Danmachi: The Second Coming

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I'll be posting so you may hold onto your socks sir.
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You may hold your horses as I just got home. Also I did say i'd be posting, but not when.
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Maybe if ya went to bed proper instead of playing games until 4 am you'd sleep better.
Yeah yeah same story different person.
Sorry for the wait kids! I will probably have a post up by this afternoon.
*rushes into the room, electro cart in tow.* IT'S FLATLINING! GET THE GODDAMN PADDLES READY. *A nurse flips a switch, and passes paddles to Elofaki.* CLEAR! *Trys to electroshock the rps heart back in rhythm.*

@chaosheart13 @Blitzfang43
I was gonna post after my session so hold on sir.
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I am prone to do as such. Just distracted with a party.
I would have assumed that she would be going inside around the same time as we were. Even though she may not like groups trailing behind one can help with the denial side of requiring aid outright.
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