softer than Dr. Yuu's, and Rein found their color comforting. Despite the fact that it was obvious he was not okay, he nodded in response to the kinder doctor's question, taking a slow, shallow breath. Aiden wasn't as intimidating as Yuu, and his presence allowed him to relax enough to steady his breaths a little bit more.

@Lucian Ravenscar
Lucien smirked as he watched Yuu exit the cafeteria, taking a drink of his coffee, unbothered by the temperature. He was curious about all the commotion, of course, but he knew he had no reason to go see it for himself. He could find out all he needed to know from Yuu, or Aiden, with the proper encouragement. For now, he had to find a new subject, and get back to work. He looked back to the table the three boys had sat at earlier, focusing on the only remaining member of the party. His new project. Lucien quickly turned back to his note pad, flipping to a new page and writing the boy's name at the top. Isaac Morely.

Lucien's eyes glinted with excitement as he gathered his things, then walked over to the table where the boy sat by himself, abandoned by his peers. "Isaac, please follow me." He said, the tone of his voice suggesting his order was more of a suggestion, though it was obvious there was no room for choice.
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Reactions: DoomyCakez
~Yuu Nozomu~
@Leucothea @Karo @Jessica2477

Yuu was taken slightly aback when he heard Aiden's voice suddenly booming next to him.
"Yuu, enough. Leave the kid alone." The pure rage that sudden filled Yuu was almost uncomprehenable. No one ever dared to question his tactics, because despite his ways being cruel and evil, he got the job done. How dare Aiden even think that he could question what Yuu did, when he had only ever made 1 mistake in his life. How many had Aiden made? In Yuu's eyes, countless. Yuu was perfect in every way, always right, always never to blame. Aiden was the complete opposite to Yuu. A blubbering idiot who had never grown out of his teen years. The sheer fact that the man could think that he was smart enough to tell Yuu what was right and wrong nearly sent the man into a frenzy. However, all of this was hidden behind an oddly calm demeanor as he meerly stepped back slightly as Aiden knelt down next to Rein.

The boy had actually been getting better on his own. He had almost made it out of the pit of weakness that seemed to keep dragging him down. He was almost just slightly better than the melted ice cream....almost not just filth, but the moment he doubted himself, the boy lapsed back into the same weakened state, locking eyes with Aiden as he tried to calm himself. Yuu found it sickening and taxing. He sighed and brushed his hand through his long hair, fighting back the pure rage that had built up inside of him. His ways were never wrong, but Aiden had just beaten him. Yuu growled, his body trembling with the sudden want to rip down the very walls of the facility. He was never wrong and now his mind was suddenly racing.

{How dare he come in and help that pathetic filth. I thought you were different Aiden. I thought you were like me. I thought you would be able to see as I do. I wish to help these boys just as much as you do. I wish to make them strong, not having the cowaring behind people like YOU. How dare you ruin that plan today. I almost had a breakthrough. Rotten Bastards all of you....you are all below me. Nothing more than filth and scum!.}

He clenched his fists in an attempt to calm himself, but nothing was working. He was trembling from head to toe in an attempt to not lash out. In an attempt to compose himself. He had been beaten, bested. Aiden may have won this battle, but Yuu would give him this little victory. He took a slightly shaky breath and glanced up at the two, still locking eyes. He felt another twinge of jealousy rush through him. Aiden was able to connect with these boys in a way Yuu never could. They both saw eye to eye on a number of things. Yuu had seen Aiden watching Rein. Aiden felt just as Yuu did about this, but he had handled it differently. Aiden was better than Yuu and that almost made him lose it again as his face reddened slightly, his eyes darkening until they were almost black. He looked demented, like a demon, hell-bent on destruction, but he would not give Aiden that satifaction of making Yuu lose his cool here.

He heard movement next to him and his eyes wandered to the corner of the hall, locking with Zaide's. He held the stare, his expression blank, but his eyes filled with the full hate and sadism he held inside. He tilted his chin up slightly and held the gaze long, rocking to boy to his very core. He growled then, the deep rumbling in his chest exiting his lips in a barely audible noise.
{They are all weak. Every last one of them. None deserve to live....None deserve to leave these walls still breathing...Nothing but rotten...unpure...filth...} He turned his gaze back to Aiden, letting his eyes wander over his form for only a moment before he turned and stepped off towards Aiden's office, the sudden hum of the undertaker tune filling the hallway. He past Zaide and let their eyes meet again. It was only a passing glance, but a glance that would forever hold a meaning in the boy's heart. Death, Hell,...evil.

"Dum...dum...dumdum...dum dumdum...dumdum...dumdum..." His heels of his shoes lightly clicked down the hall as his long mane of hair gently swayed behind him. He would find another way to let out his anger, but for now he wanted to fullfil that ever stabbing sense of curiousity. What had Aiden been so panicked about? Yuu would find out. The determination in his steely gaze was enough to attest to that, for everyone knew, when Yuu wanted something or wanted to know something, he WOULD have his way.
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Apparently, Isaac was not lucky. At all, as almost as soon as the vain hope had formed in his head, Dr. Lucien turned his way, fixing him with studious precision. Even before the scientist made a move, before he even uttered a word, perhaps even before the thought had crossed his mind, Isaac knew he was caught. He sank down in his seat, willing himself to disappear out of existence, as the scientist gathered up his belongings, heading straight towards him. He wished the other boys hadn't left, silently cursing Aiden and the maybe-not-real boy for the scene they had made, lifting his gaze up to meet the man's. "Isaac, please follow me." The words dripped like syrupy venom, the tone pointlessly polite. Steeling himself, Isaac rose from his seat, straightening his jacket, his shirt, anything in a fruitless attempt to stall for time. He forced a tight smile to his lips, not reaching his prismatic eyes.

"Lead the way."
Tristan took a deep breath to calm himself as he took the scissors he picked up earlier and slowly cut the gauze open, careful not to make any of the boys wounds worse. He tried not to cringe as he peeled the blood soaked fabric away from Jax's skin. The wounds looked like slashes or claw marks. He flicked his gaze up to the other boys face and saw that he had closed his eyes. He smiled at Jax's attempt at small talk, not the other other could see it. "You don't have to thank me. I couldn't say no to someone who needed my help. I've got these powers for a reason, so I might as well do some good with them." he rubbing his hands together again to make sure they were warm before placing them as gently against the largest wound as he could. "I'm going to warn you now. This could hurt, a lot. Every healing is different. It all depends on how badly hurt you are, and from the looks of it...well I'd just prepare for it to hurt quite a bit."

That said he closed his eyes and started to concentrate. Had someone been watching, they would have seen his hands start to glow a soft blue color. Slowly the glow would start to spread away from his hands, flowing like water over Jax's body, which is what it would feel like at this point to the boy as well. When the glow would reach a wound, it would flow inside. This is what would cause the pain depending on how deep the cut was and how much damage was done. Because there was a lot of damage to heal, it took several minutes for the glowing light coming from Tristan's hands to cover Jax from head to toe. If the other was in any pain, Tristan wouldn't have known. Once he entered what he called his 'healing trance' his other senses seemed to shut down, so that all of his energy, all of his attention was focused on the job at hand.

As the wounds healed, the light would slowly start to pull back towards it's source, only completely leaving an area once it was healed, not even a scar left behind. Nearly 20 minutes passed before the glowing slightly completely withdrew from Jax's body back into Tristan's hands. Once all of his power had returned to him, Tristan swayed slightly and fell to the side as a wave of dizziness over took him. This kind of thing happened after a particularly intense healing session, so he was expecting it, so he was able to stop himself from hitting his head against the near by desk by clinging to part of the couch. He slowly moved his exhausted body do that it was propped up against the side of the desk, his body bent so that his forehead rested against his bent knees. Though his voice was muffled and full of fatigue, Jax would still be able to hear him ask "Are you alright?"
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Zaide swallowed once when he saw the other purple haired man come around the corner. He had hoped the scientist wouldn't gaze at him, but those hopes were crushed. His eyes locked with Yuu's, but he masked all fear. Exposing fear was like a death sentence in this God forsaken place. The other man kept the stare, and Zaide had no choice but to keep his as well. Was it a bit nerve-wrecking? Oh yes, but after being there for so long, he learned to mask any fear. Once again, exposing it was a death sentence. It was when the man broke their gaze that he blinked a few times. It was like staring into the Devil's eyes; it was a miracle Yuu didn't take his soul from his body. He moved out of the man's way out of courtesy, their eyes meeting again. Once again, he masked all fear towards the other man. However, those eyes held nothing of light within them. They were smothered by evil and darkness, something Zaide feared most in this facility.


Cohen washed off what he felt was most of the blood and dried his face off with the collar of his shirt. He didn't want to look up, but he felt as though he had gotten rid of most of it. The white haired man would be fine, right? Right? Nope. He cautiously opened his eyes again, his dark eyes immediately spotting the fresh blood that dripped down his hand. He had no idea how it got there, but his eyes were unwillingly locked onto it. All it took was one drop of blood to activate his persona. Cohen froze immediately as his heart pounded in his chest. Black washed over the whites of his eyes while a dark yellow overwhelmed his irises. His blank face soon twisted into a chesire grin as this persona began touching his face. He had taken control and his p***y persona would have to wait until he slept to regain it.

He took in a deep inhale, then exhaled. "It's so good to be back~" He told himself as he ran both hands through his soft white hair, a dark chuckle reverberating around the bathroom.
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@WitchesRayvyn @Karo

Jax shook his head, he felt no pain, that was nothing compared to the pain of Allen tearing her claws through his being. Somewhere in his mind he could hear her breathing, hissing like a coiled snake in grass. It wasn't a threatening hiss or else he would have felt threatened emotionally. Allen couldn't attack with the lights on, every inch of it flowing through his pores, keeping her at bay. He heard things going on outside... voices... Aiden's loud and thundering into his skull as if he were yelling in Jax's ears, and it hurt. But he dare not show pain to Tristan, his eyes were closed so he couldn't see the boy but he felt it, tickling like water and the tugs on his skin as the water tried to merge the torn flesh together again. But Jax could barely feel that, it was as if someone was gently poking him. The noises outside made him concerned and he wondered if Aiden had gotten himself in trouble bringing a boy like Jax to the lab without clearance. They subsided and simultaneously so did the prodding feeling on his chest, was Tristan done already? Allen must not have hurt him that badly if it was only a small pain.

Jax heard Tristan's voice and opened his eyes, staring at Aiden's ceiling once again. Resting on his elbows first then pushing himself upright. Jax ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to not look so grungy, it was soft and that pleased him. Soft and fluffy, just like he loved it. Jax glanced at Tristan and smiled widely at the boy "Thank you so much, Tristan! I didn't feel a thing! That's a mighty fine power you got there!" Jax cleared his throat, deciding it would be best to act professional about the situation. A small hint of happiness still leaked from what he was trying to hide, sometimes the boy was just too happy. Allen must hate it. Jax looked around seeing it was only Tristan and him. "If you need to rest, you can use the couch. I'm sure Aiden wont mind." Jax smiled widely again, even though Tristan couldn't see it. Standing up, Jax walked around to the other side of Aiden's desk where a mini fridge sat under the desk. Jax had found it while he was exploring. Not willing to put his shirt back on his built body, he bit his lip grabbing a soda from the fridge. Walking back over and setting it down beside Tristan "Here, don't tell Aiden I took it. It's his secret stash of sugary things. But I'll tell him it was me." Jax giggled a bit and sat cross legged facing the tired boy. His eyes blinking slightly, almost like an odd twitching, it reminded Aiden of a fox flicking its ears. Emerald eyes shining brightly. But something was troubling Allen and Jax could feel it. "Whose the doctor with the long purple hair? The one that was outside with Aiden and Rein." Jax had never left the room, there was no way he would have known about any doctors or boys besides Tristan.


Aiden lifted his head as he saw Yuu walk away, sure he had just made an enemy. But that didn't matter now, Aiden turned back to Rein, finding a good way to explain whats wrong with his shoulder.
"Rein, it seems you dislocated your shoulder, when you fell. I'm going to have to force it back it, but its not going to be easy and it will hurt. I'll try and be fast with it" Aiden placed one hand fully behind Rein's shoulder, resting his palm a bit forcefully against the shoulder blade. The movement had been just enough for Aiden to glance at the boys chest, at a tattoo looking thing. It was the head of a reptile, Aiden guessed it was a snake, but the animal seemed to have no end. It fascinated Aiden, if he could look at it fully... No, he needed to fix Rein's shoulder. His free hand raised, palm up. Rein couldn't breathe, so asking him too would only make his lungs work harder, and thats not what Aiden wanted for the boy. With the force of a punch yet slightly less, Aiden's hand connected with the dislocated shoulder, pushing it back into place. A loud snap vibrated through the hall, it must have hurt extremely bad. Aiden cringed at the sound, biting down on his bottom lip.
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~Yuu Nozomu~

Yuu rounded another corner, his steps slowly as he came closer and closer to Aiden's office. His eyes were glued to it, like a sick obession wanting to see inside. His eyes widened slightly as a sick smile made its way across his face. "Oh..I wonder..I wonder..." He stepped around the last corner and came to a halt just down the hall from Aiden's office door. He clicked his tongue against his teeth and simply stared at the door for a second, but his mind seemed disconnected from his body. His brain was still racing, unable to comprehend that Aiden had done something better than him, that Aiden had bested him in something he thought he was perfect at.

He gave another growl as his eyes narrowed. He had almost come to his senses now, deciding it rude to invade in the man's business, but the instant he went to turn, he heard a voice. A voice very unfamiliar to him. A voice completely new...and young. He turned slightly back to the door and a sly grin slowly made its way across his lips.
"Peculiar...I wonder who that could be."

He stepped up to the door then and stood silently infront of it, simply waiting, until he heard a question that sparked his interest.

"Who is that long, purple-haired man with Rein and Aiden?" His eyebrow quirked. He had not seen anyone new in the hallway, so how would this new voice know they were there. His smile widened and he reached for the doorknob, grasping and giving it a light turn before opening the door. What he saw inside was rather...interesting. Tristian was there, obviously exhausted from something. Yuu guess from the bloody gauges on the floor and the half-naked boy next to it, that he must have been healing. Yuu's icy stared shifted to the new boy, however, drinking in his features, but the one that pleased him the most were the beautiful, emerald eyes.

He let his face relax then as a look of sheer amusement crossed his features and he was unable to suppress a small chuckle.
"So this is what Aiden was hiding..." His eyes narrowed slightly, but his face retained some of its warmth as he spoke again. "I assume you were referring to me just now, then? I am Doctor Yuu Nozomu, one of Aiden's co-workers...And you are?" His voice was light pure silk, velvet, exuding an odd warmth that the man rarely ever seemed to have. He let a genuine smile cross his lips, but he remained in the doorway, simply watching the scene unfold and waiting for this new guest to speak.

The boy was trying to make friends, easily it was trying to work but Jax couldn't be any nicer. He wasn't used to human interaction and him going to Aiden who brought in Tristan was enough human interaction to last him for a week. He would rather be bleeding out on the floor than be around people. Being a cannibal wasn't as bad as being social, however, if Jax was going to stay here then he would need to make friends. He heard footsteps from outside the door, assuming it was Aiden coming back in to see if he healed properly. Jax looked at his chest, the old scars were still there, a pinker layer of flesh where Allen had found her way to escape. The new cuts were gone, and it was a good thing. Jax was sure the largest one would have broken ribs, Allen really was too rough with his body. Yet the door opened and the boy realized that it wasn't Aiden, but another man. Tall with hair a color he had never seen before on a human, purple.

Jax stood up abruptly, this must be the man that was in the hallway. Calling a boy filth, and ice cream?. He looked young, too young to be a scientist, but he rattled Allen's chains. He could feel her bristling inside him, roaring in emotion he couldn't classify, one thing was certain. He smelt like blood. Jax was sure it wasn't his own, that blood was old, but it might have been. Jax stared into the man known as Yuu's eyes, unfazed by whatever charm they were trying to convey, his own saw right through that. This man was a killer, and he tried too hard to act nice. Jax didn't trust strangers.

Jax wanted to be rude, wanted to stab the tall man. Watch him bleed that glorious red liquid onto the hardwood of Aiden's floor. But that was not what Jax wanted, the boy was not violent unless he needed to be. The scientist known as Yuu had done nothing so far, Jax lowered his eyes to the mans legs, or rather in between them. He couldn't see Aiden from the hallway, he must have taken the boy Rein to his room. He couldn't be rude, Sarah had raised him better then that. Jax cleared his throat and spoke, his posture nearly perfect, and his eyes of vibrant jade returned to Yuu's. "My name is Jax Borne. Pleasure to meet you Dr. Desire" Nozomu. It was a word he had heard before, but he couldn't classify it from what he knew. Sarah had practiced foreign languages for years, trying to get into speech and pathology, to become a foreign speaker or something like that. Jax never payed much attention to what she tried to teach him. Had tried to teach him. Allen ended her life as quickly as the rest, the demon didn't care what Sarah was. Allen saw Sarah as a toy and she goes after her toys.
Rein's eyes darted away from Aiden to watch as Yuu walked away, taking another small breath in relief. With him gone and just Aiden here he could breathe a bit more freely. "Rein, it seems you dislocated your shoulder, when you fell. I'm going to have to force it back it, but its not going to be easy and it will hurt. I'll try and be fast with it" He bit his lip and nodded in understanding, still trying to focus on his returning breath. The last time he dislocated his shoulder he was 12, and he could still remember the pain of having it popped back as clearly as he had felt it that day. Still, he didn't tense as Aiden placed his hand behind his shoulder, despite the sharp pain it sent up and down his arm. If he could relax his body, it wouldn't hurt as much. Rein closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he waited for the onslaught of pain, drawing in the deepest breath he could. His shoulder seemed to be on fire as it snapped back into place, causing him to cry out slightly, though it was muffled behind his teeth. He opened his eyes and looked back at Aiden with a pained smile. "Th-thank you…"

@Lucian Ravenscar
Lucien smiled, quickly walking out of the cafeteria and down the hallway. He glanced in the direction of Aiden and Rein before looking back ahead, not paying any mind to the telekinetic boy, Zaide. He did want to experiment on him one day, maybe crack his head open and see what was inside, but that would have to wait for now. He had already decided on his new project for the day, and already knew what he wanted to test.

He continued down the halls, only stopping once he reached the second to last door. He grabbed the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door, stepping aside to hold it open for Isaac. He didn't say anything, just looked at him invitingly, an almost genuine look of warmth on his face.
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