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So all you D&D crazed people, I want to know something; what classes do you usually play and what are their intentions?
Normally I stay the hell away from mages because my dice fucking hate them. But my next character, who is the son of my last character (who was a reincarnated go, God of Rouges), might be a mage. You see, I typically play neutral characters and I have only once played a truly evil character, he was good but not as evil as I had first planned him to be.
But River (Archibald's son), oh dear lord this bastard is cruel. His story this far:
He ran away from home (after the first campaign Archie retired and moved his family away from the castle of heroes and to a farm on the outskirts) after not being at all happy or satisfied with his cushion life. So he gets in contact with a man named Slade, who is one of the best assassins. He and Slade set it up so that Archie would be led to believe that his son had been tricked by the assassins and knowing that his father would give up the world to save one of his children, pays off a village to threaten his (River's) life so that noble Archie would give his up. River, being the great actor he is, watched his father burn at the stake with crocodile tears. From there he knew that the fake story of a young man's ambitions caused the great fall of Archie, and that said young man was seeking redemption. But that's really not the case; River got off completely free of any accusation of his father's death. Nobody besides the assassins and the paid off village (which mysteriously burned down after River's departure from it) know the truth of everything.
That's my second evil character and i want to make him a mage but I am also thinking of evil paladin.
My question for you:
What is/are your class(ses), alliances and what is the best evil/good character you have?
Normally I stay the hell away from mages because my dice fucking hate them. But my next character, who is the son of my last character (who was a reincarnated go, God of Rouges), might be a mage. You see, I typically play neutral characters and I have only once played a truly evil character, he was good but not as evil as I had first planned him to be.
But River (Archibald's son), oh dear lord this bastard is cruel. His story this far:
He ran away from home (after the first campaign Archie retired and moved his family away from the castle of heroes and to a farm on the outskirts) after not being at all happy or satisfied with his cushion life. So he gets in contact with a man named Slade, who is one of the best assassins. He and Slade set it up so that Archie would be led to believe that his son had been tricked by the assassins and knowing that his father would give up the world to save one of his children, pays off a village to threaten his (River's) life so that noble Archie would give his up. River, being the great actor he is, watched his father burn at the stake with crocodile tears. From there he knew that the fake story of a young man's ambitions caused the great fall of Archie, and that said young man was seeking redemption. But that's really not the case; River got off completely free of any accusation of his father's death. Nobody besides the assassins and the paid off village (which mysteriously burned down after River's departure from it) know the truth of everything.
That's my second evil character and i want to make him a mage but I am also thinking of evil paladin.
My question for you:
What is/are your class(ses), alliances and what is the best evil/good character you have?